
Caption Contest Winner!
The winning caption for the photo below is…
(drumroll please…)

“Is it just me, or do you smell like dog?”
by Spirit!
Your prize is a drawing by Pebblepaw (Peb)!
Art Contest Winners!
For the prompt: Wholesome Warrior Cats, the winners are as follows!
in 3rd place, Moonspirit!

Loving the style here! So so so so so cute!
You get to choose Live Chat’s colours! Please comment below which colours you’d like (and address a mod (like me) so it doesn’t accidentally get modded 😉 )
in 2nd place, Anthracite!

Your piece is extremely wholesome!! Love the anatomy, fur texture, snow placement ( 😛 ) and expressions!
You get one custom-made secret page! Keep reading for details on that.
and in 1st place…

Wonderful art!! So cute and wholesome, and I love the colours too!
You get up to 2 custom-made secret pages!
(A custom-made secret page includes an image of your choice, a caption of your choice, and a name of your choice, like this one here!)
And now presenting…
March Caption Contest!
- Caption the image below, and put your caption as a comment below on this post!
- Only one entry per person
- Deadline is March 28th, 11:59pm BST (BlogTime)
Winner will receive a drawing (purrsona, OC, canon character) from a local BlogClan volunteer artist!
And finally, here’s your image to caption! Be creative, go wild!

March Writing Contest!
Welcome to the fourth bi-monthly writing contest!
Warrior Cats, but make it set in an alternate universe with a completely different writing genre! (For example, sci-fi, fantasy (but more fantasy-y than it already is), crime, etc.!)
- Must be blog appropriate!
- Only one entry per person
- Word limit: 4 000
- Deadline is March 28th, 11:59 BST (Blog Time)
- Must be related to prompt, however “Warriors” can be interpreted as any canon characters, any OCs, as well as BlogClan purrsonas
- To submit, simply put it in a comment under this post!
Third ~ Will get to choose Live Chat’s colours for a week!
Second ~ Will receive a drawing from a local BlogClan artist!
First ~ Will receive a drawing from a local BlogClan artist AND one custom-made secret page!
(A custom-made secret page includes an image of your choice, a caption of your choice, and a name of your choice, like this one here!)
Please fill out this form if you would like to draw one of the prizes for the caption and writing contest winners!
And that’s it folks! Thanks for joining me today, and see you on the 1st of April with the results! Or you know, hop on over to NTA which I’ll be judging soon!
Here is my entry for the writing Contest:
Sisters’ Mission
Squirrelflight opened one eye, then the other. Sunlight was streaming in through the window.
Hanging down from the top bunk, she peeked at her twin sister Leafpool.
She could tell that Leafpool was still asleep. She knew, even without looking. For as long as they could remember, both sisters had always sensed what the other was feeling.
“Hey, wake up!” Squirrelflight laughed, throwing a pillow at the light brown tabby.
“Huh?” Leafpool jumped up, surprised, as her sister had pulled her out of sleep so abruptly.
“Rise and shine,” Squirrelflight mewed, “It’s morning!”
Leafpool sighed and got out of bed. “Can you just use the ladder?” she asked her sister, but Squirrelflight was already jumping down from the top bunk, and Leafpool winced, hoping she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“Race you!” Squirrelflight skipped down the stairs as Leafpool followed more slowly.
“Careful on the stairs!” their mother, Sandstorm, called from the kitchen where she was washing dishes.
Their father, Firestar, was busy packing a briefcase. He was the mayor of ThunderTown, so he often had to work on weekends.
The sisters soon finished their breakfast cereal, and wondered what to do next.
“It’s Saturday,” mewed Leafpool, “so no school.”
“Let’s go play tag in the backyard,” Squirrelflight suggested.
“Maybe we could draw, instead,” said Leafpool, who prefered calmer activities.
“Okay!” Squirrelflight agreed, grabbing a piece of paper from the stack on the desk, “Let’s draw together. You can go first.”
Leafpool drew a forest, and Squirrelflight added animals, like wolves, deer, a bear, and herself as a squirrel.
Firestar came up to them. “That’s a nice picture,” he commented. “Well, I’m going to work. See you in the evening,” he scooped up the stack of papers, placing it in his briefcase as his daughters rushed over to hug him.
“Let’s draw another picture,” Leafpool said after Firestar had left.
Squirrelflight looked at the desk. “Dad took all the paper,” she sighed, “Oh, well. We can draw on the back of our picture.”
Leafpool flipped the picture over, and a shiver ran down her spine when she saw that the back of it was covered with words. Important words. “Squirrelflight,” she gasped, “What have we done?”
“I’m sure it doesn’t matter that the back has drawings on it,” Squirrelflight said, although a trace of worry flickered in her green eyes.
“That’s not the point!” Leafpool protested, “Dad might need his document, and it’s here, not at his work.”
“I’m going to the store,” Sandstorm said. She looked at their worried expressions, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes…” Squirrelflight lied.
Sandstorm narrowed her eyes, but seemed to accept the answer, as she walked out the door without further questions.
Leafpool thought it would have been best to tell the truth, after all, their mother might have found a solution, but she had to admit that she didn’t want to risk being punished. Either way, it was too late to confess now that their mother had left. They would have to figure this out on their own. Somehow. “What will we do?” she asked nervously.
A sudden idea struck Squirrelflight as she paced across the floor. “We can take the document to his work ourselves!” she exclaimed, relived that she didn’t have to whisper now that her and Leafpool were alone in the house, “Well, I’ll take it. You should stay home in case Mom comes back. Otherwise she’ll get worried.”
“What should I say if she asks me where you are?”
“Tell her I’m taking an important document to Dad,” Squirrelflight answered proudly, “She can’t disapprove of that!” Her sister nodded.
“Good luck!” Leafpool called as Squirrelflight put the document in her purse and dashed out the door.
Squirrelflight walked along the road. She was still on her street, and yet it seemed as if she’d walked for ages. As Squirrelflight came to a crosswalk she realized she had no idea where to turn next. She didn’t know the way to the office. This mission had seemed easier when she first made her plan.
Suddenly she caught sight of a cat she recognized. Her classmate, Brambleclaw, was getting into his car with his father. Squirrelflight started towards them, trying to remember his father’s name. “Tigerclaw!” she called, suddenly remembering.
“What do you want, little girl?” the large cat huffed.
“Could you please help me get to the mayor’s office?” Squirrelflight asked, fighting to ignore his gruffness.
