Midnightshadow shares some free-to-use MAP ideas! What MAPs have you thought of?

Sooooo, i’ve been listening to songs and i’ve got some map ideas, but since im not really popular i not gonna use them, instead im going to give them away QwQ, if you’re inerested in one of these, just tell me which one and i’ll give it to you, once it’s your’s. IT IS YOUR OG IDEA. not mines anymore. ^^
1. we no speak Americano Ravenpaw map
So it’s basically Ravenpaw being all happy to have Tigerclaw/star to be his mentor until he finds out about all the killing he’s done. (i see this as those old Micky mouse cartoons or something like that, u can edit it if u want) Ravenpaw gets a Nightmare and wakes up to see Barley and that’s the end. (I’m sorry if this isn’t good)
2.Can’t feel my face. (Firepaw/star and Spottedleaf map) AU
no, this isn’t a Spottedleaf Yandare map, i just wanted to make a map that shows their bond more devolped.(sorry for bad spelling)
There are parts where Spottedleaf defends Firepaw when Sandpaw and Dustpaw insult him. They take walks, they play fight and stuff. The song is basically how Firepaw/star feels about Spottedleaf. At the end, Firepaw finds Spottedleaf’s dead body when looking for her. He stops in shock and crys his eyes out.
3. If i can’t have you (Greystrip and Sliverstream map)
After Sliverstream saves Greystripe, he falls in love with her. He is in camp bored before thinking about Sliver stream, he meets her at the at the border and spends time with her a lot. Fireheart/star scolds him for it. he ingores Fireheart/star and keeps seeing Sliverstream. in the end of the song where it says, “Everything means nothing if i can’t have you?“ is the part where Sliverstream dies while bearing Greystripe’s kits.
4. Back to you (Tigerheart and Dovewing map)
Dovewing is torn between her clan and her love life, Tigerheart. She is stressed and is always thinking about Tigerheart. She runs off stressed and confused. Dovewing comes back to her clan after a while. Dovewing is thinking about Tigerheart the whole time. She arrives at her clan to see Ivypool angry and scolding her for running off and being with Tigerheart. Dovewing is expecting Tigerheart’s kits. She keeps thinking about Tigerheart while in her clan. She chose Tigerheart in the end.
5. No tears left to cry (Mapleshade map)
Its a Mapleshade murder map, she gets exiled, her kits drowns, while she’s in the river she sees a halluction of Appledusk and her showing affection. She thinks she’s about to die before getting pulled up by Appledusk. She finds out about how Reedshine and Appledusk are together, she gets angry. She shouts death thrreats before leaving Riverclan. She sees her kits mourning and crying before knowing what to do. She sees Ravenwing at the moonpool and kills him. The other medicene cats bury him while Mapleshade dug up his grave so the crows could feast on him. Mapleshade releases snakes which bites Frecklewish’s eyes. Mapleshade sees Reedshine and trys to attack her. Appledusk takes the blow. mapleshad’s neck gets bit open by perchpaw. She quickly runs away, only to die moments later.
6. Call me maybe (Leafpool and Crowfeather)
Leafpaw sees Crowfeather and falls instanly in love, she keeps following Crowfeather. at the parts that say, “Your stare was holding, Rip teen skin was showing, hard night wind was blowing” Is basically Leafpool and Crowfeather locking gazes. and the parts that say, “Where you think you’re going baby?“ Is leafpool trotted after Crowfeather. at the end that says, “So call me maybe“ is the part where Leafpool finds out she’s expecting Crowfeather’s kits.
Anyways guys, i hoped you all enjoyed this article and i hope i will make more in the future have a great Night, Afternoon, or morning!
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I love the Leaf and Crow! Totally right there. ๐
Back to you is such a sad but lovely song.
Lol literally saving all these songs to my playlist.
:0 I literally listened to this song this morning.
No tears left to cry is a upbeat lifty sounding sound that’ll totally do for Mapleshade map.
great articleee, i think that can’t feel my face is a little too upbeat for firepaw crying his eyes out. I think the other songs really fit though! Especially mapleshade and graystripe’s. Call me maybe also sounds super cute C:
The only songs Ik that where listed are Call Me Maybe & Back To You ^ ^
I donโt actually know any of this songs ๐
But from what you said, they sound like theyโd be really good MAPs! ๐
Turtle Tail will always be the queen to me <3
I kind of want to mention 1 songs that I think would be purrfect for a few warrior cat stories, plz listen to it, it doesn’t really make sense until you listen to it yourself. It’s named “My Tears Richot” and it just really touch’s you, you know? Please post your oppinion on that song. ๐
I don’t even know why I posted this. I honestly just felt like it.
What does MAP mean/stand for?
Ok ty.
i had the same question
Great article and im just dying to say
I used to be Mintkit now im Mintpaw *puffs chest out proudly*
Diamondclaw…why are you responding to yourself..๐๐๐๐๐
such a good article
btw way im so sorry i just have to say because im so excited-im a ‘paw now! *proudly puffs out chest*
Wow I totally agree with you! (again, I can’t stop saying “wow” lol)
I never actually thought about how these relate to Warriors.
Nice article ๐
Great article i excpecialy like if i cant have you