Official spoiler page for the compilation of Daisy’s Kin, Blackfoot’s Reckoning, and Spotfur’s Rebellion!
The page title says what it says! This discussion (and eventual spoiler) page will be the discussion/spoiler pages for all three novellas included in the compilation. That is, this page will be the discussion/spoiler page for Daisy’s Kin, Blackfoot’s Reckoning, and Spotfur’s Rebellion!

March 11th, 2020: This page will remain a discussion page until we get more detailed blurbs for each of the three novellas contained!
October 20, 2020: Some people got a little impatient, so I went ahead and changed this to a spoiler page. Happy discussing!
Did Clarissa write these? I’m assuming the Novellas are her job now.
It thought so, too. But then Cherith wrote Pebbleshine’s Kits, so that is confusing. Clarissa did write Mothwing’s Secret, so maybe Kate wrote Tree’s Roots? That they all do one book?
Nah, Clarissa did Tree’s Roots. Who knows really
Oooh. All three look interesting!
Hi Kate :3 I’ve been thinking and I got an idea of a new novella you could think about. Darkstripe. I think it would be really cool to create a backstory of why he turned evil and stuff! Here’s a cool backstory I thought of, a quarter moon after the death a Tawnyspots (Darkstripe’s dad) Willowpelt (Darkstripe’s mom) finds out she’s going to have his kit! She feels very sad that her former mate will not be able to see their kit grow up. Soon before Darkstripe is born she forms a bond with Whitestorm and they become mates. When Darkstripe is born he feels neglected and lonely because Willowpelt is always spending time with Whitestorm. So he finds comfort hanging out with Tigerclaw. When Graystripe is born (his little brother) he becomes furious when he sees how much time Willowpelt and Whitestorm spend with him, and he becomes very jealous. When Willowpelt and Whitestorm’s second litter arrives, he agrees to help Tigerclaw(star) with his plan to kill Sorreltail (his little sis) with deathberries. So he could cause Willowpelt the pain she caused him as a kit and take revenge on his mother. When he does this and is exiled he joins Tigerstar’s clan. In the battle with Bloodclan he fights on Bloodclan’s side. He feels all his feelings pouring out of him and leaps at his little brother Graystripe, trying to kill him, but Graystripe kills him instead. On his last dying breath he promises to himself that he will have revenge on the clans and will not stop till he does.
It’s ok if your not a big fan of it. It’s just a little idea I came up with 🙂
Darkstripe is so interesting and certainly worthy of a backstory. Your ideas are great!
I Agree!
That is such an awesome idea! I really hope the Erins take inspiration of this for their 2022 novellas!
I want Blackfoot’s reckoning to take place in StarClan
That would be really cool!
Is it just me or is Spotfur’s Rebellion a little far-fetched?
what do you mean by that?
I have some ideas for Novellas!
Longtail’s Sight – being blinding, and life as a elder
Briarlight’s Hope – her life in the Med. den
Cinderpelt‘s Wish – Her whole life
Ooh, I like these.
I like them
Oh yes-But Cinderpelt’s Dream- going deeper on her wish to be a warrior.
Oohhh I have some ideas too
Thurshpelts Understanding – – Thrushpelt accepting the fact that bluestar doesn’t love him, and still helps her.
Stonefurs Sacrifice – – Stonefurs story
and lastly…
swift paws Urge – – About Swiftboi
I hope there’s a novella named Thornclaw’s Patrol in the next collection (lol).
y e s
That would be unrealistic.
Thornclaw’s patrols would be better.
A future novella I would personally love to see is one about Cloudberry (Goosefeather’s mentor). We know that she was a RiverClan cat and then went to ThunderClan to be their medicine cat when Ravenwing was killed by Mapleshade. I think I would call it Cloudberry’s Duty or something like that. Just about how she had to leave her Clan and family and everything she knew for another Clan to be their medicine cat. She’s a character I’ve always thought had an interesting backstory and it would be cool to read her story!
