Briarkit shares their opinion on Tawnypelt’s transition to ShadowClan.
Hi! It’s me, Briarkit, writing my first ever paragragh! It’s going to be about why Tawnypelt shouldshouldn’t have moved to ShadowClan. First up, I’m going to say I think she shouldn’t have. You’ll see down below why. Also, I’ve only read to Thunder Rising, so please don’t blame me if I get something wrong.
Why Tawnypelt should have moved to ShadowClan.
1. Flametail, Tigerheart, and Dawnpelt would never have been born!
2. Rowanclaw would never had found a mate!
Let’s get out of love stuff, okay?
3. Blackstar got a strong Warrior.
4. Dovewing would never have gotten Tigerheart, and be stuck with Bumblestripe!(By the way, Dovewing is my fav Warrior cat, so I simpathize for her a lot.)
5. Blackstar wouldn’t have gotten three strong Warriors if she stayed, and one Medicine Cat apprentice. (Tawnypelt herself, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, and FlametailI)
6. Littlecloud, Oakfur, and Smokefoot wouldn’t have gotten an apprentice named Flamepawtail, Tigerpaw, and Dawnpaw.
7. Littlecloud would have had no one to take care of him in Night Whispers when he caught Greencough.
Now, for reasons why Tawnypelt shouldn’t have moved to ShadowClan.
1. Jayfeather wouldn’t have had to get blamed for Flametail’s death.
2. Flametail wouldn’t have had to die!
3. Tigerheart wouldn’t have had to go to the Dark Forest.
4. Tigerstar wouldn’t have had to get another Dark Forest recruit.
5. FirestarBramblestar would have gotten a good, strong Warrior. (Tawnypelt)
6. Flametail wouldn’t have had to drown!
7. Brackenfur wouldn’t have had his heart broken by Tawnypelt (Tawnypaw, at the time) because she moved to ShadowClan.
8. Bramblestar (Bramblepaw, at the time) wouldn’t have had to endure his sister living in another Clan.
9. Goldenflower wouldn’t have had to watch her kit grow up in another Clan.
10. In Fading Echoes or Night Whispers, forget which, Ivypool (Ivypaw, at the time) wouldn’t have had to get caught on the ShadowClan side of the border by Tigerheart.
11. Tawnypelt, Flametail, Tigerheart, and Dawnpelt, (Flamepaw, Tigerpaw, and Dawnpaw, at the time) wouldn’t have to go to ThunderClan because Sol took over ShadowClan.
So, what do you think about my paragragh? I hope you liked it! You can comment below about it, and I would like to hear what you’re thoughts are on my paragragh. See ya later-Briarkit
If Tawnypelt hadn’t moved to ShadowClan then there would be no ShadowClan. Rowanstar would have lost faith in himself long before and notice that the only cats who stayed ShadowClan during Darktail incident were Rowanstar, Tawnypelt, and Tigerheart, so eventually Rowanstar would die and even if he had chosen a different deputy that deputy would probably go off with Darktail and die cause nobody’s as amazing as Tigerheartstar woohoo! And then Dovewing wouldn’t have gotten a mate who was exactly what she wanted. Oh no I don’t really care about Dovewing I think she’s whiny and spoiled.
Exactly my thoughts. Dovewing’s all like, “I have my powers, woo-hoo! Let’s ignore Ivypool and make her feel as if she has to train in the Dark Forest to best me!” That’s how I feel she feels anyways! 😆
Dovewing wasn’t ignoring her. She cared. If she didn’t care, why would she not want Ivypool to spy on the Dark Forest? She was afraid her sister would die! Ivypool was ignoring Dovewing. It was Ivypool that was angry at Dovewing for something she couldn’t control. When did we see Dovewing go up and ask Firestar, “Hello. May I have special treatment?” Oh! Because it never happened!
Ivypool was the one constantly feeling like she had to beat her sister to be seen as a good warrior/apprentice by her Clanmates!
Ivypool makes Dovewing angry on purpose and walks off when Dovewing tries to calmly communicate with her.
Dovewing’s little outburst is nothing compared to Ivypool. For her, it’s just one long outburst. Once she cools down, Dovewing feels guilty. Ivypool even ignores her sister when she tries to convince Ivypool that the Dark Forest cats were evil. Having heard the nursery tales, Ivypool should have known they weren’t good and not ignored Dovewing’s warnings. Ivypool lacks basic intelligence.
What Should Have Happened: “Hmm…..maybe I should try to listen to my sister…”
What Happened: “Ha! They’re not bad cats, everyone knows they’re just training us to be better warriors. I’m not listening to my stupid sister.”
And Dovewing is not whiney, she was at first confused and didn’t know what to do with her powers. She gradually got used to it, and by the time she lost her powers, she was so used to them they felt normal. It felt strange and confusing, like finding out she had powers all over again.
End of rant.
also yes I went back to hating Ivypool
Actually… she felt like she had to be as good as her sister since she had powers, Ivypool went through emotional growth. So if you look at it correctly, Both dovewing and ivypool are great characters and the entire clan pushed them to limits they shouldn’t have had to done
I agree.
Though Ivypool’s okay. Once I misspelled her name and made an awesome OC named Icypool.
Sounds like something I would do. Any chance I can see this absolute legend?
Yeah, you’re kind of right.
Woah.. You sure that isn’t it’s own page in the making?
BTW Dovewing’s “powers” saved the clans twice, once from drought, another from the DARK FOREST you do know that she gave birth to Shadowsight, who helped discover more about Bramblestar’s imposter, And also she saved tigerstar the seconds’s butt, and a few others too! So yeah, she did a few things with great timing, Yeah, also Dovewing was BORN with them so give her a break! Even Lionblaze an Jayfeather pushed her, and let’s even just forget about her powers!