“It’s not my problem,” Tigerclaw growled, “Brambleclaw, into the car.”
Squirrelflight lashed her tail, angry at being brushed off. She wasn’t going to give up that easily. “I’ll put that another way,” she marched up to Tigerclaw, “Take me to the mayor’s office. Right now.”
There was a gleam in Tigerclaw’s amber eyes that caused Squirrelflight to take a pace back.
“Alright,” Tigerclaw’s voice was gentle for the first time, “Come with me.”
Reminding herself that she was on an important mission, Squirrelflight climbed into the car, pushing a folder aside.
“Careful, that’s my homework,” Brambleclaw warned sternly.
“That’s my homework!” she mimicked him. “Well, you know what,” she pointed to her purse, “I have a paper that’s actually important! So there.”
“If you say so,” Brambleclaw shrugged.
Squirrelflight pointedly turned away from him and stared out the window, feeling uneasy. She was stuck in a car with a rude classmate and his creepy father.
The car turned and went down a dirt road. Lush trees covered the sky. Squirrelflight frowned. She hadn’t expected Dad’s office to be in the forest.
“We’re here,” Tigerclaw said. Looking out the window, Squirrelflight saw that they had stopped in front of a dark, shabby building with broken walls. “That’s not Dad’s office!” she breathed. Brambleclaw flashed her a guilty look.
Unsure what to do, she opened the car door, hoping to make a quick escape, but as she took a pace towards the road, firm paws seized her scruff and she found herself being dragged into the old house.
“Welcome to my workplace,” Tigerclaw laughed harshly. He threw her into a closet and she landed hard on the dusty floor, letting out an indignant squeal.
Then he slammed the door and everything went dark.
Leafpool flinched, dropping her sandwich back into the plate. Something was terribly wrong, she just knew it. She could feel her sister’s fear.
To her relief the front door opened and Sandstorm walked in.
“Mom!” Leafpool rushed up to her, “Squirrelflight went to Dad’s office! Dad forgot- I mean, we took, his document and she wanted to return it! I think she might be lost!”
“Alright, stay calm,” Sandstorm said, hugging her, “We’ll go to Dad’s office. She might already be there. And if not, Dad will help find her.”
Leafpool followed her mother to the car, although she doubted her sister was at the office. Wherever Squirrelflight was, she was scared. Leafpool could still feel it.
“Let me out!” Squirrelflight banged at the closet door, “Let me out this instant!” But it was no use. Worn out, she slumped down and pressed her ear against a crack in the door, trying to listen to what was happening.
“Welcome, Mapleshade. Darkstripe,” she heard Tigerclaw’s voice, “Please take a seat.” Ah, so he must be having visitors.
“How can we take a seat if your so-called seats are so hard and dusty?” a she-cat’s voice grumbled.
“Well, Mapleshade, it just so happens that when my plan works, we won’t have to meet in this shabby house,” Tigerclaw retorted.
“And judging by the way you pulled me out of my weekend plans,” Mapleshade growled, “you can’t do it without me.”
“Well,” another tom, which must have been Darkstripe, mewed, “I think you need me.”
“Nobody asked you!!” Mapleshade hissed, and a burst of angry voices drifted from the meeting room.
Squirrelflight choked with laughter. “How can you make an evil plan if you won’t stop arguing?!” she mocked, and the yelling broke off.
“What was that?” Mapleshade asked accusingly.
“Relax,” Tigerclaw said proudly, “she’s the key to my plan. She’s Firestar’s daughter, and he’ll give anything to have her back. Soon, we’ll be rich!”
Squirrelflight burned with rage. Me!? A key to your evil plan!? She barely stopped herself from yowling the words out loud.
She searched the dim closet for some of their objects she could break, but there were only cobwebs.
Footsteps neared the closet. Squirrelflight stifled a scream as the doornob suddenly turned, and the door swung open.
“I’ve come to rescue you,” Brambleclaw mewed, grabbing her foreleg.
“Unpaw me!” Squirrelflight yowled, but he dragged her into another room.
“Dad’s near the door,” he explained, “so we’ll have to climb out the window. I’ll help you,” he started shoving her out.
“I can do it myself!” she hissed, trying to scramble up the steep wall, but slipping.
Brambleclaw jumped up onto the high windowsill, and grabbed her paw, pulling her out and plopping her onto the ground.
“I said-” she yowled.
“That you can do it yourself,” he interrupted, and for the first time she saw amusement shining in his eyes.
She flicked her tail, “Yes.”
“I’ll take you to the mayor’s office,” he mewed, his tone suddenly serious, “It’s not far from Dad’s shed, so we’ll be able to walk.”
“Shed!” Squirrelflight purred as they began to walk down the road, “That’s a great way to describe it!”
Leafpool hopped out of the car and followed Sandstorm into the mayor’s office. For some reason she didn’t feel Squirrelflight’s fear as strongly now.
Firestar was at his desk, searching through his briefcase. “Hmm, I can’t seem to find it,” he said to Whitestorm, who was the vice mayor. He looked up to see his mate and daughter.
“Sandstorm! Leafpool!” he greeted them, looking surprised, “Is Squirrelflight with you?”
Leafpool’s heart sank. Her sister hadn’t gotten here.
“That’s what we came to tell you about,” Sandstorm mewed, “Squirrelflight was on her way here, trying to deliver a document which was left at home by mistake. Since she’s not here, we’re afraid she might be lost.”
Firestar looked alarmed, “We should search for her.”
Just then, a tall dark tabby cat marched into the office.
“Tigerclaw!” Firestar mewed, “What brings you here?”
“I have important buisness with you,” Tigerclaw answered.
“I’m sorry,” Firestar said, “It will have to wait. I have important family matters to attend to.”
“Actually, this does have to do with your family,” growled Tigerclaw, “I hold one of your daughters hostage.”
Finally, Squirrelflight could see the mayor’s office. “Hurry up, Brambleclaw, we’re almost there!” she called, running towards the glass doors.
Her ears pricked up as she heard Tigerclaw’s growl, “If- and only if- you give me one thousand dollars,” he was saying, “Then you can have her back unharmed.”
Fury burned inside Squirrelflight. Swiftly, she ran through the hallway, stopping in front of Firestar. “I’m here, Dad!” she yowled. A look of shock came over Tigerclaw.
“Oh, Squirrelflight,” Leafpool cried out, “You’re alright!”