A few other characters I’d also like to read about in future novellas are Redstar (his regret after refusing to give SkyClan any territory and dealing with raising Cloudstar’s kits in ThunderClan), Heatherstar, Riverstar, Darkstripe (his life growing up and what made him so evil), Smoke (meeting and falling in love with Onestar then raising Darktail), Darktail (growing up raised to hate the Clans and what he did before he met SkyClan), and Sol (his life between SkyClan and coming to the lake, meeting Rock and Midnight, etc.)
Maybe a StarClan novella would be interesting, since we don’t know a lot about StarClan, but I bet TBC5 and TBC6 will reveal more about it
I hope TBC #6 will be revealed soon. I agree, a StarClan novella would be good.
The Title? The working title is a light in the mist, but that could change. But it makes me think: What light in the mist?? *GASPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* Could it be the barrier between StarClan and the Dark Forest!!? YEAH THE BROKEN CODE IS A REALLY INTERESTING SERIES IMO
The cover of Book 6 of TBC has been revealed! And the title.
This is the title:
Warriors: The Broken Code #6: A Light In The Mist
Funny that the working title for TBC 6 became the title.
a lot of times it does, but sometimes it doesn’t
Oh, yeah. So what books don’t have their working title as the real title?
Just recently, a Super Edition with the working title “Leopardstar’s Salvation” was changed to “Leopardstar’s Honor”! There could be a few more, but some we know and some we don’t. :3
I also think Squirrelflight’s Hope was called Squirrelflight’s Kin
I changed my name, Viper I’m Featherkit now.
that’s a great name! :3
Thanks! I commented on A Light In The Mist’s page, can you check it out?
P.S. Are you a mod? I’m still finding out stuff about this place.
I’m a mod, yes! C: you can check out the mods on the blogteam page:
you can also ask site questions there if you get confused!
ive replied to your comment on the page as well <3
I found out a few hours ago that I’m a Warrior (because I’m in High School) not an apprentice. So can I mentor an available apprentice or is their a requirement?
You can mentor an apprentice! C:
Thank you!
I would like to see the novell about Needleclaw
Me too
Hey Kate, hope you see this! I got another novella, or even super edition idea! So, way back in the old times, a little after Starclan was founded by moth flight, Snowtuft, as a kit, was raised in one of the 5 clans, living a normal and happy life. But one day, he keeps getting visions of a dark, shadowy forest, and he is haunted by the dreams. When the clan figures out the truth, he is forced to be a medicine cat, in which he hates from the start. His sister starts teasing him about it, How he’ll be so weak and how he would die in a fight right away. Outraged, he challenges his sister to a fight, in which she agrees too. The two fight, but his sister wins, giving him the scar he has. Embarrassed, snowtuft escapes the clans, and on the way, he encounters some evil spirits who have no where to stay since only the go to starclan. You know now the moonstone is A place you can contact Starclan? Well, snowtuft finds this place, which he goes in, and it brings him to the dark shadowy forest, which is empty. The spirits tag along, and snowtuft realizes this is the perfect place for the evil spirits to stay. For a while, he trains in the dark forest, but because of his scar his fighting isn’t the greatest. When he thinks of a plan to get revenge on his enemy’s, he goes back to the clans for revenge. He puts deathberrys into a mouse, and he gives it to his sister, who dies from the deathberrys due to poisen. He then takes one of his leaders life’s, and he kills many of his clan mates by drowning them, trapping them, etc. then, outraged by grief, his father has No choice but to fight him. The two fight, and his father kills him. Snowtuft wakes up in the shadowy forest, greeted by his evil spirit friends, and it ends with him saying that the dark shadowy forest will now be known as the dark forest.
personally really excited for spotfurs! i got so mad when she got mad at bristlefrost! it will really be interesting to see her love for stemleaf too. also who is blackfoot
Blackfoot, later known as Blackstar, was a leader of Shadowclan and one of the higher ranking warriors and rogues during the Brokenstar regime.
oh i didnt know that was his warrior name
yup! he’s got little black paws :3
but Blackstar’s black paws are big…