Official spoiler page for the compilation of Daisy’s Kin, Blackfoot’s Reckoning, and Spotfur’s Rebellion!
The page title says what it says! This discussion (and eventual spoiler) page will be the discussion/spoiler pages for all three novellas included in the compilation. That is, this page will be the discussion/spoiler page for Daisy’s Kin, Blackfoot’s Reckoning, and Spotfur’s Rebellion!

March 11th, 2020: This page will remain a discussion page until we get more detailed blurbs for each of the three novellas contained!
October 20, 2020: Some people got a little impatient, so I went ahead and changed this to a spoiler page. Happy discussing!
id kinda like 3 new novellas. hear me out guys.
A novella about Sol maybe.His time with skyclan. yes? or no?
2nd novella about Pearnose possibly.
and the final novella about stormfur
Stormfur would be cool! I don’t know about Pearnose and we saw Sol already in SkyClan and the Stranger.
I would love a novella about the time when SkyClan had just left the forest and the Clans doubting if they made the right choice and eventually come to realise that they didn’t, so to cover up their mistake they forbid anyone to speak about the lost Clan again. Or something like that.
I would also like to see a novella about Cloudberry, I feel like she really deserves one and I really like her! It could be about having to leave RiverClan to help ThunderClan.
I think Stormfur’s can be about doubting if he has made the right choice to leave the Clans, with Graystripe visiting him and telling hij about all the troubles or something.
Together those three can create a anthology named A Warrior’s Doubt or somithing.
I totally agree on Cloudberry’s! I would love to see her POV and get to meet some more cats from that era.
Novella Ideas:
Rock’s curse (I’ve always wanted a book on Rock, to be honest I’d rather have a Super Edition on him)
Brambleclaw’s wish (The time period from his “kits” being born to him naming Squirrelflight deputy)
Onestar’s battle (Why he turned on Thunderclan, I don’t think he deserves a Super Edition)
I would really like one when Onewhisker was a young warrior and got to know Smoke, and then when he rejected her and Darktail. And then maybe his relationship with Whitetail which probably started shortly after that.
Kate, I wanted to ask how Jake died, cause well, I don’t know it 😂
Nor do I!
He got hit by a meteorite XD (
Novellas I want
Purdys Heritage – Perhaps why he was so close to Sol? I like to think he was Skywatchers long lost brother, Twig.
Thrushpelts Loyalty- his friendship with Bluefur and how accepting and great he was, of course!
Needtails Sacerfice – Needletails life
Wow! Those are great ideas. I really think Purdy deserves a book 👍🏻
Same with Purdy.
Hear me out,
Quiet Rain novella about her kithood
Nettlebreeze novella (he’s underrated)
Rainflower novella, we should get to see why she treated Storm/Crookedkit so unfairly
I agree. All of those would be good!
Maybe ‘The Unknown Thoughts’ as the title 😀
A Warrior’s Choice is up for pre-order in the books section on the Warrior Cats website, here’s the quote:
She narrowed her eyes and extended her claws. There was no turning back now.” – Unknown
This quote is from Spotfur’s novella, 100%
I got an account, yay!
I have a feeling this is seconds before the Rebels attacked Bramblestar.
Yes, it sounds like it.
I agree! It’s just something Spotfur would think!
Do you remember in Veil Of Shadows when Spotfur attacked Bramblestar? The quote could come from then.
Books about
How Feathertail feels after Crowfeather chose a new mate (I made a au in which she turns evil, and then possed Harestar, and then Harestar exiled Crowfeather, sinde feathertsil was angry and such)
Stone fur
Rock and perhaps a lover he never got to see again?
Feathertail was never his mate, and she approved of Leafpool and Nightcloud.
Here are some cats I would like a novella about:
Fernsong – about him being a stay in nursery dad.
Sandstorm – about her finding a new purpose in TC after Firestar’s death.
Finleap – his struggles fitting into TC and hopefully returning home to SkyC (with or without Twig).
Breezepelt – his relationships with Crow, Heather and their kits.
Sorrelstripe or Hollytuft – life of LionxCinder’s family in TC – just want to get to know them.
spotfur’s rebellion?
What about Spotfur’s Rebellion?
just the fact that she rebells!
Oh, yeah. Hey, the preview for this book has released!!
It’s not Spotfur’s Rebellion though. The preview is the first 3 chapters of Daisy’s Kin.
ah, yeah, i read that!
A Warrior’s Choice‘s preview has released!!!!!!!!
I read it, and not gonna lie, it almost made me cry. It is so sad seeing Daisy mourn her kits😔
I know, right? Daisy forgot about Cherryfall and Molewhisker? she said Mousewhisker was her last surviving kin. Not quite, Daisy.
Actually, Cherryfall was Berrynose’s kit.
I know. I read The Fourth Apprentice.
Don‘t forget Molewhisker is Berrynose‘s kit, too.
Low key I kinda hope Daisy leaves ThunderClan. I don’t dislike her or anything, I just feel like with Graystripe’s Vow ending with him returning to ThunderClan, I want some sort of different ending. I have a feeling she might come back when she realizes her purpose, especially with Spotfur expecting, but that would be basically the same plot as GV…
Poor Daisy,I really feel for her – loosing most of her kits in needless battles. I like Smoky though. Wonder where they are taking the kits.? They will need milk not sure if there is any nursing queen’s in any clan, or, the sisters maybe as one was expecting.
Wow, I like Daisy so much more now! It’s so sad when Coriander dies and Daisy’s pov really gives us an insight about how she feels about her kits and all the kits!