Sandstorm rushed up to Squirrelflight, hugging her, as Firestar confronted Tigerclaw. “I demand an explanation,” he growled, “On second thought, you will give your explanation to the police. Whitestorm, call the police.”
Brambleclaw stood alone in the corner of the room, his head down.
“Who’s this kid?” Sandstorm asked.
Squirrelflight rushed up to stand next to him, “Brambleclaw is Tigerclaw’s son. But he helped me escape!” she quickly added. “Now we have to help him,” she faced her parents, ready to argue if they disagreed.
Sandstorm’s eyes shone with sympathy, “Of course we’ll take care of him.”
Firestar nodded, “You’re with us now.”
The family sat around the table as Sandstorm served soup for everyone.
“Dad, I remembered something!” Squirrelflight suddenly called from where she sat between Leafpool and Brambleclaw. She reached into her purse and pulled a paper out.
“Here’s your document!” she mewed, handing it to Firestar.
“Oh, that’s the document you went through all this trouble for,” he chuckled, “And it comes with a bonus, this beautiful picture!”
“So you really did have an important paper,” said Brambleclaw.
“Of course,” Squirrelflight rolled her eyes, “I wouldn’t lie to you, Brambleclaw!”
Brambleclaw nodded, “I like you.”
“I like me, too!” Squirrelflight laughed, pressing against his side.
Leafpool looked at the document, noticing that they hadn’t needed to go through all this trouble only to give it to their father at home, during dinnertime.
But if not for their journey, Brambleclaw wouldn’t be with them right now. Maybe things had turned out for the best after all.
At home and surrounded by her family, Leafpool let out a relaxed purr. Everything was alright now. Everyone was safe.
oh cute! thanks for entering!
The sun was setting, night was approaching. Moonpaw was out in the woods…hunting. There was a sound of wings. Moonpaw stopped and listened. She dropped into a crouch, then stalked towards the sound. Moonpaw peered through the trees, a golden pegasus was galopping gracefully through the forest, wings tucked against its sides. Moonpaw sniffed the air. The scent of jackalope hung fresh on the gentle breeze. As she stalked through the forest, Moonpaw could hear the jackalope breathing, it was hiding under a bush. Moonpaw ducked into a patch of bluebelles to hide her sky blue pelt. Making sure that she was downwind from her prey, Moonpaw got ready to pounce. Suddenly the ground started to shake. The jackalope bolted from under the bush and into some tall grass, but Moonpaw didnt care, “Earthqake!” She raced towards camp but stopped frozen to the spot, the bluebelles were turning black! Suddenly they crumbled into dust and blew away in the wind. Moonpaw looked around, the tree leaves were crumbling too, leaving bare black trunks. Moonpaw sniffed. She smelled smoke, it was coming from the direction of camp!
Moonpaw slipped through the fern and ivy tunnel, which led into Skyclan camp. As she stared at the sight, horror swept through Moonpaw’s body. The big oak in the center of camp was on fire! Skyclan had been attacked! Cats were fighting and screaming, and over it all Moonpaw heard a screech. She looked in the direction of the scream, and saw her mom Rainripple and siblings Butterflykit, Cherrykit and Dawnkit, they were surrounded by fire! “mom!” “MOM!!!” “Moonpaw woke up.
“Wake up, Moonpaw, it’s morning!” Nightpaws voice called. Moonpaw sat up panting, eyes still watery from her dream. Before she could figure out where she was, Moonpaw began to cry. Aquapelt stepped into the den, “Is everything allright?” he asked. “Moonpaw had a nightmare,” Nightpaw explained. Aquapelt walked over to his apprentice, and wrapped his tail around her comfortingly, “It’s just a dream,” he said calmly. “But it felt so real!” Moonpaw sobbed, choking on her tears.
Aquapelt walked out of the apprentices’ den, his tail held high. Moonpaw padded after him, followed by Nightpaw and Windpaw. The sun was starting to rise, and all around cats were yawning, stretching, and getting ready for the day. Unicornpaw walked lazily out into the morning sun, squinting at the light. “There you are, sleepy head,” a firm voice said. Nighthawk rushed up to him, “Got to get training, if you’re gonna become a warrior soon.” That repulsive bag of fur a warrior? No way!
“Come on, Moonpaw,” Aquapelt called, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m coming!” Moonpaw hurried after her mentor, skidding to a halt beside him.
Moonpaw followed her mentor out of camp. As they walked through the forest, Moonpaw heard a squawk. Looking up, she saw a beautifly colerd phoenix its feathers gleamed with the colors of a sunset. Moonpaw’s stomach growled, she couldn’t wait to take a bite out of the fresh kill pile. Suddenly Moonpaw noticed she had fallen behind, and___ rushed to catch up.
Moonpaw and her mentor arrived at the split tree. Nightpaw and Windpaw were already there with their mentors, Poppeybreeze and Wormwhisker. Moonpaw sat down next to her friends.
“Today we’ll work on our hunting skills,” Poppeybreeze stated, “Nightpaw you’ll go to the river. Windpaw, head to the fallen tree. And, Moonpaw, go toward the three trees.”
The three apprentices raced off in different directions. Moonpaw ran through the forest, leaping over rocks and skidding under ferns. She stopped half way to the three trees, and sniffed the air. She smelled jackalope. Moonpaw stalked toward the smell. Soon her prey was in sight. She dropped into a crouch and got ready to pounce. Moonpaw leapt, missing by inches. She sprang into pursuit after her prey, keeping pace with the jackalope, then with one big leap she caught it and swiftly killed it.
After burying her catch, Moonpaw went to hunt some more. She jumped up onto a log and looked around the sun dappeld forest. Moss, mushrooms and ferns covered the trees, and vines winded around the trunks. Moonpaw hopped down to the damp mossy floor. Suddenly she heard a mouse rustling in the leaves. Moonpaw quietly backed into some ferns, but the mouse had noticed. It quickly took flight, but Moonpaw was quicker! She grabbed it out of the air and killed it.
Moonpaw arrived at the split tree with her catches. “You’re the first one back,” Aquapelt remarked. Moonpaw dropped her prey on the ground, then sat down. Moments later Nightpaw ran into the clearing, carrying a large fish. Windpaw followed more slowly.
“Where did you get that?” Poppeybreeze asked, as her apprentice plopped the fish onto the ground. “I caught it,” Nightpaw said proudly.