Dovewing got into quite the moral dilemma, she had to choose between Tigerheart
or Bumblestripe, (both lovesick babys if babys could be lovesick) And if Foxleap hadn’t died him too.
Bumblestripe is stupid. I hate him.
Dovewing was never going to choose between Bumble and Tiger clone, Bumble is terrible and she e=never loved him.
She’s not! She had to go thru a lot. Also the Clans would probably be gone if it weren’t for Dovewing. And as for being “whiney” Imagine you were Dovewing. It’s like, if you woke up one day and could only see two inches in front of your face, and everything else was black. And as if that isn’t bad enough, having relied on sight your whole life, but you’re also deaf to anything further than two inches from your ears! And, seriously, do I have to go onto scent. I know wut you’re gonna say.
Well it’s not like that because other cats are just fine with normal Not-Super-Powerful senses. Dovewing should just suck it up.Yeah, it is like that. Her super-powerful-senses were not only super duper cool, but they were normal senses to her. Give the poor girl a break, Whitepaw/rabbit!
And by the way, Dovewing is my favorite too.
What’s good about being able to spy on other cats? She also used her power to see her “friend” was doing and trespassed on WindClan territory! And what does
Ivypool do? She takes the blame. Dovewing also got whiney when the cats she went on a journey with didn’t talk to her. She got all upset! Also, Ivypool’s clan was basically begging to get better cause Firestar didn’t even talk to her while he was always talking to her sister. I agree with Whiterabbit, she is a brat. Ivypool would always support her until she flat out ignores her. I rest my case.
Okay can we just stop the hissing?
And Dovewing also didn’t listen to Ivypool when she said to stop seeing Tigerheart. Tigerheart was a jerk anyways. (do you agree? I want to agree on one thing)
I kinda switched to Briarlight
Dovewing is not whiney! It was firestars choice to give her special attention, not hers. And she was so young, and given so much power, do you know how hard that must be? And if you payed attention to anything in the books you would know dovewing hated being under pressure.
But there was other cats before Dovewing that were under pressure. Like the cats who had to go on the journey to see midnight. And even though that was way earlier in the books there were still under a lot of pressure. So why when Dovewing comes along there is fuss about her being under pressure? It’s like, oh I have special powers and I don’t know what to doo. I just think she didn’t handle it well at all. And since Firestar gave her attention Ivypool wanted to be seen as well. Also who doesn’t hate to be under pressure? hmm, Thats what I thought. And just because Whiterabbit had an opinion that doesn’t mean she doesn’t pay attention in the books.
For example, when Dovewing heard about the beavers. You have to put yourself in Ivypool’s paws. Image your sibling saying that they saw/heard some creature that you didn’t know about. Then, everyone is always talking to her, and wants to know more about the creature. It’s normal for siblings to get mad at each other and want to be better than each other. But when Ivypool does it, people get mad but it’s something that happens all the time in real life. Like I said earlier, I don’t think Dovewing handled the situation very well. She didn’t think about what Ivypool was feeling. Also, do you know how hard it would be for Ivypool for practically be ignored?
I respect your opinion but you don’t have to say that Whiterabbit doesn’t pay attention.
I agree. Don’t insult other people in your arguments; it isn’t convincing and it isn’t kind. It’s just cruel. ^^
Yes. I agree with Viper. Can we please stop this? This is about Tawnypelt, not Dovewing or Ivypool. Anyone could make an article about that though!
I kind of like Dovewing though I agree she is spoiled.
What, she is great AND WOULD CATS LEAVE HER ALONE! Everyone always talks about how bad she is and how good she is and SHE IS A CAT! I know, we love our characters, but we are obsessed with argueing about weather we should like a cat. Ivypool is great also, but she can be whiny, like dovewing. BUT ONLY DOVEWING IS HATED! WHY?? Because she let ThunderClan. That’s why. Cats say she deserted them but she went for love and not being a rouge. LEAVE THE POOR CATS ALONE!!
I know! And guess who went to the Dark Forest even though it was Dovewing’s fault Dovewing didn’t do it on purpose? IVYPOOL. Anyway, Dovewing could of just heard into the Dark Forest, so clearly, Ivypool is a selfish pointless brat.
I liked Dovewing better in Tigerheart’s Shadow.
Just saying my new fav charecter is Briarlight! Thanks for reading my article! I’ve finished Veil of Shadows, so tell me all about your thoughts.
JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS. I want to drop that Dovewing and Ivypool conversation completely. I made this to hear about Tawnypelt, not Dovewing or Ivypool. This is not a page for them.
I love tawnypelt!🐈🤩😻 but maybe make more of your reasons about her instead of her kits and mate?
Yeah, this was my frirst article a while ago, I’m better at writing now
I’m going to be rewriting this article now that I’m older, so I will link it in a reply to this comment when it comes out! 🙂
Imma be honest, Tawny had to move to ShadowClan, for the fate of the books. And also, Dovewing+Tigerheart’s kits wouldn’t have been born, and that would be a big oof. I will add, Tigerheart, according to The Last Hope, figured out what the Place of No Stars was doing, and spied for his clan, so, Tigerclawstar didn’t exactly get a new recruit.
First, Flametail would’ve still drowned/died. Second, Tawny had to go to SC for some of our fav characters to be born. Plus, I don’t count Tigerheart as a DF recruit because he found out it was bad, and started spying for his clan, like Ivypool. Also, Ivypool probably would’ve gotten caught by another cat, and injured (if she’s unlucky) or chased out. Plus, Tigerheart was trying to save Littlecloud from green cough by getting Blackstar to bargain Ivy for catmint.