The Lost Cadvent Part 3

More found pictures from Cadvent 2018

In case you missed the first and second Lost Cadvents, this is what it’s about: Sometime in December, my email app decided that messages from BlogClan were junk and started hurling them into my Junk folder. Which meant I didn’t see them until I went looking for lost files today. I’m SO sorry if your pic didn’t make it into Cadvent, so here’s a post-Cadvent Cadvent with all the lost pics.

Cadvent – even a Lost Cadvent – wouldn’t be Cadvent without Smokepaw’s crested gecko, Speckles


And her pup, Bella. Smokepaw, you have some seriously seasonal pets! 🥳

“This is my dog, Bella. She LOVES to wear clothes and hats.”

Next we have Fire That Keeps BlogClan Warm’s pup, Tuco. “This is my pit bull terrier! He has a sweater on that my mom got for him.His name is Tuco.”

And our very final lost Cadvent is a picture of Shadowpaw’s Moon as a kit. 💕 Ain’t she sweet? 🐱


Thank you, BlogClan for another splendid Cadvent. I am looking forward to next year’s already! In the meantime, have a WONDERFUL year!🎄☃️