After 4½ months, it’s finally here!!! 😀🎉 Enjoy:
A HHUUGGGEE round of applause to Mapledrift for designing the background! 😄❤️ It’s absolutely breathtaking! The art collab wouldn’t be possible without it!
In total, we had 101 participants. (That’s nearly triple the number of participants from our last collab! 😛 )
And they are:
Archkit, Asp, Asterstorm, Beaconlight, Blackshade, Bluebellpaw, Blueheart, Brackenlight, Bramblefire, Brambleheart, Briarpaw, Brightfur, Butterflyflower, Cakestar, Cheetahspark, Clo, Cloudy, Crystalshine, Crystalstream, Dapplemoon, Darkpaw, Dewfeather, Dewlight, Doe, Eagleflight, Echomist, Emberblaze, Emberblossom, Emberdawn, Emberspirit, Fallenshadows, Falling Feather, Fawnspots, Flamecloud, Fluttering Ivy Leaves in the Spring Breeze, Foxpaw, Foxtail, Frostfire, Galaxia-Lifey, Goldenberry, Goldenfawn, Gooseshadow, Hawkthornclaw, Iceflower, Ivystone, Junipermoth, Kat, Lightcloud, Lightningkit, *deep breath* Lilyfrost, Lionfire, Loneheart, Lupinetail, Mapledrift, Mistystream, Monkeyfur, Moonbreeze, Moonleap, Moonpaw, Moonspirit, Moonstar, Owlfeather, Pastelblossom, Pearkit, Pebblepaw, Petalstream, Pineblossom, Pinestripe, Plumeflake, Puddleshard, Purple Dusk, Purplesky, Quietstream, Rainshine, Ravenmist, Red, Rosepelt, Sandfrost, Shadefrost, Shadowmoon, Sheeptuft, Shiningpool, Silverfrost, Silverlight, Snowbreeze, Spiritpaw, Spiritsky, Starblossom, Stormberry, Sunbreeze, Sunwhisker, Swanfeather, Swiftnose, Treelight, Turtlepaw, Viperfrost, Wavesplash, Willow that Sways with Breeze, Willowkit, Willowstep, and Winterbreeze
Not sure who’s who in the collab but curious to know? This handy guide should help: click here!
ahhh this is amazing!!! I’m so impressed with y’all’s art <33
y’all are so amazing 💞
It turned out nicely everyone and great work. All of these pieces are stunning and I love seeing all the unique styles represented by BlogClan’s amazing artists. Such a cool display of the Blog’s massive talent pool and I’m honored to have created art for this piece. 🙂
Ahh, it’s amazing!! You all are such talented artists, and it looks really good! Thank you Sunny for hosting this, and thank you Maple for doing the lovely background. 😀 <33
The moment you realize that you posted the wrong picture, making your purrsona a cat version of Tony Stark.Well… we have similar purrsonas… except for one thing… it’s totally fine, though. I mean…
Anyway, you all did very, very good!
OOOOOH, so that’s what the blue dot on your chest means 😂
Yeah, the unintentional arc reactor. 😛
(Well… it was supposed to be there… you know, this comment needs a lot of explaining…)
To be fair, I actually thought you intended for the arc reactor to be there 😛
Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t. No cat will ever know.
i guess your purrsona is tony stark now sorry i don’t make the rules 😛
Guess so!
The truth is… I am Iron Man.
-Tony Stark, Iron Man (2008)
ah yes. my best friend, *deep breath*.
This looks awesome!
Hi, Hawthorn!
You won first place in BlogClan’s March Writing Contest! 😀 Your prize is a drawing from me! 🙂 Is there anything you’d like? I know it’s a bit late, but better late than never!
Ah this looks so good, and everyone’s art is amazing! I spotted myself! 😀
MAPLE & PINE(BLOSSOM) – a reminder to claim your prize for the April Art Contest! 😍 You both get an emoji of your choosing on live chat!!! 😀 💕
You see I’m very aware of that fact but do expect to hear from me in the very far future because I’m indecisive
Remember me when ten years from now I reappear to claim my prize
wowowow hyper awesome!! wonderful job on the gorgeous background (i love the details and really the entire thing is beautiful), maple, the amazing placement of our purrsonas (so nicely placed omg im just thinking about how people drew their poses without knowing the background and how you cleverly placed them in), sunny(?), and spectacular work, everyone, on your drawings (soo many art styles and colors i love it)!!
thank you so much for organizing the collab sunny!!! i didnt join the previous one because of self esteem issues so its nice to have been able to have this opportunity to join -screenshots and saves collab on my tablet for blogclan memory-
(if im not making sense then ill write in 3 words: splendid work everyone)
aaaaaahh this looks so good!!
Is there going to be another collab soon? If so I would like to join!
Howdy. I never actually got to be in the collab (I don’t even have an actual fursona), but this is incredible. Shout-out to all of the folks who drew this, you’re amazing.