Cadvent Day 5

Have you had snow yet? It’s been mild here in the UK, but I still have my fingers crossed that we might have a few flakes, or at least some frost.

Here’s a warm, cosy cat found by Swanfeather

And Misty Moors found so fictional snow and a very happy cat to enjoy it.

And in case you want to get creative for the holidays, Moonpaw found this cute video on how to draw Holiday Pusheen. Have fun, BlogClan, and thanks for today’s great pics, Moonpaw, Misty Moors and Swanfeather!


  • It snowed once a couple of weeks ago, but I donā€™t think weā€™ll get more anytime soon šŸ˜› Cool pics!

  • the pattern here so far is it’ll get below/near 0, snow a little, and then all of it will melt within a day or 2 because the weather will suddenly increase by 5 degrees or something,,,(like right now it’s 1C, but on the weekend it was 10C??? in december!!!)