Briarpaw shares some cats who would’ve gone well together as mates. Who do you think these cats should’ve ended up with?
Hey, It’s Briarpaw, otherwise known as Briar or Ria! I really needed to post an article about this, because I had so many ideas! Let’s go!!
1.) Squirrel x Lion
Not Squirrelflight x Lionblaze, that would just be weird. But I meant the apprentice version of Squirrelflight and the warrior Lionheart! These would be so cute! Feisty, energetic, young Squirrelpaw and calm, bold, brave, good ol’ Lionheart. I can really see this in my head. Too bad he had to die just as I was falling in love with him…
Next up, we have….
2.) Fallen x Leaf!
Fallen Leaves and Leafpool! These two are both calm, kind, and caring. Leafpool gets distressed a lot, and Fallen Leaves is good for that sort of thing. This would be an adorable couple! I don’t really like Holly x Fallen. Hollyleaf is just not the right cat, that and I don’t like Hollyleaf at all in general. Leafpool is a much better fit.
3.) Golden x Gray
Goldenflower x Graystripe would be a perfect match. Goldenflower. WHAT. WERE. YOU. THINKING going out with TIGERSTAR?!! That is NUTS! She, a pretty, kind, protective she-cat would be a great mother to a kit of Graystripe’s, and she would have a much easier time. Graystripe, the spunky, but kind and brave warrior with room to spare in his heart after the losses of Silverstream, Feathertail, and (SPOILERS!) Millie. I love these two.
4.) Tawny x Crag
I love these. Tawnypelt was made Rowanclaw’s mate ONLY because Rowanclaw was accidentally called a she-cat in the first arc. I would much rather have Tawnypelt go to a less grumpy dude. So how about Crag? Crag Where Eagles Nest is a kind, brave, loyal Tribe cat. This earned him the position of Stoneteller. He could use a mate. Nothing that I know of says that Stonetellers can’t have a mate! I loved Crag from the start, and I think Tawnypelt deserves it.
5.) Holly x Ash
Yup, I actually ship these two. Just think. They are perfect for each other! I think they really could have gotten along. “Excuse me?” You say. “Both of them tried to kill each other.” Well, here’s my scoop. Had Squirrelflight not had that fight with Brambleclaw, they could have kits in peace without Ashfur yowling for vengeance. They are both kind, and a bit feisty, and very stubborn. Then you remind me about the whole killing thing again. Don’t fear, dear reader, I have not forgotten. If Ashfur didn’t need vengeance, then Squirrelflight never would have spilled the beans. And Hollyleaf wouldn’t go “Oh, no! He knows a secret! Well, time to die. Oh, I’ll just tell eveyone the secret now to every single cat and pretend nothing happened.” (Again, I do not like Hollyleaf. I had to stop short to keep myself from turning this into a rant article.) They would be a cute couple, I think.
6.) Rose x Bumble
I really want this ship. I mean, Rosepetal is that age, and Bumblestripe- well, poor Bumblestripe. Dovewing ditched him because she didn’t like his name. She would much rather go for him that old hard-headed Tigerheart. Rosepetal has hinted that she liked him in Omen of the Stars. Aaaannnd, in Lost Stars, when Bristlefrost is telling her about her romance issues with Stemleaf, she tells her that she has been in that situation. With Bumblestripe????? I sure hope they get together!
7.) Sol x Jessy
I like the idea of this. In the end, Jessy told Bramblestar to be with Squirrelflight, and she went off to become a loner. I really think this would be an interesting ship and I want it to happen. I think it would end with Jessy dumping Sol when she hears of the damage done to the clans, but still.
8.) Mole x Sorrel
Molewhisker is at that age. He deserves a mate. Sorrelstripe has kits with a currently unknown mate. Many people think it’s Shellfur, but I say no. Shellfur is a tortie tom, and I don’t want a Redtail repeat!!! Then I read a comment saying it could be Molewhisker due to Myrtlekit and Baykit’s coloring. I think that these two would be perfect together! I haven’t really gotten to know them yet, but I like the idea.
9.) Hazel x Fox
I also read a comment about this, and energetic, bold Hazeltail and cautious, laid-back, but ambitious Foxleap would so work! Not much to say about this one, I’m afraid.
10.) Sweet x Stone
I kinda like the idea of Sweetpaw and Stonefur being a ship. Sweetpaw is kinda shy, but brave. Stonefur has been brave since he journeyed to RiverClan as a kit to his death, fighting against Tigerstar. These would be perfect, and such a cute couple! They both died pathetically, whether it was eating a poisoned mouse or just being very weak and having to fight both Darkstripe and Blackfoot. He beat Darkstripe, but Blackfoot was just too much. It broke my heart at both of their deaths and I think it was so sad they never got to meet each other!
That is it from me! 10 ships are now complete! Share down in the comments below if you ship these cats too! Briarpaw/Ria/Briar out! See you later!
Your article is great! I never thought about these ships! I don’t ship them but it’s interesting. I ship Hazel and Fox yes. In Warriors high (Duchess frost in FanFicton) Hazel and Fox were a couple………
I totally agree with you!
Okay, is Rowan a she or not?!
I dont think so. after all, a she-cat couldn’t be Tigerheart’s father if Tawnypelt is a she-cat too, right?
Rowanclaw is a tom.
I agree with most of them except Goldenxgray, Hollyxash, and leafxfallen leaves, just because im a huge crowxleaf shipper
i ship sol and hollyleaf and cinderpelt and Littlecloud. i also definitely ship Sorrelstripe and Molewhisker, I don’t know a lot about Sorrelstripe, but going off her parents, i think she and Molewhisker would be cute together. (although the wiki does say that Dewnose is Baypaw and Myrtlepaw’s dad…. )
Actually, pretty sure Rosepetal was talking about Foxleap. In OoTS, Rosepetal was always hanging around Foxleap, and Dovewing thought she was acting like a mouse-brain over Foxleap. But then he dies! Nooooooooooo!
Heck yeah!!
I like Fallen Leaves x Leafpool. Great work!
I don’t like any of these sorry lol
I shipped myself with bumblestripe but a diff pelt color so i wouldn’t get sued by the erin hunter team – oh wait i can submit it as FANBOOK HAHA
also i think holly – ivy would be good. first lgbtq ship i would see here in blogclan