Littlewhisper shares their opinion on Jayfeather.

Hello, hello! I apologise for any inaccuracies, I’m new and I haven’t read Warriors for a while! Alright, now that’s out of the way, let’s get down to business.
In all honesty… I hate Jayfeather. Okay, ‘hate’ might be the wrong word to use. I dislike him, I just don’t feel indulged with him as the series went on. His grumpiness grew tiring to me, and I felt like his powers and blindness were pushed to the side and only used when the plot called for it. He can read minds, so why didn’t he predict Ashfur’s murder? Why couldn’t he pick up Hollyleaf’s emotions? Well, then again, they didn’t spend much time with each other, which brings me to my next point.
I feel like Jayfeather was disconnected from all the other characters, like as Power of Three and Omen of the Stars progressed, he just drifted away from everyone else. Why didn’t he (or anyone else for that matter) tell someone he and his siblings had nearly be murdered by Ashfur? Why didn’t he try to tell someone about Leafpool and Squirrelflight, if he no longer cared for them? Was it because he was worried that no one would believe him, or something along the lines of that? If I remember correctly, no one acknowledged what happened in the fire, apart for Hollyleaf, who decided violence was the only way to solve it.
Speaking of which, Jayfeather just seemed… mildly shocked when he found out his sister, the she-cat he knew his entire life for upholding the warrior code, for caring for the other cats of her clan, murdered someone in favour of her mother, whom the now Three despised. He thought about it for a moment, then went back to complaining, and go around his life like nothing happened.
Honestly, Jayfeather just did what the plot asked, and when there was filler between the important chapters, he just moped about and thought about things. He spent barely any time with his family, and didn’t set out to do anything. It was like reading Bluestar’s Prophecy all over again.
Hence, why I feel like Jayfeather is overrated. I can’t think of anything else to say at the moment, and I will write an article about my opinions on Hollyleaf. Thank you for taking your time to read this, I really appreciate it! Good bye, now!
answering the title before I even read the article: Yes.
I think jayfeather is FANTASTIC the way he copes with his blindness yes sure he CAN be VERY grump buuuuut crowfeather is his FATHER and just look what he was known for jayfeather is powerful and brave
I hate that Jayfeather (Jaypaw) was so rude to Brightheart at the start of his apprenticeship, I mean Brightheart was just trying to train Jaypaw! I dislike Jayfeather (honestly, I know the fandom will hate me for this, Also it’s just my opinion)
YES HE IS DON”T SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)