Thunderblaze shares some facts and busts some myths about the Dark Forest.

Hi guys! My name is Thunderblaze! I will be writing a series on the Dark Forest! Warning! This article contains spoilers! Don’t read this if you haven’t read all of Omen of the Stars, don’t read on! Commit below for ideas and request of posts! Now, about the Dark Forest!
The Terrain: Shadowy, marshy terrain with murky, black rivers and clumps of slimy vegetation. Has no visible stars in the patches of sky not blocked by huge looming trees(Pretty much a eviler version of ShadowClan, no offense to ShadowClan of course *glances around nervously*).
What is it: It is the complete opposite of Star Clan, where the evilest cats go. To get in their(Why would you want to go their?), you have to commit terrible crimes like treason and killing cats. Tigerstar committed those and more. Dark Forest cats have been know to train warriors including Lionblaze, Bramblestar, Thornclaw and many, many more.
Who is in it: The main members of it, or the most well known are Tigerstar, Brokenstar, Hawkfrost, Mapleshade, and Darkstripe. Tigerstar got in it because he killed Redtail, Brindleface, Runningwind and he killed three more cats indirectly(Whitestorm, Bluestar and Swiftpaw). Brokenstar killed kits and made them apprentices at three moons, drove out Yellowfang and basically was a huge jerk and tyrant. Hawkfrost attempted to kill Firestar and rule the forest with Bramblestar(Then Brambleclaw). Mapleshade killed a cat and had really bad luck. Darkstripe tried to kill Firestar in the battle against BloodClan but was killed.
Myths: It is solitary: WRONG! Tigerstar tells Darkstripe that he won’t see any cats in the Dark Forest, yet in Omen of the Stars, the Dark Forest see each other a lot.
If you break a code, you go their: WRONG! That would mean Firestar, Graystripe, Leafpool, Bluestar and many others would be in the Dark Forest.
Fact: It was first mentioned in Sunset, book six of the second series.
Thank you for reading my article, keep a look out for my next post about the cats in the Dark Forest. Please don’t get mad at the typos! Thanks y ‘all!
Oooooh nice article, Thunderblaze!
Very informative!
Some of these I didn’t know, like when it was first mentioned
Nice article 😺! Very helpful 😸!
Cool article, Thunderblaze! 😀
Thank you!
Loved it! I hope you make more articles!
Great work! I hate the DF!
Darkstripe was most likely sent there for poisoning Sorreltail.