Pineblossom ponders on Leafpool’s fate in the upcoming super edition and series. Huge spoilers for Squirrelflight’s Hope and The Broken Code: Lost Stars!
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Squirrelflight’s Hope and The Broken Code: Lost Stars. Do not continue reading this article if you’d like to remain spoiler-free for either book.
So in the Lost Stars sample, Alderheart and Jayfeather mention that Leafpool passed (which I am SO sad about) but the book never said how she died. Here are some ways I think she may have died.
1. Sickness
What I’m thinking is that maybe there was a severe bout of greencough or something that took Leafpool’s life, as well as possibly Larkwing, Millie, and Ambermoon, because a lot of time passed between the end of Raging Storm and the beginning of Lost Stars. The only thing against this is that there hasn’t been another leafbare between the two books.
“‘And maybe we’ll be able to speak with Leafpool,’ Willowshine added, her voice soft with grief. Shadowpaw had hardly known the ThunderClan medicine cat, but he had heard stories about her and knew how much every cat in the forest admired her…Alderheart drew closer to his Clanmate. ‘She still watches over us from StarClan,’ he murmured.” Lost Stars
2. Something related to Squirrelflight’s Hope
This is the most likely cause, since Squirrelflight’s Hope was originally called Squirrelflight’s Kin. Other than that info, we don’t really know much about how she could have died in that book. One theory of mine is that maybe the rogues had a part in that. I don’t actually think the rogues killed her outright, because in the blurb it sounds like the rogues are innocent, but maybe it was a mistake by someone who didn’t know her role in Clan life and thought she was just another enemy.
“And when the other Clans pin their frustrations on a group of rogue cats discovered just beyond Clan boundaries, Squirrelflight is caught between her duty as ThunderClan’s deputy and her desire to do what’s right.”
3. An animal attack or normal threats to Clan life
Finally, of course there are always the risks of Clan life: badgers, foxes, dogs, and more. They are especially prevalent during greenleaf, which is in the middle of the time period of the break. No matter what killed her, she was probably beyond saving, because if someone could have saved her, Jayfeather would have been all bitter and saying that he should have saved her like he was when Briarlight died. Instead, in the sample he was just sad about her death.
Again, all we can do is W.A.S! If anyone has any other theories, post on the comments!
I think 1 or 2. But definitely 2. She can’t just be killed without us knowing the reason! But 3 is reasonable, just not as much as the others! LOVE THIS ARTICLE!
I know how she was killed, but I need to wait until April 9 to discuss it.
Ack! Tomorrow you tell~
How do you know? (how did you find out? Did it explain in Lost Stars or something?)
wait? what
please put any spoilers on the Lost Stars spoiler page to keep the cat in the bag 🙂
I sound like embix
Hi! I just read that page, and they said it felt like a badger tore her limbs off, as an anolagy to the pain they are feeling, I think that she was killed in a rockslide but I’m not sure…
To be fair, Leafpool is pretty old so it could be possible that she died of natural causes.
I have always imagibed that she died from a badger attack. She have always felt guilty about Cinderpelt’s death, so perhaps she tried to save some cat from a badger? It makes sense that Leafpool made up for running away with Crowfeather by saving some cat from a badger, because she couldn’t save Cinderpelt. Idk, it’s just my sense
She did got killed by a badger, who ripped out her limbs, and fell to the ground. Squirrelflight was almost dead, but StarClan sent her back, and healed her
whaaaaaaat?! Nooo my leafypool! Why did u guys have to spoil it while not on a spoiler page?! 🙁
In the future, there will be articles with more spoilers in them. Keep a lookout for spoiler warnings at the beginning of the article. 🙂
That’s not what happened…
But, yes, Squirrelflight died too but was sent back/made the decision to come back.
WHAT?!?!?!?! I never had much opinion about Leafpool she broke the code 😛 BUT she was a amazing med cat!I googled it……….I CAN’t BELIEVE IT!!!!
Same – I’ve never really liked her but she’s deaddddd like whaaaaaaat????? 😛
Maybe she died of old age
I love leafpool why did she have to die I would even rather squirrelflight to die
No she didn’t how did squirrelflight survive if she was that old ?
If you read Bramblestar’s Storm (i think), you’ll know how she dies
Not Bramblestar’s Storm, Squirrelflight’s Hope
I think this will be in a spioler box so if no spioler box DO NOT BEAD! [spoiler title=”Leafpools Death”] [She died in a rockslide saving Moonlight and her kits]
She was killed by a landslide/rockfall in Squirrelflights Hope!!
I love leafpool why did she have to die I would even rather squirrelflight to die
Idk, I’m wondering if it was just age
((SPOILER WARNING)) But didn’t she die in squirrelflights hope, when they Were at the sisters & the earth/rock sille came? When she and squirrelflight went to starclan and leafpool decited to stay-? :]