Sparktooth shares an interview with their sister about Warriors.

What’s going on, bloggers? Sparktooth is back, this time with my little sister! I was inspired by Lionfire’s article to make my own about interviewing my sister, who never really got into the series either. The final product is pretty funny. 😛 Enjoy!
Sparktooth: Now, Skykit, whyyyyyyy do you not like Warriors?
Skykit: I just…like…idk I couldn’t really get into the books. I mean, I only read like two or three that you’ve forced me to read…
Sparktooth: Which books?
Skykit: I read, um, I can’t remember the titles but it was one of those comic thingys. *Points to my dozens of Warriors books my my shelf.*
Sparktooth: Ohhhhhhh, was it those ones! Um, who were the main characters?
Skykit: Graystripe and Millie.
Sparktooth: Oh you read those ones! *Gets excited* Did you like Millie? TELL EVERYONE YOU LIKE MILLIE!
Skykit: Ah, um, sure I like her.
Sparktooth: YEAH! YOU HEAR THAT PEOPLE! *ahem* So yeah anyway why weren’t you interested in Warriors?
Skykit: Um……….idk I just feel like the plot wasn’t that interesting to me-
Sparktooth: How?
Skykit: I dunno, I mean, I just didn’t get into the series.
Sparktooth: Okay then *awkward pause.* So, out of all the books you read which character interested you the most? Even if the series wasn’t that interesting to you.
Skykit: Um, I really like Millie…but um, based on the articles I’ve read that you’ve written, I really like the, like, the one bad guy.
Sparktooth: Be more specific.
Skykit: MAPLESHADE! (I think he just named the first cat that came to her mind 😛 😛 ).
Sparktooth: Mapleshade is a girl
Skykit: Really?
Sparktooth: Did you just assume her gender?
Skykit: I was just using “bad guy.” Mapleshade is a good villain.
Sparktooth: Alright. What does she do that makes her such a good villain?
Skykit: I don’t know I forgot.
Sparktooth: Wooooooooow. Okay um, so what was your favorite book out of the ones you read?
Skykit: I think I might give the series another shot but probably Into the Wild.
Sparktooth: Okay, that’s nice. So I find it kinda funny ‘cause your the cat person and I’m the dog person, and I got into Warriors and you didn’t. Why is that?
Sparktooth: You said so yourself when our friends were over you were a cat person.
Skykit: I like cats, but I’d rather have a dog.
Sparktooth: Tell that to Footballkit(“Footballkit,” as I call him in the article, is her crush XD). You just said you were a cat person because he said he liked cats better than dogs!
Skykit: Don’t you dare say that! DON’T YOU DARE SAY THAT! THAT’S NOT TRUE!
Sparktooth: Mm-hm.
Skykit: Don’t say this! Pause the recording! Ehhhhhhhh!
Sparktooth: Well too bad.
Skykit: Well, fine. So I love cats, I prefer to have a dog and a cat.
Sparktooth: What about Warriors made it dull and uninteresting to you?
Skykit: It was like, okay compared to other books I read it just wasn’t that interesting. It was just like, Millie saving Graystripe, and they were like the only characters.
Sparktooth: That’s ‘cause you’ve only read the mangas and none of the actual books!
Skykit: I started an actual book. Into the Wild.
Sparktooth: And???
Skykit: Well, I like how Firestar isn’t happy where’s living with his humans…
Sparktooth: You’ve only read the first few pages, haven’t you?
Skykit: No! I know more I swear! *Long pause* Firestar isn’t happy at the home he’s at so he leaves the house and leaves his owner and goes into the wild.
Sparktooth: Yeah. that only happens in the first few pages.
Skykit: Chapters.
Sparktooth: Have you gotten to the part where he meets Graypaw?
Skykit: Nooooooooo….
Sparktooth: That happens halfway through chapter one. You didn’t even finish the first chapter! And you call this your ‘favorite book.’
Skykit: Well…I’m still reading it, and I just started Wings of Fire too.
Sparktooth: You know the author of Wings of Fire is one of the Erins.
Skykit: Oh. Cool. (She says that so unenthusiastically lol).
Sparktooth: Do you have anything else to say?
Skykit: I have one thing *dramatic pause* Oh I forgot.
Sparktooth: C’mon you gotta say something funny! Roast one of the characters or something!
Skykit: Mapleshade…….burn.
Sparktooth: *Facepalm* That not what I meant…
Skykit: Can you just ask me one more question?
Sparktooth: Okay…who’s your least favorite character?
Skykit: You.