Windpaw put the mouse he was carrying on the ground. “Is that it?” Wormwhisker asked unbelievingly. Windpaw looked at the ground.
“What you do, sit on it?” Nightpaw snickered, flopping down and squirming around, “Oh no, I’m a caterpillar, ahh it’s Windpaw, maybe he’ll sit on me till I ask him to eat me!” Windpaw pounced onto his sister, “Oh, you asked for it alright!”
Moonpaw purred in amusement, as the siblings rolled around on the grass. Their play fighting was interrupted by a scream from above. They all looked up. A flock of two feet were flying by, flapping their forepaws vigorously. “Must be hunting,” Aquapelt guessed, “Well, it’s getting late. Let’s head back.” Moonpaw grabbed her prey, then hurried after her mentor. The rest of the group followed.
The cats were almost back to camp when Moonpaw noticed something strange, one of the trees had a black patch. The bark seemed to be burnt. Moonpaw looked closely, in the center of the black patch there were claw marks. “Mooooonpawww,” Nightpaw was calling. “Coming!” Moonpaw caught up to her friend, who was still carrying the fish. “Where DID you really get that fish?” Moonpaw inquired. “I traded with a handsome rainclan appretice at the border,” Nightpaw whispered. Moonpaw rolled her eyes, as Nightpaw darted ahead of the group and through the fern and ivy tunnel. Moonpaw followed. Nightpaw marched over to the fresh kill pile dropping her fish on the top. As Moonpaw plopped a mouthful of prey onto the pile, Aquapelt walked over to her, “That’s a lot of prey,” he commented. Pride flickered in Aquapelt’s eyes as he gazed down at her, “You’ll make a grear warrior some day.” His voice was deep and wise.
Moonpaw was out hunting. Suddenly she became aware of cats in the shadows. They were heading right for her! One of the cats was walking straight at her. Moonpaw was about to jump out of the way, but the cat went right through her. These cats weren’t just in the shadows, they WERE shadows! Suddenly, Moonpaw was in the midst of a battle. In the middle of it all, Moonpaw saw her mother who was surrounded by fire! “mom!” “MOM!” Moonpaw woke up, panting. Windpaw was starting to stir. Moonpaw nudged Nightpaw, “Wake up, training is gonna start soon.” Nightpaw groaned, but reluctantly got up. The three apprentices walked out of the den. The sun was just above the horizon, but most of the cats were already awake. Wormwhisker came up to them, “Good, you’re awake. Now, Moonpaw and Nightpaw, you two can go hunting. Windpaw, come with me for battle training.” Moonpaw watched as Windpaw followed his mentor through the fern and ivy tunnel. “Wanna hunt together?” Nightpaw asked. “Sure,” the two apprentices rushed out of camp. As they walked through the woods, Moonpaw thought about what she saw the day before. Burnt bark. Claw marks. Then her thoughts jumped back to her dream. Shadow cats. Fire. Trees turning black. Suddenly, Moonpaw thought she heard voices, “Did you hear that?” she asked her friend. “I didn’t hear any…”
“I told you we should have attacked sooner,” an unfamiliar voice snapped. Moonpaw followed the sound, Nightpaw close behind. The two of them peered through the bushes to see three dark silhouettes with glowing eyes standing in a clearing. “How was I supposed to know that some nosy apprentice would notice our claw marks,” the yellow eyed one snapped back. Moonpaw fought between the urge to run and the need to listen. “Now she’s gonna start snooping around and getting in the way of our plans!” The red eyed one almost screamed. “Do you really think she’ll go looking for the skull?” the one with green eyes asked. “What skull?” the yellow eyed one demanded. “When our leader became a shadow he left his skull behind. If someone breaks it, all of us will get trapped inside forever.” the red eyed one explained. “We can’t let that happen. We shall attack on the night of no moon.” The yellow eyed one stated. “Oh no!” Nightpaw gasped.
The two apprentices rushed into camp after their hunt. As Nightpaw put her mouse onto the fresh kill pile she whispered to Moonpaw, “Should we tell Pegasusstar what we saw?” Moonpaw plopped her blue squirrel onto the pile. “Yeah or we could tell the shadow cats that we overheard their conversation because that would probably work just as well.” “But what can we do?” suddenly Moonpaw remembered something “Nightpaw didint one of the shadow cats say somthing about a skull” Nightpaw perked up at the idea “we could find the skull and break it traping the shadow cats inside and stoping the atak!” “whats going on” Windpaw ran up to them “shadow cats are planing to atak!” Windpaw looked at her unbelivingly “are you fealing okay sis?” “its true” Moonpaw said hoping into the conversatson “i’ll explane” as Moonpaw finished explaning Windpaw stared in disbalief “and your sure they were talking about you?” Moonpaw noded “im the only one who saw the claw marks. it had to be me.” Their conversation was interrupted by a call from the Great Oak, “Let all cats old enough to hunt for their clan gather beneath Great Oak for a clan meeting!” The three friends rushed to the oak where cats had begun assembling. Moonpaw noticed that Echopaw and Unicornpaw had stepped to the front of the crowd. Pegasusstar lifted her head and fixed her eyes on the moon that was rising in the sky. Her voice rang out loud and clear in the hushed woods, “I Pegasusstar, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices, they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.” She looked down at Echopaw and Unicornpaw, “Echopaw, Unicornpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?” Echopaw took a deep breath, “I do.” Pegasusstar’s gaze fell on Unicornpaw. “I do,” he answered steadily. The leader jumped gracefully off the ledge, “Then by the powers of Moonclan, I give you your warrior names: Echopaw, from this moment on you will be known as Echoheart, Moonclan honors your loyalty and your bravery,” she rested her muzzle on top of his. Echoheart stepped back into the crowd respectfully. Pegasusstar turned to Unicornpaw, “And you, Unicornpaw, from this moment on will be known as Unicornbutt.” Moonpaw fought the urge to laugh. Pegasusstar went on, “Moonclan honors your bravery and your strength.” She touched her muzzle to his. Suddenly Moonpaw couldn’t take it anymore, she broke out laughing, her two friends joining in. Unicornbutt slunk away into the crowd.
Moonpaw was walking through the woods. All of a sudden the trees started turning black and crumbling. She ran through the forest trying to escape the unfolding horror. Moonpaw stopped to catch her breath. Suddenly she heard a twig snap. Looking up, she became aware that she was being watched. A dark silhouette leapt out of the shadows, claws unsheathed. Moonpaw didn’t even have a chance to run. It was too late.
