Lightningpaw lists some of the antagonists from the series. Do any of these bad kitties send a shiver down your spine?

Hey, BlogClan! This article is about the most evil cats. It doesn’t really matter what book or series it is, just some of the most evil cats. If your ready, let’s get started!
1. Tigerstar:
This long clawed warrior was the first villain in Warriors. In the first book, it was said that his apprentice,Ravenpaw, had seen him kill the ThunderClans deputy, Redtail. The reason he killed him, was so he could be some deputy. When Lionheart was announced deputy, he was furious. Lionheart soon died, and everyone thought Tigerclaw was going to become deputy, but Fireheart became deputy instead. Tigerclaw became Tigerstar in ShadowClan after being kicked out of ThunderClan. He killed Bluestar, but once again got kicked out of the clans.
2. Brokenstar:
Brokenstars mother was Yellowfang, his father Raggedstar. Yellowfang was a medicine cat, so it was forbidden for her to have kits with Raggedstar, so no one knew Brokenstar was hers, until Fireheart. Brokentail became deputy, and then lied to Raggedstar on WindClan invading. He then killed Raggedstar in vain for becoming leader. Brokenstar made kits become apprentices when they were less than 6 moons old. Many cats were killed. He was finally driven out by Firepaw( I think? I don’t remember if he was a warrior or not) when Brokenstar came to ThunderClan camp and killed Spottedleaf, and took a few of their kits. Brokenstar soon died, and went to the place of no stars.
3. Scourge:
How can such an evil cat and a nice one be related? Firestar and Scourge were half brothers. Firestars father had kits with another she-cat and unfortunately had scourge. Scourge worked with Tigerstar, telling him that once they took over the clans, he would gift him. Tigerstar agreed and Scourge made up BloodClan. Scourge tried to drive out the clans, but it didn’t work. When they didn’t, Scourge ripped Tigerstars throat out, draining all of his lives out. After that, Scourge then died.
4. Mapleshade:
Mapleshade wasn’t always bad. She started out in love with a RiverClan warrior. She had his kits, but the problem was, he had killed the leaders son, the cat that everyone thought was Mapleshades mate. In order to keep her kits safe,she lied and said he was her mate. They soon figured out they weren’t his kits, and banished her when they knew who’s kits they were. Mapleshade tried taking her kits to RiverClan, but the river was over flowed, so her kits got caught under water and died. Appledusk( the warrior she fell in love with) hated her for letting their kits drown. Mapleshade killed off three cats, one for each of her kits. Once her kits joined StarClan, Mapleshade died of her wound she had battling with Appledusk, killing him.
5. Darktail:
Surprising. Darktail was Onestars kit. Onestar had a kittypet mate, and had a kit with her. He didn’t want the kit, which made his mate mad, so she said Darktail would live to hate the clans. Darktail took over ShadowClan, and killed multiple cats. He drove out Rowanstar, and also took cats hostage. Darktail died in battle that he created, trying to get a hold of all the clans.
6. Hawkfrost:
Hawkfrost was Tigersrtars son. He had Hawkfrost with a rogue named Sasha. Hawkfrost grew up blood hungry. He wanted to gain control of RiverClan. His half brother, Brambleclaw (I think?) killed him, and he went to the dark forest to live with Tigerstar. He trained warriors in the place of no stars, and killed some cats. Hawkfrost to me, was considered evil.
Alright, hope you like this Article! I will write more in the future. The storm of Lightning, out!
My list goes like this:
1. Ashfur
2. Darktail
3. Tigerstar
4. Scourge
5. Brokenstar
6. Sol
7. Hawkfrost
8. Bone
9. Mapleshade
10. Darkstripe
ASHFUR ISN’T EVIL! want proof?! Read the Warrior Cats Ultimate guide. Read his page. It was written my the creators. THE CREATORS! He just truly loved squirrelflight and she chose bramblestar because she KNEW if she chose ashfur, bramblestar would have killed ashfur. And mapleshade, oh don’t get me started. Read mapleshades page too! Apple dusk WATCHED his kits DROWN! Happily. She was doing everything she could, she gave birth during the flood and her kits were drowning. The waterflow was too much for her and her kits drowned. Apple dusk truly was the father. Apple dusk cheated on her with another she-cat. Lied to the leader and got her kicked out. Out of anger she killed appledusk because he was a bad cat. And put tigerstar in first. Read his page too. Just read all the cats pages. You’ll understand them much more.
I agree about Mapleshade, she was just angry and grieving! But Ashfur tried to take out a whole clan, including Squirrelflight. I also understand he was upset, but he could have just talked to Squirrelflight (from StarClan? idk if he died or not)
Yeah I agree(I’m agreeing is Ashfur is the worst cat) that because Bristlefrost sacrifices her life for shadowsight and the clans but I just don’t like that shadowsight feels so bad at the gathering btw I’m mentioning this cuz rootspring is my fav cat
What is scourges favorite cat
Mine list goes:
Favorite cats:
Blue Star
No hate comments, thx
Read my favorite cats pages in The Warrior Cat Ultimate Guide 🙂
Why is Crookedstar evil? I haven’t read the book about him, but I thought he was a good cat?
I agree about Blackstar though. He killed Stonefur and was in TigerClan before coming a leader! Why did StarClan allow that???
Bramblestar and Crookedstar? How are they evil? I haven’t read about Crookedstar, but I know he’s Silverstream’s father and never heard he did anything bad. I understand Bramblestar did a few upsetting things, and he was possessed by Ashfur, but that wasn’t his fault. Ashfur isn’t evil for doing that, I get that, but I just don’t see how Bramblestar is evil. Just because you think Ashfur is right.
NO! Bramblestar is NOT evil, just because he was born to Tigerstar does NOT mean he is evil, REMEMBER, he saved the clans with the 3 other chosen cats.
To truly understand these evil cats (other than tigerstar, he’s terrible)
Read their pages in The Warrior Cat Ultimate Guide 🙂
ashfur is totaly evil but mapleshade was just sad! i fell kinda bad for mapleshade. also crookedstar is not evil! his mother was pretty bad though.
heres my list:
evil cats:
and splashtail if u read a starless clan
the best leaders are probobaly bluestar firestar tallstar heatherstar and hailstar though i hate onestar so much! i know he si not evil but he was so stubborn and proud! so bad
Mapleshade wasn’t always bad?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mapleshade was was NEVER bad! She had kit with a cat from another clan, which, let me tell you, everyone of the considered “good” cats do. And they don’t exile cats for that! but they did it to mapleshade! did they do it to Leafpool? Graystripe? no. but they did it to MAPLESHADE. so she went to RiverClan were Appledusk was supposed to do something called support and nurture. but he just saw the kits, who he didn’t care for at all, drown in the river, which was impossible to prevent, and blame it on none other than MAPLESHADE. yeah she killed a few cats. WHO DESERVED IT. and now she’s in the dark forest? that is the definition of unfair.