Flamecloud takes a look at the cats of ThunderClan and how they’re related.
Some of you (most of you), probably know that the clans have some inbreeding problems. Cousins marrying each other, nieces and uncles, and even a couple of siblings (although Patchpelt and Willowpelt is no longer cannon and Graystripe’s dad now seems to be unknown). This is bound to happen when there are sooooooo many characters, so it’s a wonder that the Erins have done this well so far. However, you may not have realized quite how bad it is.
For this article, I studied family trees on the Warriors Wiki, to observe the families of Thunderclan cats. I traced each family tree as far back as it would go, then worked from there.
Here are some fun tidbits of information I discovered that you might not have known:
Ashfoot and Onestar were siblings, making Onestar Crowfeather’s uncle. This also means that Heathertail and Darktail, who were both Onestar’s children, were Crowfeather’s cousins. Also, it should be noted that this makes Heathertail and Breezepelt first cousins once removed.This can similarly be applied with Crowfeather’s other children. So, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf are all Darktail’s first cousin once removed. Crowfeather was also Gorsepaw’s cousin.
Brightheart, Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, and Thornclaw were all the children of Frostfur and Lionheart. This makes Bramblestar and Tawnypelt, the children of Lionheart’s sister, Goldenflower, their cousins.
This is fairly commonly known, but Dustpelt and Ferncloud are uncle and niece. They share This makes their entire (very long) line a bit inbred.
Brightheart and all of her siblings are all the children of Frostfur, who is Dustpelt’s sister. This makes Birchfall, Dustpelt’s son, related to Brightheart’s daughter, Whitewing, and further messes up the whole clan.
In Skyclan, Sparrowpelt and Tinycloud become mates, and one of their kits is Pebbleshine. Cherrytail, Sparrowpelt’s sister, is mates with Sharpclaw, and they have Hawkwing. This makes Hawkwing and Pebbleshine cousins.
Other than these few things I have mentioned above, most of the cats in Thunderclan are somehow loosely related. We can thank Graystripe’s interest in non-Thunderclan she cats for many of the not-inbred cats.
Below, I have traced the cat’s family trees as far back as they would go. The fractions show how closely related they are to said cat. You may notice that some cats have many descendants. (Note, not all of these cats are alive in Thunderclan). I apologize for the fact that the cats aren’t really listed in any sort of order what so ever.
Bramblestar and Tawnypelt: ¼ Smallear, ⅛ Oakstar, ⅛ Sweetbriar, ⅛ Adderfang, ⅛ Harepounce, ⅛ Stagleap, 1/16 Flashnose, 1/16 ? – Clean
Leafpool and Squirrelflight: ½ Sandstorm, ¼ Nutmeg, ⅛ Crystal, ⅛ ?- Clean
Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather: ¼ Sandstorm, ⅛ Nutmeg, ⅛ Hickorynose, ⅛ Meadowslip, 1/16 Crystal, 1/16 ?, 1/8 Stagleap, 1/16 Woollytail, 1/16 Palebird-Clean
Alderheart and Sparkpelt: ⅛ Smallear, 1/16 Oakstar, 1/16 Sweetbriar, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ?, ¼ Sandstorm, ⅛ Nutmeg, 1/16 Crystal, 1/16 ?- Clean
Brightheart, Cinderpelt, Brackenfur, Thornclaw: ¼ Smallear, ⅛ Harepounce, ⅛ Stagleap, ¼ Fuzzypelt, ¼ Robinwing- Clean
Whitewing, Ambermoon, Dewnose, Snowbush: ⅛ Smallear, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, ⅛ Fuzzypelt, ⅛ Robinwing, ¼ Oliver, ⅛ Nutmeg, 1/16 Crystal, 1/16 ?-Clean
Spiderleg, Shrewpaw, Larchkit, Birchfall, Hollykit, Foxleap, Icecloud: 3/8 Fuzzypelt, ⅜ Robinwing, 1/32 Squirrelwhisker, 1/32 Eaglestorm, 1/32 Fallowsong, 1/32 ?, ⅛ Stormtail, 1/16 Rooktail, 1/16 Daisytoe – Very much not clean (Dustpelt and Ferncloud are niece and uncle)
Berrynose, Hazeltail, Mousewhisker: ½ Daisy, ½ Smokey- Clean
Poppyfrost, Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Lilyheart, Seedpaw, Molepaw: 1/8 Smallear, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/8 Fuzzypelt, 1/8 Robinwing, 1/16 Stormtail, 1/32 Rooktail, 1/32 Daisytoe, 1/8 Adderfang, 1/16 Flashnose, 1/16 ? – Not clean
Rosepetal, Toadstep: ½ Daisy, 3/16 Fuzzypelt, 3/16 Robinwing, 1/64 Squirrelwhisker, 1/64 Eaglestorm, 1/64 Fallowsong, 1/64, 1/16 Stormtail, 1/32 Rooktail, 1/32 Daisytoe- Not clean
Hollytuft, Flywhisker, Sorrelstripe, Snaptooth, Spotfur, Fernsong: 1/16 Smallear, 1/32 Harepounce, 1/32 Stagleap, 1/16 Fuzzypelt, 1/16 Robinwing, 1/32 Stormtail, 1/64 Rooktail, 1/64 Daisytoe, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ?, 1/8 Sandstorm, 1/16 Nutmeg, 1/16 Hickorynose, 1/16 Meadowslip, 1/32 Crystal, 1/32 ?, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/32 Woollytail, 1/32 Palebird- Not clean