Moonpaw woke up panting. She looked around. Nightpaw was sleeping soundly. Moonpaw nudged her. “Wake up,” she hissed, “It’s time to go!” Nightpaw got up sleepily. She followed Moonpaw out of the den, purposely stepping on her brother. He groaned, lifting his head, “Where are you guys going?” “To find the skull,” Moonpaw asnwered, “You coming?” Windpaw got up and followed his friends. “So what’s the plan?” he asked joining them outside the den. “Echoheart and Unicornbutt are guarding the camp exit, but we can sneak out the tunnel to the dirt place,” Moonpaw explained. The three apprentices darted across camp and into the tunnel to the dirt place.
Once out of camp Moonpaw headed for the far border. Words echoing in her mind, on floating islands far away, in a cave, so dark and grey, there’s a skull as white as day.
“Where are we doing?” Nightpaw’s voice called. “Yeah, where is this skull?” Windpaw chimed in. “I once heard a nursery tale of a skull hidden in a cave far away,” Moonpaw answered, rehearsing the words in her mind. On floating islands far away… “Once we get over the border, we can stop and rest,” she added.
The three of them crossed the border successfully. Now they were on unfamiliar land, not knowing what to expect. “Let’s take turns guarding, Moonpaw, since this was your idea, you can take the first watch,” Windpaw suggested. Moonpaw watched her friends lie down under a bush and go to sleep. Then she looked around. There was nothing but darkness. Moonpaw started wondering if it was right to leave without telling anyone. Could they do this alone? Suddenly, Moonpaw thought she heard the voice of her father. But she couldn’t have, he had died moons ago! “Believe in yourself, dear Moonpaw!” It WAS her father! Well, if he believed in her, she MUST be doing the right thing! Moonpaw felt comforted by her late father’s words. It was almost as if he was still with her, guiding her in the right direction.
When dawn broke, the friends set off for the floating islands. Having crossed rivers and walked through meadows, by sunset they finally reached the floating islands. “We made it!” Moonpaw exclaimed. “But which island has the skull?” Nightpaw asked. Moonpaw thought hard. “Let’s try the biggest one,” Windpaw suggested. Moonpaw and Nightpaw agreed. They walked up to the biggest island. Nightpaw looked down into the valley that stretched below, then looked up at the island that hung high in the air, “But how do we get up there?” Moonpaw looked around, suddenly she saw a flock of phoenixes flying up from the valley and toward the island. “Follow me!” Moonpaw called as she took a leap off the edge of the cliff. The timing was perfect, she managed to grab hold of a phoenix. Moonpaw heard squawks of alarm from behind her,s he turned her head and saw that her two friends had managed to get on a phoenix as well.
As the phoenixes neared the island, Moonpaw and her friends hopped off. “Weeee, that was FUN!” Nightpaw squealed in delight. “Nightpaw, focus!” Windpaw snapped at his sister.
The friends headed toward the mountains. Suddenly Moonpaw saw a dark tunnel. “Look! A cave!” she called to her friends. “Do you think it’s the one?” Windpaw asked. “It has to be!” Moonpaw exclaimed.
They walked into the darkness. As her eyes adjusted, Moonpaw became aware that they were in a big cavern, pointed rocks all around. “Let’s spread out,” Moonpaw proposed.
“Wait,” Windpaw called out, “Shouldn’t we make a secret signal, you know, in case someone is in trouble?”
“Sure! How about ‘HELP’?” Nightpaw suggested.
“Come on, geniuses, we have no time to waste!” Moonpaw called.
The friends ran off in different directions. Moonpaw searched through a pile of rocks. She felt a hollow area among the rocks, “I found it! I found it!”
“Me, too! Me, too!” Nightpaw’s voice rang out from the other side of the pile.
Moonpaw stared into the hole she had made. Through it, Nightpaw stared back at her. They were grabbing on to each other. Moonpaw picked up a rock with her mouth, “This NEVER happened!” she said, wedging the rock into the hole.
As Moonpaw searched through another pile of rocks, she noticed something on the other side of the cave. Could it be? She ran over to it. It WAS! It was the skull!
“I found it!” Moonpaw’s friends ran over to her. “Quick! Let’s head back home!” Nightpaw exclaimed, picking up the skull. Moonpaw followed her friends. Suddenly, the ground underneath her started to crumble, she fell down through a hole. Rocks and dust were flying in her face as she rolled down a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, Moonpaw tumbled out into open air. She was beneath the island! She grabbed at thin air, hoping to get a hold of something. Realizing that she was no longer falling down, she opened her eyes. Her claws had caught onto a root. “Moonpaw, get back up here!” Windpaw’s voice rang down. “You have no idea how much I’d love to do that! Any suggestions?” Moonpaw’s voice was shaking with fright and frustration. “I don’t know.. Float or something,” Windpaw called back. Nightpaw nodded, trying to hide her worry. Moonpaw groaned.
Suddenly, Moonpaw saw a young cloud happily playing below her. It seemed friendly. Moonpaw called to it, “Excuse me, a little help here?” The cloud floated up to her, and Moonpaw hopped onto it, “Guys, come on down!”
The friends tumbled down the tunnel and onto the soft cloud. “Can you, please, take us back to Skyclan’s nearest border?” The cloud bobbed up and down in agreement and floated off towards the apprentices’ home. Getting off at the border, they said ‘Good bye!’ to their new friend, then raced towards camp.
Moonpaw looked up at the sky. There was no moon in sight. She hoped they weren’t too late. As they neared the camp, they heard screams of horror. Skidding through the tunnel, they stopped in shock. Shadowcats had attacked and destruction was spreading through camp. Moonpaw grabbed the skull and leapt onto a rock. She let out a screech to get everybody’s attention, then scraped open the skull. A big wind started to blow, swirling around the skull. The Shadowcats were swept into it, screeching and yowling. As the last cat disappeared into the skull, it yowled its last word, “This isn’t over yet!”
“Oh, yes, it is!” Moonpaw said, hopping off the rock. Suddenly she noticed Pegasusstar crouching near the deputy’s limp body. Moonpaw ran up to see what had happened. Suncloud the deputy was dead. “We’ll mourn him later,” Pegasusstar said, hopping onto the cliff near the great oak, “Sandflower will be the new deputy,” she announced, “Our three apprentices, Moonpaw, Windpaw and Nightpaw have shown great courage, they shall be remembered for the day they saved the clans.”
