Contests – October 2020

it’s been a while ~

Hi guys! Contests are back!! (I don’t have the greatest memory nor do I have a great motivation drive, apparently 😅)

Let’s get right into it!

Caption Contest Winner!

The winning caption for the photo below is…

“That’s a hole lot of trouble you’ve gotten yourself into.”

by Navy!

Congrats! You get a drawing done by Flamecloud!

Writing Contest Winners!

Okay first off thanks for all the entries everyone! Second of all hUGE thanks to Viper for judging this portion, love ya <3

For the prompt: The adventures of a group of friends, the winners are as follows:

in 3rd place: Crookedpaw/moon!

Yay! Your prize is a drawing from Fawnspots!

in 2nd place: Appleflower!

Congrats! Your prize is a drawing from uHh me I’ll draw you something, and a custom-made secret page! Please provide a name, image, and description for your secret page so I can make it for you!

and in 1st place…


Congratulations! Your prize is a drawing from Darkpaw, a custom-made secret page (same as above, please provide a name, image, and description for me to make for you), as well as an extra point in the blog’s official NTA!

Next up, we have:

Art Contest Winners!

For the prompt: In a magical world, the winners are as follows ~

in 3rd place: Dewfeather!

Congratulations! You get to choose Live Chat’s colours (to stay for at least a week).

in 2nd place: Flamecloud!

Congrats!! Your prize is a drawing from Blueheart, and a custom-made secret page! (Please provide a name, description, and image for the secret page)

and in 1st place…


Yay!! Your prize is a drawing from me (I’ll draw you something), a custom-made secret page (same as above, please provide a name, image, and description), as well as an extra point in the blog’s official NTA!

Thanks for the entries everyone, they looked amazing!

And now!


October Contests!

Spooky month! So let’s get some spooky themes in these contests, shall we?
Does that sentence even make sense? Not sure. But you get the vibes.

No caption contest this month, because I want to try something else!

Poetry Contest!


Hunting! (the activity cats take part in for food)

I think that fits both Halloween and Canadian Thanksgiving of this month pretty well, no? 😉


  • Can be any type of poetry! Any!
  • Only one entry per person
  • Deadline is October 24th, 11:59pm BST (BlogTime)
  • Try and relate it to Warriors somehow (whether it’s using characters from the book, or concepts from the book (you know, talking cats, clans, etc.))
  • No word limit!
  • Enter in a comment under this post, please!


1st ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan volunteer artist, a custom-made secret page, and control over Live Chat’s colours for (at least) a week!
2nd ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan artist and a custom-made secret page!
3rd ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan artist!

Art Contest!


Alive cat/s hanging out with StarClan ghost buddy/ies


  • Only one entry per person
  • Deadline is October 24th, 11:59pm BST (BlogTime)
  • Canon or non-canon characters, settings, etc. are all acceptable!
  • Submit in a comment under this post! If it’s not working, shoot me a comment and we’ll work something out 🙂


1st ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan volunteer artist, and two custom-made secret pages!
2nd ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan artist and a custom-made secret page!
3rd ~ An artwork from a local BlogClan artist!

Fill out this form if you want to volunteer to draw the prizes!

And that’s it, everyone! Please check if you’re drawing a prize for anyone, and if you don’t want to do it anymore, just tell me and I’ll arrange for somebody else to draw it. Send me any questions that you have in a comment, and if you’re still owed a prize from any earlier contests please don’t hesitate to ask about it!

Best of luck everyone, and hopefully I’ll see y’all with another contest post in November!

Rainshine 🌸 Rainie