Thunderblaze takes a look at some of the most evil Dark Forest cats from the series.

H-hey guys! It’s me Thunderblaze. I’m just a little triggered. I lost most of my article! So I’m raging right now. REEEEEEE!!! Okay I’m good now. Sooo, I will be doin’ a top 7 countdown of the most evil Dark Forest cats. Why seven, because it is the most magical number! Oh, I forgot my resources. Check out the Villains Wiki page. It is super helpful
#7: Darkstripe. Ugh. What a mouse-heart. He committed treason against ThunderClan, and tried to kill Firestar. He plotted with Tigerstar to lead The Pack to ThunderClan, just to rescue Tigerstar’s kits. He has an impressive record of mostly corruption and treason, but no mega big crimes. So he gets the 7th spot.
#6: Hawkfrost. The half-brother of Bramblestar and the son of Tigerstar, he was part of Mudclaw’s uprising. He faked a sign from StarClan to get Mothflight to be the medicine cat, and used her for his personal benefit. He also attempted to murder Firestar, and tried to secure the help of Brambleclaw, but Brambleclaw refused. Brambleclaw ended his life by driving a stick through Hawkfrost’s chest. His attempted murder failed, so he gets #6. If he actually killed Firestar, he would’ve gotten a much higher rank.
#5: Mapleshade. She is psycho. She was mad because she and her kist were forced out of ThunderClan because their dad was Applefur, a RiverClan cat. She killed three cats. Ravenwing, the medicine cat who revealed the secret. Frecklewish, the warrior who watched Mapleshade’s kits die. And Applefur, her former mate who rejected her. In the end, she was killed by Patchpaw, Applefur’s apprentice. She committed three murders, which is pretty horrible, so she gets the 5th spot.
#4: Thistleclaw. Okay, he was evil. But aside from the fact that he was FLIPPIN’ insane, he was a great warrior, but he was just a little too ambitious. He was the reason that Tigerstar was evil. He was very territorial and he said that he wanted to mark the borders with the blood of his enemies. He died chasing a RiverClan patrol from ThunderClan territory. In my opinion, he created the monster called Tigerstar, so that is why he gets 4th place.
#3: Brokenstar. What an evil cat. He killed his own father, Raggedstar, drove WindClan out of their territory, plotted to destroy ThunderClan, and made kits apprentices at 3 moons. He also drove the elders out of ShadowClans camp, sent Yellowfang away, and stole kits from ThunderClan, also causing Spottedfur’s death. He was extremely dangerous, and battle hungry. He gets lucky #3.
#2&1. For the first time ever… We have a tie! It is between Tigerstar and One-eye(Not the elder from ThunderClan). Let’s start with Tigerstar. He killed Runningwind, Gorsepaw, Brindleface, Redtail and Oakheart. He hurt many cats, and led the dog pack to ThunderClan, killing Bluestar and Swiftpaw. He made a deal with Scourge to take over the forest, but Scourge killed him. He continued to harm the clans makingHawkfrost evil and attempting to do the same with Brambleclaw. Now, let’s talk about One-eye. He took over Clear Sky’s group, and kicked out any cats that could not care for themselves. One-eye also killed Tom, a cat who came to live with the clans, who, incidentally, is a tom. He cut his groups symbol into all of the SkyClan residents, and he also attacked any cats who disobeyed him.
Well, that is all, see you next article BlogClanners!
I wanted to add one thing, it wwas spottedleaf and appledusk (appleDUMB in my opinion) not spottedfur, and applefur