Then the leader jumped off the cliff and headed back to her deputy’s body.
Moonpaw sat on a rock near the river, looking up at the sky. Everything will be alright now. Suddenly out of the shadows came Moonpaw’s late father’s spirit. “I am very proud of you,” he said, giving her a lick, then ran up into the sky to join his ancestors.
[Embix edit: To Rainshine, please read this entry by Rosepelt (formerly Tigerlily) instead of the previous one!]
Can a moderator, please, change my story for this version, if it’s allowed? I figured out how to change some text to italics, and edited a few spelling mistakes. And, by the way, I changed my name to Rosepelt (it was “Tigerlily is now Rosepelt” when I posted the story).
A Vision of Nightmares
The sun was setting, night was approaching. Moonpaw was out in the woods…hunting. There was a sound of wings. Moonpaw stopped and listened. She dropped into a crouch, then stalked towards the sound. Moonpaw peered through the trees, a golden pegasus was galopping gracefully through the forest, wings tucked against its sides. Moonpaw sniffed the air. The scent of jackalope hung fresh on the gentle breeze. As she stalked through the forest, Moonpaw could hear the jackalope breathing, it was hiding under a bush. Moonpaw ducked into a patch of bluebelles to hide her sky blue pelt. Making sure that she was downwind from her prey, Moonpaw got ready to pounce. Suddenly the ground started to shake. The jackalope bolted from under the bush and into some tall grass, but Moonpaw didnt care, “Earthqake!” She raced towards camp but stopped frozen to the spot, the bluebelles were turning black! Suddenly they crumbled into dust and blew away in the wind. Moonpaw looked around, the tree leaves were crumbling too, leaving bare black trunks. Moonpaw sniffed. She smelled smoke, it was coming from the direction of camp!
Moonpaw slipped through the fern and ivy tunnel, which led into Skyclan camp. As she stared at the sight, horror swept through Moonpaw’s body. The big oak in the center of camp was on fire! Skyclan had been attacked! Cats were fighting and screaming, and over it all Moonpaw heard a screech. She looked in the direction of the scream, and saw her mom Rainripple and siblings Butterflykit, Cherrykit and Dawnkit, they were surrounded by fire! “mom!” “MOM!!!” “Moonpaw woke up.
“Wake up, Moonpaw, it’s morning!” Nightpaw’s voice called. Moonpaw sat up panting, eyes still watery from her dream. Before she could figure out where she was, Moonpaw began to cry. Aquapelt stepped into the den, “Is everything alright?” he asked. “Moonpaw had a nightmare,” Nightpaw explained. Aquapelt walked over to his apprentice, and wrapped his tail around her comfortingly, “It’s just a dream,” he said calmly. “But it felt so real!” Moonpaw sobbed, choking on her tears.
Aquapelt walked out of the apprentices’ den, his tail held high. Moonpaw padded after him, followed by Nightpaw and Windpaw. The sun was starting to rise, and all around cats were yawning, stretching, and getting ready for the day. Unicornpaw walked lazily out into the morning sun, squinting at the light. “There you are, sleepy head,” a firm voice said. Nighthawk rushed up to him, “Got to get training, if you’re gonna become a warrior soon.” That repulsive bag of fur a warrior? No way!
“Come on, Moonpaw,” Aquapelt called, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m coming!” Moonpaw hurried after her mentor, skidding to a halt beside him.
Moonpaw followed her mentor out of camp. As they walked through the forest, Moonpaw heard a squawk. Looking up, she saw a beautiful phoenix, its feathers gleaming with the colors of a sunset. Moonpaw’s stomach growled, she couldn’t wait to take a bite out of the fresh kill pile. Suddenly Moonpaw noticed she had fallen behind, and rushed to catch up.
Moonpaw and her mentor arrived at the split tree. Nightpaw and Windpaw were already there with their mentors, Poppeybreeze and Wormwhisker. Moonpaw sat down next to her friends.
“Today we’ll work on our hunting skills,” Poppeybreeze stated, “Nightpaw, you’ll go to the river. Windpaw, head to the fallen tree. And, Moonpaw, go toward the three trees.”
The three apprentices raced off in different directons. Moonpaw ran through the forest, leaping over rocks and skidding under ferns. She stopped half way to the three trees, and sniffed the air. She smelled jackalope. Moonpaw stalked toward the smell. Soon her prey was in sight. She dropped into a crouch and got ready to pounce. Moonpaw leapt, missing by inches. She sprang into pursuit after her prey, keeping pace with the jackalope, then with one big leap she caught it and swiftly killed it.
After burying her catch, Moonpaw went to hunt some more. She jumped up onto a log and looked around the sun dappled forest. Moss, mushrooms and ferns covered the trees, and vines winded around the trunks. Moonpaw hopped down to the damp mossy floor. Suddenly she heard a mouse rustling in the leaves. Moonpaw quietly backed into some ferns, but the mouse had noticed. It quickly took flight, but Moonpaw was quicker! She grabbed it out of the air and killed it.
Moonpaw arrived at the split tree with her catches. “You’re the first one back,” Aquapelt remarked. Moonpaw dropped her prey on the ground, then sat down. Moments later Nightpaw ran into the clearing, carrying a large fish. Windpaw followed more slowly.
“Where did you get that?” Poppeybreeze asked, as her apprentice plopped the fish onto the ground. “I caught it,” Nightpaw said proudly.
Windpaw put the mouse he was carrying on the ground. “Is that it?” Wormwhisker asked unbelievingly. Windpaw looked at the ground.
“What’d you do, sit on it?” Nightpaw snickered, flopping down and squirming around, “Oh no, I’m a caterpillar, ahh it’s Windpaw, maybe he’ll sit on me till I ask him to eat me!” Windpaw pounced onto his sister, “Oh, you asked for it alright!”
Moonpaw purred in amusement, as the siblings rolled around on the grass. Their play fighting was interrupted by a scream from above. They all looked up. A flock of two feet were flying by, flapping their forepaws vigorously. “Must be hunting,” Aquapelt guessed, “Well, it’s getting late. Let’s head back.” Moonpaw grabbed her prey, then hurried after her mentor. The rest of the group followed.
