Crystal lists their favourite characters, books, and arcs!
Hello there! I’m Crystal and today I will be listing my top 5’s (and just favorites) for warriors. This will be my first article so bear with me. Also these are simply my opinions, I will NEVER ask you to agree with me, and it’s perfectly fine if you don’t. A note to the moderators, I hope this doesn’t count as too many points- I mean I have plenty for each character ;p. I’d love if you comment your opinions on the characters. It’s incredibly fun hearing what other people think! So without further ado, I will begin the actual article <3
Favorite Warriors:
Runner up 3- RussetFur
Runner up 2- GooseFeather
Runner up 1- MothWing
-5- BrambleBerry
I’ve always adored this character. CrookedStar’s promise was one of my first super editions (My first was YellowFang’s secret). She was always such a dear and her sweet little jokes were just such a cute attempt to cheer up Crookedstar. It made me so happy when she was the one to invite Crookedstar to StarClan, it was an amazing manga by the way x3. For a minor character she had a very well structured personality and story. I love my little BrambleBaby.
-4- SquirrelFlight and LeafPool
I know you didn’t expect any characters to be put together but it felt wrong to separate these two. Let’s start off with LeafPool.
This girl gets lots of hate in the fandom. I understand that she isn’t perfect, but what gets me is when people complain about her like that, then complain about characters because they are perfect (AKA LionBlaze who isn’t perfect). I have no defense for her actions, she DID put her own love and self will over her clan’s care. But be aware that ThunderClan HAD a medicine cat back then, LeafPool had full rights ( in her own mind) to running away. When, eventually, she has her kits, she has to give them away. Imagine the heart ache! Years pass by, the truth comes out, her daughter tries to KILL her. I couldn’t handle it by then and started crying about my poor child. I love this character so much, and am very excited to read about her future guidance.
Now SquirrelFlight… She gets far more love and attention than LeafPool does. I love her beautifully built personality. She has a temper and sharp tongue, but doesn’t let it make her a bad cat to be around. Her super edition made me cry. Several times. It also made me hate Bramblestar just… a lot more than I used to. I really enjoyed her growth with the sisters and how she learned that the clans aren’t the only way. Perhaps we’ll see the sisters again someday. That or not, I could just go on and on about how much I love this girl.
-3- SleekWhisker
Is there much to explain? This baby bean is sheer awesomeness and evilness SMUSHED together! I love this girl to PIECES!!! She’s so much better than MapleShade as well, I mean I don’t dislike Maple but she needed work that she didn’t get. I loved her storyline after DarkTail as well, the whole YarrowLeaf thing with SkyClan was one of my favorite things to read about. Her not believing in StarClan was really cool as we’ve only had like two other non believers in the books. Definitely the most interesting warriors villain in my eyes.
-2- LionBlaze
Hooo boy am I gonna get yelled at. I am not ready to deal with the amount of hate the fandom has for this character. Wish me luck…. To start off, many say that he is overrated apparently? This isn’t true in the least. To be an overrated character you (usually anyways) need to not be largely important to the storyline. LionBlaze was given a POV in TWO not one but TWO major arcs in the series. On top of it to be overrated, they have to actually be LIKED by the fandom. When you search LionBlaze one of the first things that pops up is some meme about hating on him. So yeah. Totally overrated. I’ve been talking a lot in his defense and not why I actually like him so I should probably do that Xp. First of all, his plain corniness. He’s just so dorky and unaware and it makes me want to SQUISHHH HIIIIM!!! Second of all, he’s a good family member. He can deal with Jayfeather’s grumpiness and CinderHeart’s ya know… reincarnation problem. The scene where CinderPelt leaves CinderHeart’s body is really heart-touching and I’m glad LionBlaze was there to witness it and comfort Cinder. And last but not least- his power wasn’t over used. We didn’t hear “OH I REALLY FEEL LIKE KILLING SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!!!” Every few seconds. The rest of the three didn’t really get to control when their powers were used or not I mean with Jayfeather it was sorta ehhhh. LionBlaze wasn’t CAREFUL with his powers but he didn’t feel like he was missing out on anything. He also didn’t really have to be careful because ya know… he couldn’t really be hurt. He could however hurt others, and I really loved watching him grow from it. He started off pretty evil and grew into a mindful, wise old kitty. LionBlaze will always have a place in my heart. :c
Hope you liked it! Have a good- HAHA YOU THINK I’M DONE!? NO! Have some more of my opinions…
5- Telephone, LeafPool and Squirrelflight
4- Everything moves, Sol
3- I’m a star, FireStar
2- Blame, CinderPelt
1- Work This Body, Shipping MAP
Arcs in order! (1 being most favorite. I don’t actually dislike any of them but I like some more than others.)