Skykit: Your Mom’s a little girl.
Sparktooth: My mom is your mom.
Skykit: *Gasp* No!
Sparktooth: Uhhh…okay I’m just gonna end the recording now.
XDXD So there you have it, the reasons why my little sister just didn’t get interested in Warriors, she doesn’t know what she’s missing out on! I laughed several times while rereading this, I hope you did too! 😀
I literally completely and totally cracked up while reading this. 😛
Sparktooth: Haha! Tysm, Ember! My sis wanted to answer too, so here’s her reply:
Skykit: Thanks for reading! I should really read the series but since my sister likes it, I probably won’t XDXD.
Sparktooth: Oof.
When I read Mapleshade’s name I clenched my fists so hard they almost exploded
Nice article though 0:
Sparktooth: Lol, thx!
Skykit: I think the bad guys (or girls for Sparky’s sake) are pretty cool, but Mapleshade is the BEST. Lol, Jk.
Sparktooth: You’re gonna trigger so many people with that JK at the end XD 😛
Mapleshade s u c k s
Mapleshade is a good female villain with a cool backstory, but she didn’t deserve to go to StarClan like most people say. 😉
The entire Warriors fandom: OMG Spottedleaf’s Heart is such a scary book that could give children bad and disturbing thoughts! This should NOT be canon or EXIST
Also the entire Warriors fandom: OMG Mapleshade is such a misunderstood character! Those cats defiantly deserved to get brutally murdered! In fact, they should be in the Dark Forest! I relate to and sympathise with Mapleshade and would recommend this novella to every young independent girl ever!
That’s not what I’m saying…
I know
😛 this is really funny
Sparktooth: XD Tysm!
Skykit: Why thank you, I’m the funnier one!
Sparktooth: Don’t get ahead of yourself.
Hey guys, my sister wants to reply to every comment this article gets, so all our replies will be in the same format as the article. Enjoy! 😛
Skykit is funny lol. But I mean why not read a series because your sister reads it?? You would miss out on so much (on any series). Lol *rolls eyes* oof little sisters……wait I’m the little sister though….uhh 😛
Anyway this was a very entertaining article 😸
Sparktooth: Lol, Skykit will appreciate that! And I’m the middle sister, so I kinda know what’s it’s like to be the younger one. 😛
Skykit: It’s hard being the youngest, Sparktooth get sot do all sorts of cool stuff without me XD JK, thank you!
Sparktooth: What’s with all the JKs??
😛That was funny! I love the article!
Sparktooth: Tysm, Bloom! 😀
Skykit: Why thank you! We’re great writers!
Sparktooth: Pffft. All you did was talk during the recording.
Skykit: It counts.
Sparktooth: Wait until you read my sequel to this article (which won’t be coming out for a while seeing as I’m submitting it today 😛 )! I personally think it’s funnier!
Skiykit: Are you saying my article isn’t funny!?! Crater thinks it’s funny! Btw, I’ll read it as soon as I’m done with Wings of Fire.
Sparktooth: Good luck with that. (I got the first book for her at the public library and she only read 1 chapter XD).
That’s ok (I guess lol). My mom downloaded Into the Wild on my Nook in 2011. I did not even read it. In 2013 I was introduced to it again. Nope nope! It was until 2016 I actually started reading it and loved it haha. Oof 😛 Skykit just because the first few chapters are boring doesn’t mean every chapter is! The juicy stuff is in the middle ^^ (I was bored with it too before 😉)
Haha! I loved this! SO FUNNY!!!!! 😀 Great article you two 😉
Interesting and hilarious article 😸! I like articles in this style very much 😆!
XD I love this, you guys are hilarious! 😛 I’m trying to get my younger brother, Flamekit, to read Warriors too. 😉 SKYKIT READ THE SERIES YOU’RE MISSING OUT!!! 😀
Actually, Flamekit just told me he might try Warriors out once he finishes the series he’s currently reading! 😀 AHHHH IM SO PROUD OF HIM!!!! 😀
This is amazing! Great article
This sounds like me and my younger brother 😛
This is really funny 😛
I once tried to get my older brother to read the series (I’m the youngest in my family of four and my mom’s side of the family). I was really proud of him because he was able to read at least two books of the first series (and he cried on one of them!). Aaand then he stopped. Then he mixed up Ashfur with Jayfeather. Then he thought Ashfur was a she-cat. Then he started to read the second book of PoT… and for some reason it made sense to him to skip eleven books. And then he stopped again. So, it didn’t really work out, but at least he got somewhat far…