The cats were almost back to camp when Moonpaw noticed something strange, one of the trees had a black patch. The bark seemed to be burnt. Moonpaw looked closely, in the center of the black patch there were claw marks. “Mooooonpawww,” Nightpaw was calling. “Coming!” Moonpaw caught up to her friend, who was still carrying the fish. “Where DID you really get that fish?” Moonpaw inquired. “I traded with a handsome rainclan appretice at the border,” Nightpaw whispered. Moonpaw rolled her eyes, as Nightpaw darted ahead of the group and through the fern and ivy tunnel. Moonpaw followed. Nightpaw marched over to the fresh kill pile dropping her fish on the top. As Moonpaw plopped a mouthful of prey onto the pile, Aquapelt walked over to her, “That’s a lot of prey,” he commented. Pride flickered in Aquapelt’s eyes as he gazed down at her, “You’ll make a grear warrior some day.” His voice was deep and wise.
Moonpaw was out hunting. Suddenly she became aware of cats in the shadows. They were heading right for her! One of the cats was walking straight at her. Moonpaw was about to jump out of the way, but the cat went right through her. These cats weren’t just in the shadows, they WERE shadows! Suddenly, Moonpaw was in the midst of a battle. In the middle of it all, Moonpaw saw her mother who was surrounded by fire! “mom!” “MOM!” Moonpaw woke up, panting.
Windpaw was starting to stir. Moonpaw nudged Nightpaw, “Wake up, training is gonna start soon.” Nightpaw groaned, but reluctantly got up. The three apprentices walked out of the den. The sun was just above the horizon, but most of the cats were already awake. Wormwhisker came up to them, “Good, you’re awake. Now, Moonpaw and Nightpaw, you two can go hunting. Windpaw, come with me for battle training.” Moonpaw watched as Windpaw followed his mentor through the fern and ivy tunnel. “Wanna hunt together?” Nightpaw asked. “Sure,” the two apprentices rushed out of camp. As they walked through the woods, Moonpaw thought about what she saw the day before. Burnt bark. Claw marks. Then her thoughts jumped back to her dream. Shadow cats. Fire. Trees turning black. Suddenly, Moonpaw thought she heard voices, “Did you hear that?” she asked her friend. “I didn’t hear any…”
“I told you we should have attacked sooner,” an unfamiliar voice snapped. Moonpaw followed the sound, Nightpaw close behind. The two of them peered through the bushes to see three dark silhouettes with glowing eyes standing in a clearing. “How was I supposed to know that some nosy apprentice would notice our claw marks?” the yellow eyed one snapped back. Moonpaw fought between the urge to run and the need to listen. “Now she’s gonna start snooping around and getting in the way of our plans!” the red eyed one almost screamed. “Do you really think she’ll go looking for the skull?” the one with green eyes asked. “What skull?” the yellow eyed one demanded. “When our leader became a shadow, he left his skull behind. If someone breaks it, all of us will get trapped inside forever,” the red eyed one explained. “We can’t let that happen. We shall attack on the night of no moon,” the yellow eyed one stated. “Oh, no,” Nightpaw gasped.
The two apprentices rushed into camp after their hunt. As Nightpaw put her mouse onto the fresh kill pile, she whispered to Moonpaw, “Should we tell Pegasusstar what we saw?” Moonpaw plopped her blue squirrel onto the pile, “Yeah or we could tell the shadow cats that we overheard their conversation because that would probably work just as well.” “But what can we do?”
Suddenly, Moonpaw remembered something, “Nightpaw, didn’t one of the shadow cats say something about a skull?” Nightpaw perked up at the idea, “We could find the skull and break it, trapping the shadow cats inside and stopping the attack!”
“What’s going on?” Windpaw ran up to them.
“Shadow cats are planing to attack!”
Windpaw looked at her unbelievingly, “Are you feeling okay, sis?”
“It’s true!” Moonpaw said, hopping into the conversation, “I’ll explain.”
As Moonpaw finished explaning, Windpaw stared in disbelief, “And you’re sure they were talking about you?”
Moonpaw nodded, “I’m the only one who saw the claw marks. It had to be me.”
Their conversation was interrupted by a call from the Great Oak, “Let all cats old enough to hunt for their clan gather beneath Great Oak for a clan meeting!” The three friends rushed to the oak where cats had begun assembling. Moonpaw noticed that Echopaw and Unicornpaw had stepped to the front of the crowd. Pegasusstar lifted her head and fixed her eyes on the moon that was rising in the sky. Her voice rang out loud and clear in the hushed woods, “I, Pegasusstar, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices, they have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn.” She looked down at Echopaw and Unicornpaw, “Echopaw, Unicornpaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your lives?” Echopaw took a deep breath, “I do.” Pegasusstar’s gaze fell on Unicornpaw. “I do,” he answered steadily. The leader jumped gracefully off the ledge, “Then by the powers of Moonclan, I give you your warrior names: Echopaw, from this moment on you will be known as Echoheart, Moonclan honors your loyalty and your bravery,” she rested her muzzle on top of his. Echoheart stepped back into the crowd respectfully. Pegasusstar turned to Unicornpaw, “And you, Unicornpaw, from this moment on will be known as Unicornbutt.” Moonpaw fought the urge to laugh. Pegasusstar went on, “Moonclan honors your bravery and your strength.” She touched her muzzle to his. Suddenly Moonpaw couldn’t take it anymore, she broke out laughing, her two friends joining in. Unicornbutt slunk away into the crowd.
Moonpaw was walking through the woods. All of a sudden the trees started turning black and crumbling. She ran through the forest trying to escape the unfolding horror. Moonpaw stopped to catch her breath. Suddenly she heard a twig snap. Looking up, she became aware that she was being watched. A dark silhouette leapt out of the shadows, claws unsheathed. Moonpaw didn’t even have a chance to run. It was too late.
Moonpaw woke up, panting. She looked around. Nightpaw was sleeping soundly. Moonpaw nudged her. “Wake up,” she hissed, “It’s time to go!” Nightpaw got up sleepily. She followed Moonpaw out of the den, purposely stepping on her brother. He groaned, lifting his head, “Where are you guys going?” “To find the skull,” Moonpaw asnwered, “You coming?” Windpaw got up and followed his friends. “So what’s the plan?” he asked joining them outside the den. “Echoheart and Unicornbutt are guarding the camp exit, but we can sneak out the tunnel to the dirt place,” Moonpaw explained. The three apprentices darted across camp and into the tunnel to the dirt place.
Once out of camp Moonpaw headed for the far border. Words echoing in her mind, on floating islands far away, in a cave, so dark and grey, there’s a skull as white as day.
