Monkeyfur wonders what would’ve happened if Rainflower had treated her son differently.
Crookedstar was born to Rainflower and Shellheart along with Oakkit, he was originally named Stormkit but when he injured his jaw. His mother hated him and renamed him Crookedkit. Rainflower was mean towards him ever since.
Here are 5 things that would have changed if Rainflower had been kind to her son:
1. Crookedkit wouldn’t have left RiverClan and become a loner
2. His name would change
3. His bond with Rainflower would have changed
4. Crookedkit wouldn’t have been trained by Mapleshade
5. His family and friends wouldn’t have died.
1) Crookedkit was upset that he had been treated unfairly by his mother, so he went out of camp. He made a living but found out that living in a clan was better. Crookedkit returned and got his apprentice name. As I have said before Crookedkit left because of his mother’s behavior towards him. If that was changed Crookedkit would have gotten his apprentice name, the same time as his brother Oakkit.
2) After he got hurt, Rainflower wanted to rename him, but if Rainflower didn’t Crookedkit would be called Stormkit. Then Stormpaw, Stormsomething (I would think Stormshine or something), and lastly Stormstar.
3) If Rainflower was kind to Crookedkit then obviously their relationship would have changed, since they would still love each other.
4) Mapleshade saw potential in Crookedkit, he had suffered around the same as her. Mapleshade decided to use him to destroy RiverClan. She trained him and convinced him that she was a StarClan warrior. She made a deal with him saying that Crookedkit would become a great warrior one day and he would help her. If he breaks off the relationship with her, his friends and family will die. So let’s get back on topic, the reason why Mapleshade saw potential in him because he was unloved. If Rainflower treated him nicely, then maybe Mapleshde would have to find another cat to invest in, because he was loved and wouldn’t suffer Mapleshade’s pain.
5) When Crookedjaw broke the relationship, Mapleshade told him that his family and friends would die. Hailstar, Willowbreeze, Shellheart, Minnowkit, Williowkit, Rainflower and Silverstream they all would have still been alive.
It only took one cat to make Crookedstar suffer, and many other cats died because of that.
I hope you liked the article!
Please comment on it!
:oooo amazingggg
Aww thank you! My next article will be much better though!
Yes I would love an AU where rainflower loved crookedkit!
But in warriors rainflower was a fox-hearted, fish-brained, stupid furball and I hated her! She hated her kit because he broke his jaw! That’s like if your mom hated you because you broke your arm! I’m sorry for ranting 🙁 . But really, rainflower was mean and pushed her mate and kit away because they didn’t believe that her kit was ugly, and because the kit broke his jaw. She was mean 🙁
Soooooo mean
Ooooooh great article! Good points as well!
Thank you!
I’m thinking how different Warriors would be if this had happened… 😮
Nice article! There should be a fanfic about this.
I agree with Hailfall and Briarpaw and Pumpkins.
Warriors would be so different! It’s so hard to imagine what would happen… but there should defiantly be a fanfic about this.
Also, great job by the way, as soon as I read your reasoning, I was like, “oh yeah, so, so, true, this is all of Rainflower’s fault.”
I agree 😋
Great article!
I don’t know if it would have prevented everyone’s death tough. I think Rainflower or maybe Hailstar are the only ones who would’ve survived.
But Mapleshade did say that she would kill all of the cats that Crookedstar loved if he didn’t follo the promise though.
Really interesting article, Monkey! Great job 😀
Thank you Brightpaw!
nice article, Moky!
Thank you Rainie!
Interesting article Monkeyfur!
I compend you for writing this article. If I wrote it, the article would be rant filled. Some how you kept it under control. Well done!
I don’t know about Mapleshade becoming interested in some other cat. Mapleshade knows of Stormkit’s destiny to become RiverClan leader AND that he is Appledusk’s great-great-grandson. (Appledusk’s daughter, her daughter, ShellHeart, Stormkit). It would be a dream if Mapleshade let go of her vengeance but I have a feeling she still would use Crookedstar’s broken jaw and unsure feelings against him. Maybe this time, thanks to Rainflower, Crookedstar would shake Mapleshade off long before she becomes a problem.
Keep up the good work Monkeyfur!
I am looking forward to reading more of your work!
Purple Dusk
Also Oakheart wouldn’t have fallen in love with Bluestar
If Rainflower was kind to Crooked star then she would have left out Oakheart and Mapleshade would have picked Oakheart for revenge but it is a great article!
Great article! Except Silverstream would still be dead because she wasn’t killed by Mapleshade, she died with birth problems