8- Dawn of the clans
7- Power Of Three
6- The New Prophecy
5- The Prophecies Begin
4- A Vision of Shadows
3- The Broken Code (might end up being higher or lower once we continue in the books)
2- Super Editions
1- Omen of The Stars (y’all weren’t expecting that >:3)
My favourite books are CrookedStar’s promise, Shattered Sky, SquirrelFlight’s hope, and The Fourth Apprentice.
My top 5 favorite warriors songs
5- I believe in you, Bright Guardian Akira, Mothpool
4- I’ll be Complete, Blixemi, BriarLight
3-When it comes, lynxpoint, BlueStar
2- Could never be, Blixemi, Mothpool
1- They Don’t tell you, Bright Guardian Akira, SquirrelFlight
And that’s all for now! Thank you for reading and staying with me through my opinionated opinions.
I’ll Be Complete was such a good one….
I know right
spoilers for squirrelflight’s hope
Squirrelflight’s Hope made me cry too! And then Leafpool dies, too! And then Bramblestar… I’ve always liked Bramblestar (especially when Squirrelflight was an apprentice) but he was really mean to Squirrelflight in that book! T_T
I actually didn’t enjoy The Fourth Apprentice that much…
I love all your top five cats! Especially Leafpool and Squirrelflight.🙂
So detailed! Love it! I love Sleekwhisker too, her evilness is beyond Mapleshade, even though Mapleshade killed. Or, in a YouTube video I watched, it called her Shaplemaid.
I believe Sleekwhisker killed, too.
I’ve always thought Mapleshade as manipulated, I mean, who gave her visions?
Sleekwhisker is an actual villain and she’s very interesting. And annoying…but that would be if I were in a room with her.
I also love Brambleberry, Squirrelflight, and Leafpool!
“He can deal with Jayfeather’s grumpiness and CinderHeart’s ya know… reincarnation problem.” ~ Ahaha I loved that 😛
I agree with all of these cats! Leafpool and Squirrelflight are the best and Lionblaze needs more love. I used to not like him before (I didn’t have much of an opinion on him) but he’s grown on me since 😛 He’s so forgiving, he’s strong and supportive, he’s funny…..tbh I’d like him as my mate 😂 Also “I’ll Be Complete” and “Could Never Be” are two of my favorites from Blixemi! Love her songs 💗
Agreed. He’d be a nice mate lol
I enjoy articles like these
I love It!!
You LIKE Sleekwhisker?? She was one of my least favorites in the whole series! Needletail is much better.
She must be focusing on the story of the characters, I guess?
Agreed. 🙂
I didn’t see any Silverstream hate in this article. It’s perfectly fine if one likes her, but I want to agree with you with the opinion of, well, not liking her. 😛
I love Lionblaze and Leafpool, too, don’t worry. Lionblaze is one of my favorite characters. He had character development and wasn’t a jerk and was pretty much a big potato. :3
Lionblaze is someone I don’t really notice, so I was SHOCKED there’s someone out there who likes him that much. I think it’s because you fangirls fall in love with these strong boy characters and I am just not in love with anyone. (except this boy I’ve known since I was one year old.) He is kinda cool, I just never related to him or something. (he also doesn’t get importance in Omen of the Stars really)
I actually agree that most the fan girls call in love with the strong male characters. I just don’t like anyone except the guy I moved away from. And I find no cat who acts like him so I made one up and he is awsome
Hehe I’m kinda weird but he was sweet and likes warriors
My Top 10 Favs (Not in any order):
– Sagewhisker
– Brambleberry
– Millie
– Leopardstar
– Briarlight
– Sorreltail
– Lilyheart
– Nightcloud
– Breezepelt
– Russetfur