Look! It’s Cloudypaw’s kitty, Kesem. 💖 This is a picture of my cat, Kesem! She was sitting on me and I was wearing a Christmas-y sweater, so I thought it was fitting for cadvent. You were right, Cloudypaw. Your pic is the perfect way to start the 15th day of Cadvent.
I love this snowy pic that Briarpaw found. How can this cat look so cosy when it’s lying in the cold?! ❄️
This cat looks very insulated against the chill. Also, it’s flying. Like SuperCat. Thanks, Shadowpaw/moon, for finding this awesome pic. ⛄️
Oh phew. Icy has found a cosy one to warm us up. This is where cats should be…indoors, sitting on something soft. 💖
awwww! cute! 😀
Kesem is lovely 😺! And look! That’s the generation 2 hovercat 😹!
Ahhhh so cute! Cloudypaw, I love your outfit, it looks so warm! And I love your curly hair 😛 And your kitty- Don’t get me started on how cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 😛
Awwwwwww!!! So cute, Cloudy! Little Kesem!!
Briarpaw, that cat is adorable 😛 So much adorability in this one <3
P.S. Mittens, my tuxedo cat, started typing this comment for me. This is what he wrote: l;………….msw /
It almost appears to be 'I Mew' 😛
Cloudy, Kesem is so cuttteee!
Oh, yay, one of my pictures was used! 😀