Ivypool, Dovewing: 1/16 Smallear, 1/32 Harepounce, 1/32 Stagleap, 1/4 Fuzzypelt, 1/4 Robinwing, ⅛ Oliver, 1/16 Nutmeg, 1/32 Crystal, 1/32 ?, 1/64 Squirrelwhisker, 1/64 Eaglestorm, 1/64 Fallowsong, 1/64 ?, 1/16 Stormtail, 1/32 Rooktail, 1/32 Daisytoe – Not clean
Thriftear, Flipclaw, Bristlefrost: 1/16 Smallear, 1/32 Harepounce, 1/32 Stagleap, 5/32 Fuzzypelt, 5/32 Robinwing, 1/16 Oliver, 1/16 Nutmeg, 1/32 Crystal, 1/32 ?, 1/128 Squirrelwhisker, 1/128 Eaglestorm, 1/128 Fallowsong, 1/128 ?, 3/64 Stormtail , 3/128 Rooktail, 3/128 Daisytoe, 1/32 Adderfang, 1/64 Flashnose, 1/64 ?, 1/16 Sandstorm, 1/32 Hickory nose, 1/32 Meadowslip, 1/32 Stagleap, 1/64 Woolytail, 1/64 Palebird- Not clean
Stemleaf, Plumstone, Eaglewing, Shellfur: 1/8 Smallear, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/8 Fuzzypelt, 1/8 Robinwing, 1/4 Millie, 1/8 ?, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ?-Clean
Bumblestripe, Briarlight, Blossomfall: ½ Millie, ¼ ?, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ? -Clean
Cherryfall and Molewhisker: 1/4 Daisy, 1/4 Smokey, 1/16 Smallear, 1/32 Harepounce, 1/32 Stagleap, 1/16 Fuzzypelt, 1/16 Robinwing, 1/32 Stormtail, 1/64 Rooktail, 1/64 Daisytoe, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ? – Not clean
Stormcloud: 1/1 ? -Clean
Honeyfur, Leafshade, and Larksong: 1/8 Smallear, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/8 Fuzzypelt, 1/8 Robinwing, 1/32 Stormtail, 1/64 Rooktail, 1/64 Daisytoe, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ?, 1/8 Oliver, 1/16 Nutmeg, 1/32 Crystal, 1/32 ?- Not clean
Twigbranch and Violetshine: ¼ Sparrowpelt, ¼ Cherrytail, ⅛ Clovertail, ⅛ ?, ⅛ Jessamy, ⅛ ?- Not clean
Finleap, Reedclaw, and Dewspring: ¼ Fallowfern, ¼ Waspwhisker, ¼ Patchfoot, ¼ Clovertail -Clean
Daisy: 1/1 ? -Clean
Graystripe: ½ ? ¼ Adderfang, ⅛ Flashnose, ⅛ ? -Clean
Cloudtail: 1/2 Oliver, 1/4 Nutmeg, 1/8 Crystal, 1/8 ?-Clean
Flamepaw, Flickerkit, Finchpaw: ⅛ Smallear, 1/16 Oakstar, 1/16 Sweetbriar, 1/16 Adderfang, 1/16 Harepounce, 1/16 Stagleap, 1/32 Flashnose, 1/32 ?, ¼ Sandstorm, 3/32 Nutmeg, 3/64 Crystal, 3/64 ? 1/16 Fuzzypelt, 1/16 Robinwing, 1/64 Stormtail, 1/128 Rooktail, 1/128 Daisytoe, 1/16 Oliver- Not clean
Myrtalpaw and Baypaw: ½ ?, 1/32 Smallear, 1/64 Harepounce, 1/64 Stagleap, 1/32 Fuzzypelt, 1/32 Robinwing, 1/64 Stormtail, 1/128 Rooktail, 1/128 Daisytoe, 1/32 Adderfang, 1/64 Flashnose, 1/64 ?, 1/16 Sandstorm, 1/32 Nutmeg, 1/32 Hickorynose, 1/32 Meadowslip, 1/64 Crystal, 1/64 ?, 1/32 Stagleap, 1/64 Woollytail, 1/64 Palebird- Not clean
Of the living cats in Thunder clan, 24 are free of inbreeding and 24 are inbred to some degree. Of the clean cats, many are either too old to have more kits or have married someone who has an inbred line.
Of the cats who are clean, not too old, and not married to an inbred cat, there are no couples. The remaining single cats are:
And of those cats, there are only two females, Eaglewing and Plumstone. Dewnose, Shellfur, and Bumblestripe are all related to them, so they would not fix the problem.
So, for there to be more clean cats born, Eaglewing and Plumstone must marry two of the three following cats: Mousewhisker, Stormcloud, and/or Finleap, or any other cat that joins from outside of the clan. Unfortunately, these two litters will be related two each other, since Eaglewing and Plumstone are sisters, making this only a temporary fix. For Thunderclan to avoid further inbreeding, there will need to be an influx of new cats, and a culling of the old ones.
I hope that you enjoyed this article, or at least found it interesting if I pointed out some stuff that maybe you didn’t really want to know. Please ask Starclan to send Thunderclan some fresh cats.
in fact, I think every cat is kin
According to evolution every single cat on the entire earth is related. So there is no way around it.
umm inbreeding is bad and dangerous the cats should really stop doing that. And didn’t Patch-something in Bluestar’s time become mates unknowingly then divorce with his half sister Willow-something? (i think it was patchpelt) and didn’t they have kits? isn’t that dangerous?
That actually has been deemed non-canon by the Story Team. Patchpelt and his sister Willowpelt were once said by Vicky to be Greystripe’s parents, but she was not aware that they were siblings. As of right now, only Willowpelt is listed as one of Greystripe’s parents and his father is unknown.