[a full-body design of Violetshine with her colour palette]

Top Ten Bravest Warriors by Lightningpaw

Lightningpaw shares ten brave warriors from the series. Are any of them on your list?

Art by flash-the-artist

Hi, it’s Lightningpaw and this is my third article. I’ve been very inactive for ages but today I figured I’d make another article. So today I’m listing the top ten cats I think were the bravest, which is talked about a lot but I wanted to make my own list. Just before I start, this was written before I read The Raging Storm and Crowfeather’s Trial so there my be things in there that merit a spot be aren’t listed. Spoilers for pretty much everything up to River of Fire!

10. Mistfeather
Mistfeather is a pretty minor character, but I think he deserves more recognition than he gets. As most of you won’t remember, he is a SkyClan cat who remains in the gorge after the rouges attack, apparently because his mate was killed. Although he is never mentioned in Hawkwing’s Journey or ever before, he wins his place on this list because in TAQ, despite being literally half dead, he challenges Darktail to a fight for the gorge and refuses Alderheart’s help. Not that Alderheart would have been any use in a fight but still. Of course, he loses, but then he probably knew that would happen and his bravery in challenging Darktail at all is to be admired.

The main reason why Violetshine gets to be on this list is because she agreed to try and sneak poppy seeds into The Kin’s food. That’s pretty brave, especially since it was obvious if Darktail caught her she would be tortured horrible and killed, which is what Darktail tried to do. The fact that she agreed to do it knowing this is what makes her so brave. She’s actually kind of like Ivypool, and Twigbranch is basically Dovewing 2.0 so it looks like the Erins are running out of ideas.

8. Bluestar
There are really two reasons for Bluestar being here, the first one being that she gave up her kits for the sake of her Clan, to stop Thistleclaw from becoming deputy. Some people think she’s selfish because of that (She basically killed one of her kits to become deputy), and though I see what they mean I just disagree since she did it for her clan instead of herself. Oh and also she died while trying to save her Clan from dogs, and if that’s not brave, then I don’t know what is.

7. Feathertail
I don’t like Feathertail that much, but I have to admit she died bravely. She died killing a mountain lion with a stalactite to save a bunch of cats she didn’t know that had just tried to imprison her brother and and force him to fight in a gladiator contest against the mountain lion. Yep, that ticks all the stupidly brave and selfless boxes.

Ok, you all saw this coming, but the list would be inaccurate if it didn’t include Firestar. Like it or not, he has done some incredibly brave things. I’ll just list a few; Saving Bluestar from Tigerstar, risking his life racing the dog pack, leaving his best friend behind with no idea if he’ll ever see him again, killing Scourge and Tigerstar to protect his Clan…. do I have to say any more?

Here’s another cat whose bravery is not recognised. She flung herself in front of a badger to protect Sorreltail and her kits. Obviously, since she knew she was going to die, it kind of took some of the drama away, but it can’t be any easier to sacrifice yourself to protect others even if you knew it would happen. She definitely deserved her second life, and it’s kind of fitting that she was reincarnated into one of the cats she died to protect. Also by the way, Jayfeather and Briarlight need reincarnations too so that they get to be warriors. I know Jayfeather is a reincarnation himself but he still deserves one.

Rowanclaw has been getting a lot of hate lately for letting ShadowClan fall to pieces, but honestly, he blamed himself more than anyone else did. He even gave back his nine lives, which is pretty brave in itself. I mean, would you have done that? But the thing that really gets him on the list is the way he died to save Tawnypelt, Hopkit and Flaxkit.(What is Flax supposed to mean by the way?) Anyway, though there was a slim chance he might survive, it was clear that he risked it all to save them. And he knew he had given back his nine lives before he did this, so that’s pretty brave.

One of the only two cats on this list that’s still alive. The other one’s her clone Violetshine. Anyway, if you’ve read one of my previous articles you’ll know Ivypool’s my fav, so I won’t go on about how amazing she is for too long. Though she is terrible at picking names. I mean, Thriftkit? Seriously Ivypool? That’s the best you could think of? But Ivypool’s here because she risked her life every time she closed her eyes in the Dark Forest, and then almost died betraying them. Literally one of the bravest cats ever. She seriously needs a medal or something. The other two as well, but they’re dead so that can’t happen.

2. Needletail
Ok, so Needletail was the most rebellious cat in the history of the Clans, but that doesn’t change what she did. She attacked Darktail, Sleekwhisker and Raven so that Violetshine could escape. What makes her braver than Rowanclaw was that she was half starved and also, Darktail gave her a choice. He would (possibly) have spared her life if she had killed Violetshine, but she didn’t. She put Violetshine’s life before her own and that’s what bravery really is.

Honourable Mentions
Brightheart and Swiftpaw (They attacked a pack a dogs on their own)
Sparrow Fur (Challenged One-Eye to a fight in DotC)
Lightning Tail (Saved Thunderstar and ThunderClan from some dogs)

Stonefur’s death was the bravest thing ever imagined. Like Needletail, had he killed Feathertail and Stormfur, he could have lived as a trusted member of TigerClan. Again, he was half starved and weak from imprisonment. But Stonefur was surrounded by two clans of enemies, not just three cats, like Needletail. But he still made the same the same decision, and remarkably he almost beat Darkstripe in a fight until Blackstar killed him. Bravest cat in the entire series.

So that’s that. If you’re wondering why Lionblaze wasn’t on the list, it’s because he knew he was invulnerable. Being brave when there’s nothing to be afraid of is not really being grave at all.
Hope you enjoyed this article, sorry if it’s a bit long. Feel free to explain why I’m wrong!
Lightningpaw out!

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  • I strongly agree!!! As much as I think that some of these characters are overrated… they are brave.
    Mistfeather is underrated!!

  • Flax is a type of plant that looks like cutty grass but the leaves enlarged and smoother and darker. Itā€™s very strong and it was used to make clothes a long time ago. You can get woven flax baskets as well.

  • What about Gray’Stripe? He risked his safety to save Leaf’Pool and was caught doing it. In An Light In The Mist he died due to Ash’fur and chose to go because his heart said it was time. He was my fav cat ever!! I put the book down, sidled off my couch, onto my knees and cried when he died. I’ll also say Bristle’frost, she was brave to rebel ageist Bramble’Star {Whom should have been here to} and she die to save the clans from Ash’fur whom she killed. Sorry if this is to much.