Sunbreeze examines Robinwing’s family history
//turns on YouTuber voice// Hi there, and I’m Sunbreeze, and today I’ll be analyzing Robinwing’s family tree. I actually wrote an article on Firestar’s family tree a while ago, back when I was still an apprentice, so go check that out. So, Robinwing is a fairly minor character who appeared in a couple super editions and novellas(most notably Bluestar’s Prophecy), but she was the mother and grandmother of a few important cats, and was the mother of seven kits(eight if you include her foster son Whitestorm). Now, let’s dive in. //turns off YouTuber voice//
So, Robinwing had her first litter with Fuzzypelt, consisting of Frostfur and Brindleface, who’d give birth to some fairly important cats. She’d then have another litter with Patchpelt(maybe she and Fuzzypelt broke up), and had one son, Longtail. Eventually, she and Fuzzypelt made up, and they had another litter, consisting of Chesnutkit and Cherrypaw, who never made it to being warriors(rip, they had such pretty names). Robinwing would later have her fourth and final litter, consisting of Dustpelt and Ravenpaw. She and Fuzzypelt died sometime between Bluestar’s Prophecy and Into the Wild.
Her daughters, Frostfur and Brindleface, had litters of their own. Brindleface mated Redtail and had a daughter, Sandstorm, who would give birth to fairly important cats(must be a family trait). Later, Frostfur would mate with Lionheart and have a litter of four kits, Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, and Brightheart, who were all important cats in their own right. Around the same time, Brindleface had four kits with Whitestorm, Ashfur, Ferncloud, Elderkit, and Tulipkit. She also fostered Cloudtail.
Ferncloud was the first of that generation to have kits, with her first of many litters with Dustpelt, Spiderleg and Shrewpaw. Brightheart followed soon after, and she and Cloudtail would have a daughter, Whitewing, who would give birth to important cats. Sandstorm would give birth next, mating with Firestar and having two daughters, Squirrelflight and Leafpool, who’d both give birth to important cats like their older cousin Whitewing.
Ferncloud would have her second litter with Dustpelt, consisting of Birchfall, Larchkit, and Hollykit. Not very long after, Leafpool and Crowfeather would have a litter, consisting of Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, and Lionblaze, who would surprisingly not give birth to any important cats(unless you include Fernsong). Ferncloud also would have her third litter, consisting of Foxleap and Icecloud.
Time passes, and no one in the family tree really has kits until Whitewing and Birchfall have a litter of two daughters, Dovewing and Ivypool. That’s really the only litter in the family tree for some time, unless I’m forgetting something(please remind me if I am).
Lionblaze and Cinderheart have a litter, with a son, Fernsong, and two daughters, Hollytuft and Sorrelstripe. Squirrelflight and Bramblestar have four kits, Alderheart, Sparkpelt, Juniperkit, and Dandelionkit. Ivypool and Fernsong would have three kits, Bristlefrost, Thriftear, and Flipclaw. Sparkpelt and Larksong would have three kits, Flamepaw, Finchpaw, and Flickerkit. Sorrelstripe would have two kits, Myrtlepaw and Baypaw, and would also foster her distant cousins, Flamepaw and Finchpaw.
//turns on YouTuber voice// And that’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed. See you next time for another family tree analysis. //turns off YouTuber voice//
owo first comment!!
Great job!! Yes it’s kinda odd that the same family tree would keep giving birth to main characters.
Also has anyone else noticed, after Sunstar, the Thunderclan leaders former apprentices become the new leaders: Sunstar and Bluestar, Bluestar and Firestar, Firestar and Bramblestar
Bramblestar mentored Berrynose… DUN DUN DUN ! Great article btw, Sunbreeze!
Oh gosh I’m not sure Berrystar is a good idea
Go read the broken code and then youll know the extent of his badness!!
Ok antonio
Ooh, interesting! She must be very proud, looking down from starclan.
Yes, she’s left quite a legacy in ThunderClan.
Nice article! I didn’t know that Robinwing had such a long family tree 😀
She’s quite a minor character, so I was surprised as well.
Wow this cat is a VIC! Woo! Is the creator of like every main character!
exactly what i thought! btw great article
Good Work Sunbreeze!
Who knew one cat created a whole tree.
Or rather, an essential seed of many, many important family trees.
Note to self: if I write a fanfic in that time period, must include Robinwing.
Corrections: I forgot to put Brackenfur and Sorreltail’s litters. Amongst that, I also forgot to put Poppyfrost’s and Lilyheart’s litters. Lionblaze and Cinderheart have three more children, Snaptooth, Spotfur, and Flywhisker. Spiderleg and Daisy kits, consisting of Toadstep and Rosepetal. Cloudtail and Brightheart have another litter, consisting of Ambermoon, Snowbush, and Dewnose. Dovewing and Tigerstar have kits, consisting of Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap.
Brightheart and Cloudtail had 3 more kits: Ambermoon, Snowbush and Dewnose. Then Snowbush had kits with Lilyheart: Honeyfur, Leafshade and Larksong. Then Dewnose has Myrtlepaw and Baypaw with Sorrelstripe. Larksong has Flickerkit, Flamepaw and Finchpaw with Sparkpelt
sometime between 2019 and 2024 lionblaze had kits with cinderheart. Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Spotfur, Flywhisker, and Snaptooth.
end of spoilers. also end of comment.
I’m pretty sure it’s not canon that Brindle/Red was ever a thing and created Sandstorm, but correct me if I’m wrong…