“Where are we going?” Nightpaw’s voice called. “Yeah, where is this skull?” Windpaw chimed in. “I once heard a nursery tale of a skull hidden in a cave far away,” Moonpaw answered, rehearsing the words in her mind. On floating islands far away… “Once we get over the border, we can stop and rest,” she added.
The three of them crossed the border successfully. Now they were on unfamiliar land, not knowing what to expect. “Let’s take turns guarding, Moonpaw, since this was your idea, you can take the first watch,” Windpaw suggested. Moonpaw watched her friends lie down under a bush and go to sleep. Then she looked around. There was nothing but darkness. Moonpaw started wondering if it was right to leave without telling anyone. Could they do this alone? Suddenly, Moonpaw thought she heard the voice of her father. But she couldn’t have, he had died moons ago! “Believe in yourself, dear Moonpaw!” It WAS her father! Well, if he believed in her, she MUST be doing the right thing! Moonpaw felt comforted by her late father’s words. It was almost as if he was still with her, guiding her in the right direction.
When dawn broke, the friends set off for the floating islands. Having crossed rivers and walked through meadows, by sunset they finally reached the floating islands. “We made it!” Moonpaw exclaimed. “But which island has the skull?” Nightpaw asked. Moonpaw thought hard. “Let’s try the biggest one,” Windpaw suggested. Moonpaw and Nightpaw agreed. They walked up to the biggest island. Nightpaw looked down into the valley that stretched below, then looked up at the island that hung high in the air, “But how do we get up there?” Moonpaw looked around, suddenly she saw a flock of phoenixes flying up from the valley and toward the island. “Follow me!” Moonpaw called as she took a leap off the edge of the cliff. The timing was perfect, she managed to grab hold of a phoenix. Moonpaw heard squawks of alarm from behind her, she turned her head and saw that her two friends had managed to get on a phoenix as well.
As the phoenixes neared the island, Moonpaw and her friends hopped off. “Weeee, that was FUN!” Nightpaw squealed in delight. “Nightpaw, focus!” Windpaw snapped at his sister.
The friends headed toward the mountains. Suddenly Moonpaw saw a dark tunnel. “Look! A cave!” she called to her friends. “Do you think it’s the one?” Windpaw asked. “It has to be!” Moonpaw exclaimed.
They walked into the darkness. As her eyes adjusted, Moonpaw became aware that they were in a big cavern, pointed rocks all around. “Let’s spread out,” Moonpaw proposed.
“Wait,” Windpaw called out, “Shouldn’t we make a secret signal, you know, in case someone is in trouble?”
“Sure! How about ‘HELP’?” Nightpaw suggested.
“Come on, geniuses, we have no time to waste!” Moonpaw called.
The friends ran off in different directions. Moonpaw searched through a pile of rocks. She felt a hollow area among the rocks, “I found it! I found it!”
“Me, too! Me, too!” Nightpaw’s voice rang out from the other side of the pile.
Moonpaw stared into the hole she had made. Through it, Nightpaw stared back at her. They were grabbing on to each other. Moonpaw picked up a rock with her mouth, “This NEVER happened!” she said, wedging the rock into the hole.
As Moonpaw searched through another pile of rocks, she noticed something on the other side of the cave. Could it be? She ran over to it. It WAS! It was the skull!
“I found it!” Moonpaw’s friends ran over to her. “Quick! Let’s head back home!” Nightpaw exclaimed, picking up the skull. Moonpaw followed her friends. Suddenly, the ground underneath her started to crumble, she fell down through a hole. Rocks and dust were flying in her face as she rolled down a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, Moonpaw tumbled out into open air. She was beneath the island! She grabbed at thin air, hoping to get a hold of something. Realizing that she was no longer falling down, she opened her eyes. Her claws had caught onto a root. “Moonpaw, get back up here!” Windpaw’s voice rang down. “You have no idea how much I’d love to do that! Any suggestions?” Moonpaw’s voice was shaking with fright and frustration. “I don’t know.. Float or something,” Windpaw called back. Nightpaw nodded, trying to hide her worry. Moonpaw groaned.
Suddenly, Moonpaw saw a young cloud happily playing below her. It seemed friendly. Moonpaw called to it, “Excuse me, a little help here?” The cloud floated up to her, and Moonpaw hopped onto it, “Guys, come on down!”
The friends tumbled down the tunnel and onto the soft cloud. “Can you, please, take us back to Skyclan’s nearest border?” The cloud bobbed up and down in agreement and floated off towards the apprentices’ home. Getting off at the border, they said ‘Good bye!’ to their new friend, then raced towards camp.
Moonpaw looked up at the sky. There was no moon in sight. She hoped they weren’t too late. As they neared the camp, they heard screams of horror. Skidding through the tunnel, they stopped in shock. Shadowcats had attacked and destruction was spreading through camp. Moonpaw grabbed the skull and leapt onto a rock. She let out a screech to get everybody’s attention, then scraped open the skull. A big wind started to blow, swirling around the skull. The Shadowcats were swept into it, screeching and yowling. As the last cat disappeared into the skull, it yowled its last words, “This isn’t over yet!”
“Oh, yes, it is!” Moonpaw said, hopping off the rock. Suddenly she noticed Pegasusstar crouching near the deputy’s limp body. Moonpaw ran up to see what had happened. Suncloud, the deputy, was dead. “We’ll mourn him later,” Pegasusstar said, hopping onto the cliff near the Great Oak, “Sandflower will be the new deputy,” she announced, “Our three apprentices, Moonpaw, Windpaw and Nightpaw have shown great courage, they shall be remembered for the day they saved the clans.”
Then the leader jumped off the cliff and headed back to her deputy’s body.
Moonpaw sat on a rock near the river, looking up at the sky. Everything will be alright now. Suddenly out of the shadows came Moonpaw’s late father’s spirit. “I am very proud of you,” he said, giving her a lick, then ran up into the sky to join his ancestors.
nice entry! (and thanks embix <3)
wait wait wait is this still open
sry bro already judged but read my other reply 😛
can I have an extension pretty please just for like,,,, a week at most
its ok if not I just let time run away with me and now its the end of march
bruhhhh that’s an oof
i’m afraid i can’t postpone the post bUT if your entry deserved a top place i’ll draw you something for a prize ( i owe you something for winning in my dtiys anyway )
ayyyy ty i’ll have it to you in a week 😀