Sage shares their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.

starting with least fav
TigerStar 2- he is just a copy of the greatest villain of all the prophecy books and why tigerstar 2 why not FireStar 2 or Tallstar 2 like he is not even that evil come on guys
HawkWing- um okay he is a deputy and all but okay he is really basic and why did he just let them take VioletKit and Twig kit like what kind of dad is that oh my why and yea he is a bad dad there HawkWing!!!
OneStar- you act all nice to FireStar BlueStar GreyStripe then bam you turn basically evil i do kinda like the twist but still we have had good to evil twists before like all the good cats fighting for the dark forest!!! geez
DoveWing- wow just wow what color of eyes do you have i have had it over the top with this design so here blue amber green no and the personality no just no i mean she was a guardian and all but still it might be just me but i do not like dovewing
LionBlaze- um okay he is basic so yea he has a superpower but do i really care nope power of trees is gone jay went blind and hollyleaf is well evil so she is putting powers badly i well he has no oppose anymore and he was in the dark forest too for a bit but i have not read those in a long time so yea so really just wow
WillowShine- she um well is basic a basic medicine cat not too different from jayfether r any other med cat so well she is basic
these are the cats who i am okay with
Jayfether- he lost his power of three and now he is useless not really but i love his stick yea his stick is my fav part lol
HollyLeaf- she added a power of three twist but sorry two predictable
WhiteStorm- he was honorable but well he was basic again sorry for all the basics
Ravenpaw- okay well he just left he was a coward and just wow he was wow timid we really did not need him and we do not know where he is now but i kind like him cause he had a death we had not seen before
Firestar- his life was predictable and well he is not that big of a deal i mean he had his series witch was the beginning so well why do we still need him lol
IvyPool- she had three twists in her life she was good then evil then good again wow
VioletShine- she had a hard life and well she deserves respect
MyrtlePaw- i like then name funny names are not just SKYCLAN
PuddleShine- i have never been a fan of meds but wow a med who went rouge i mean yellowing was framed by her own son but it was being framed not like actually doing something wow and he transferred clans so interesting
that is the end for now and so yea this was again my opinion so do not be mad if your fav cat is my least fav
Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. First of all, it’s Jayfeather and he is NOT useless. He is a medicine cat, and a GREAT one by far for your information, and Whitestorm is NOT basic. I’m not criticising or hating on you or anything, I’m just saying, you got these cats all wrong. Also, Ravenpaw is not a coward, I don’t think you would want to get killed either, so…
So you just like the cats who have an interesting background? Because most of those cats where great warriors…
It seems so. (Don’t ask why I’m up at 6:19am…)
Cool! <3
In Hawkwing’s defence:
Hawkwing had NO CHOICE about his kits! They weren’t even born when their mother, Pebbleshine, went missing! *Spoiler alert for Hawkwing’s Journey* Pebbleshine was pregnant when she jumped into the back of a monster to catch chickens for SkyClan. The monster drove away, Hawkwing unable to do anything. It must have been so horrible seeing her being carried away after he had lost his BROTHER AND FATHER, his mother and one of his sisters stayed back in the barn, and his mentor chose to remain a kittypet! He didn’t know if they or Pebbleshine was alive until Twigpaw found him, and immediately after he got her and Violetpaw to join SkyClan! You could argue that he was bad for letting Twigpaw swap to ThunderClan, but he knew it was best for Twigpaw if she went back and allowed her to choose her own path. So he DIDN’T let Violetkit and Twigkit go missing! You could argue he could have done more to stop Pebbleshine but she was so determined that she would have gone even if he forbidden it. And he searched for her for ages until Leafstar made the decision to press on!
i like hawkwing and yeah
I highly disagree but I respect your opinion 😛 but hollyleaf is the best 🙁
I agree with the I don’t like Lionblaze but Whitestorm is the best.
Wow we have some fast mods here.
Hi Coldheart, I know this is unrelated but I was wondering if you could be my mentor?
You said “PuddleShine- i have never been a fan of meds but wow a med who went rouge i mean yellowing was framed by her own son but it was being framed not like actually doing something wow and he transferred clans so interesting” What do you mean ‘he transferred clans‘? Puddleshine is a Shadowclan cat and he always has been a Shadowclan cat. What gave you the idea that he ‘transferred clans‘? Unless, did something happened with that in the newest book, TBC: Darkness Within? I haven’t read that one yet.
No he didn’t
These are just my opinions, so no offense
Tigerstar 2 – I find kind of annoying, but he’s good like that
Hawkwing – I love him, he’s like Lionblaze but better
Onestar – I agree with you
Dovewing- I love her! She is so relatable
Lionblaze – Overated and dumb, he should have fought the dogs
Willowshine – Ok I guess
Jayfeather – He’s such a good character! I love reading about him
Hollyleaf- I hate her! She is very overrated and only cared about the code until she broke it!
Whitestorm – A true classic
Ravenpaw – I love him! He’s a nervous boy and I love his relationship with Barley
Firestar – He’s cool, I don’t hate him, but I don’t truly like him, he’s just a classic
Ivypool – She’s ok in Omen of the Stars, but I like her relationship with Fernsong in AVOS more
Violetshine – I agree with you
Myrtlepaw – I don’t know much about them, so they’re fine
Puddleshine – I love him! He’s like goosefeather, but with a different personality
Wait so you don’t like Dovewing because of her eye colors? Ok…
Ikr that’s what I was wondering lol. Why dislike Dovewing cause of her EYES? I personally love Dovewing.
Tigerstar 2- I don’t like him
Hawkwing- eh he’s ok
Onestar- I hate him
Dovewing- I love her
Lionblaze- i don’t like him
Jayfeather- I like him, though he’s overrated
Hollyleaf- I love her so much!
Whitestorm- I like him!
Ravenpaw- neutral
Firestar- he’s ok?
Ivypool- I love her so much!
Violetshine- I love her
Myrtlepaw- I don’t care about her? I mean she’s a random apprentice who’s had 0 appearances other than the alliances
Puddleshine- he’s ok, but there are better medicine cats to pick as a favourite. Like Leafpool, Alderheart, Jayfeather, Shadowsight, Mothwing.