Spottedspirit shares their opinion on Twigpaw. Spoilers for AVOS!

Spoiler alert: this article uses Twigpaw’s warrior name, and talks about several things about her. You have been warned!
Okay. I know not a lot of you like Twigbranch but I also know a lot of you do. All of this is my opinion completely, so if you like Twigbranch, turn back now and don’t read this.
One reason I don’t like Twigbranch is that she doesn’t ever take action. She sits back and watches. I know that a lot of characters do, but she is a MAIN CHARACTER! Main characters take action when the climax of the story takes place. Good main characters are; Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Ivypool, Brambleclaw, Firestar, Cloudtail, ect, ect.
Another reason is that she’s pretty fickle. She has zipped so much from ThunderClan to SkyClan that I’mm starting guess she’ll create her own Clan in a Raging Storm! The mighty TwigClan! Twigstar! Twigstar! Just kidding. But seriously, she is pretty fickle.
Reason three is, she doesn’t deserve Finleap. He helped her in her decision to go back to ThunderClan and on the way there, she treats him like fox dung! She keeps flashing back and regretting the past instead of staying in the present to love Finleap. Finleap has things he regrets, too, but Twigbranch hasn’t fully supported him since he recovered from losing his tail.
Reason number four, and the final reason, is that she never listens to the ones that love her. She has a loving sister, father, mate, and she has Alderheart all supporting her. And yet, she is always lumbering around like a dead badger felling oh-so sorry for herself. Plus, she basically always talking to Alderheart or Finleap in a deadpan tone. Why? Because she feels sorry for herself for not having a mother, father, or sister with her at all times. Well, Twigbranch, you know what? Neither does Sorreltail! Sorreltail lost both Willowpelt and Whitestorm at a very young age, then she lost her siblings to a badger attack and greencough. One of them, was lost to the same greencough that killed off Molekit/paw. Then, her other kit, Honeyfern, dies from a snake bite. Later on, she loses yet another kit, Seedpaw, to a flood. True, she was dead for that, but she never got to see her kit grow up to become a full warrior. And you know what? Sorreltail is still one of the most cheerful cat in the series! So, my point is, Twigbranch is not the best character.
Thank you for reading my post!
I don’t agree, but good article!
You bring up a lot of good points, and they’re all really true. And while every character should have their flaws, Twigbranch doesn’t really have many good traits either. GOOD ARTICLE AND IMYSM SPOTTEDSPIRIT WHERE DID YOU GOOOO 🙁
Where did I go? Good question! 😛 HERE I AM!
pls come backk
why you here bro –
anyway yes spoto is very missed. “iLL bE gOnE fOr a mOnTh”, has literally been over a year :((
i am everywhere
not behind me though, are you
beep boop
not another one
you can not escape us rainie
they’re multiplying
yes another one
we are everywhere
much scare
you cannot stop us
you will not escape
i am everywhere and yet no where
so yes and no
will pretend i understand
I agree she totally ignores all her family members and finleap that’s why I do not respect her love is important
I don’t agree with this article. IF I did lose most of my family members, I would be VERY upset. Ten time worse then Twigbranch would be. Would you have called me fickle? I have to say this article does have it’s points, but most of the people would be upset if you lost most of your family.
I really like Twigbranch! She’s my second favorite of the main characters in AVoS- my first favorite is Needletail.
Turtle 🐢
I don’t hate Twigbranch but she was extremely annoying as an apprentice like I just couldn’t stand her at all. I prefer her sister. Also her warrior name is so bad I mean who in the writers room sat down and really thought that Twigbranch was a good name I mean seriously? That’s the best they thought of. Also she definitely doesn’t ignore Finleap anymore cause they’re together now. But she was extremely unlikeable and so whiny.
I strongly agree with you. I also think that she’s whiny, she’s always so sad for almost nothing, AND thinks that she’s always the unlucky one. I just hate her. And her warrior name…its literally insane. Twigbranch?? They’re the same thing!
Anyway, great article!
Twigbranch, in my opinion, is AWESOME. In Squirrelflight’s hope, Twigbranch doesn’t sit down and watch. Also,she DID find SkyClan!!!
I agree! But everyoen says otherwise. Violetshine is better, at least when it comes to storyline and how not entitled she is.
I always thought that Twigbranch was selfish and childish, thank you for voicing my opinion! I especially thought she was insensitive when she told Violetpaw that she was always sensitive, like, you’ve never lived with Darktail, what do you know?!
She’s honestly just so greedy and selfish. It’s all about Twigpaw. If she dosen’t get what she wants, she will litterally mope about it FOREVER. Remember when she literally ran away because apparently “nobody could EVER understand her”. YOU HAVE A SISTER, MATE, FATHER AND ALDERHEART ALL LOOKING OUT FOR YOU. Stop being so ungrateful! She litterally ran to try to find Skyclan, when THE ALL THE CLANS AROUND THE LAKE WERE SUFFERING, just for her father! She didn’t do anything before she found out that her father was there!