Ashfur the Villain of Love? by Sheeptail

Sheeptail takes a look at both sides of the Ashfur debate.

Art by Ashkey

Okay, first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH! My first article about Millie was very well received and this whole article is thanks to Gingie go check them out! And, *cough* my youtube channel Phantom Gamer it’s the channel with the two floating eyes and a controller *cough*. Anyway, This article is about Ashfur and if he is evil or nice. I am in the middle so I will try to be as unbiased as I can!
Also Spoiler Alert!
Reasons Why People Love Ashfur
Because he was a nice and caring cat and would do anything for Squirrleflight (my most hated character.) but when he found out she was using him to make Brambleclaw jealous it broke his heart.
His Clan loves him even though the readers might not, ThunderClan loves Ashfur. When he died everyone was talking about him! The Clan wanted vengeance so obviously there’s something to love about Ashfur.
Why People Hate Ashfur
He NEARLY killed Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze, 1, there was no proof that he was going to kill them if he MEANT to kill them it would hurt Squirrleflight MORE that her sister’s kits died that she meant to protect. Also if it was different cats like… Hollytuft, and Leafshade no one would care.
A lot of people think Ashfur should go to the Dark Forest but that is dumb if I told my friend what Ashfur did he or she (it’s 2018 gender equality) would say he would go to the Dark Forest but a TRUE Warrior fan can see that Ashfur is a nice and caring cat. EVEN STARCLAN AGREES! I see why people don’t like him but to call him evil is dumb.
Anyway Thank you for Reading Tell Me your thoughts in the comments below and tell me what I should do next. I know that this is not a very popular opinion but still don’t be mean if you disagree tell me why in the comments below! Thanks to Gingie for the suggestion! This wouldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t commented!
Sheeptail (and Phantom Gamer) Out! Bye! See you later!

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  • I don’t really like Ashfur… He tried to kill lots of people (cats Lol), well, about four. He worked with Hawkfrost to K.O Firestar, his own leader! And if he IS the cat that took over Bramblestar’s body, I absolutely hate him. But now on my list of Good -Evil, he’s kinda in the middle. He’s tilting towards evil on my scale though. I still think he should have gone to the Dark Forest

  • Ashfur didn’t have a scrap of love in him. He was going to kill Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather if it would make her life miserable. The only reason he didn’t was he found a way to make it even worse. Also, he tried to kill her father, and even succeeded in taking one life. Had Firestar not been leader he would have killed him. It wasn’t even something like a quick blow to the neck that would be over quickly. He tried to strangle Firestar and BURN her kits ALIVE. These are both horrible and dragged out ways of murder. The whole reason he did these things was after Squirrelflight chose Brambleclaw he wanted to make her life miserable. When you love someone, you never want them to be miserable. Ever. You always wish for their happiness, no matter how bad they hurt you. That doesn’t mean you let them hurt you, but you still always want their happiness, no matter what. Ashfur felt something for Squirrelflight, but it was not in any way, shape, or form love. Ashfur does not know what love is. Yellowfang does not know what love is. StarClan does not know what love is.

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