Mangonose lists their favourite and least favourite cats from the series.

Hi there guys! My name is Mangonose, and this is my first ever post here! so i figured to get to know me, i would say my fav and least fav characters and warriors. ill start of with my favorite, and then my least fav bc why not.
honorable mentions:
Half Moon
8. Needletail.
i always loved how rebellious she was, and i think she made the first three books of AVoS more fun to read
7. Littlecloud
I dont rlly have a good reason to love Littlecloud so much, i just do. hes always had a place in my heart, and ill love him 4ever.
6. Oakheart
Ever since i read bluestar’s prophecy i felt something to Oakheart that i couldnt describe. like he was my type of guy, y’know wut im saying? i love how hes so lovey dovey over Bluefur and Bluefur’s like “nuh uh Oakie im not breaking the code” and then they instantly have kits XD
5. Mosskit
what can i say? im obsessed with the blueoak fam. i think Mosskit is very cute, and im so happy to know shes with Bluestar now, and im grateful to Snowfur for raising her.
ok, so i need to ask a question. who doesnt like Purdy? Purdy is the best elder to ever exist, dont try to argue with me. i love him SO much. his sense of humor, he isnt that grumpy, his enthusiasm, everything!
2 AND 3 (i cant decide between these two their both so amazing). Yellowfang and Jayfeather.
i L O V E them SOSOSOSOOS much. they are the b e s t. there so grumpy, and in leafpools wish i rlly loved how yellowfang was so kind to leafpool about this, and i re read rising storm a few days ago bc i was bored, and i couldnt believe how amazing yellowfang was. ok so onto jayfeather. he just…….how do i explain it? i think his power was AMAZING, and i love how even from his apprenticeship he was a grumpy old furball. i also love how there are particular cats that bring the soft side in him (im looking at Half Moon) i dont rlly have much to say about Jayfeather other then hes perfect
1. is……………..HOLLYLEAF!!!!!!!
i rlly dont get why Hollyleaf gets so much hate. she did n o t over react AT ALL, and i think that everything she does is perfect. she never let go of thunderclan, and she forgave leafpool in the end, so theres not rlly anything to be angry about with her. she was always honorable, and tbh, how cares if she killed ashfur? she did it for her and her brothers sake, and then realized that no secret can be kept forever. also, literally every time shes MENTIONED, i love her more.
ok so ive done that, not time for my least fav’s
Honorable mentions:
frecklewish (of thunderclan, the skyclan one is awesome)
7. heathertail
ok so this is and interesting choice, but i rlly do hate her. i dont have a good reason why tho. sorta like my love to littlecloud. i dont like how when lionpaw broke up with her she didnt recognize that being a warrior was more important then playing. yes, ultimately she loved him, but she was an APPRENTICE for StarClan’s sake! she was young, and even tho i hate breezepelt, ill honestly respect her love for him just bc she was older and understood wut love is.
6. breezepelt
i dont like him. i rlly dont. he just had so much potential, and wasted all of it on the DF, and the DF had to train him anyways. i think he could’ve been a great villain, and if not a villain, then VERY rebellious. yes, he already is/was, but i think that he could’ve questioned clan life like needletail did, and manage to do stuff like darktail (yes ik im getting very unrealistic but i think that that was within his reach, considering he tried to kill JAYFEATHER)
5. darkstar
he was so unfair to mapleshade!
1. appledusk obviously didnt care about the kits
2. letting appledusk go and punishing mapleshade even tho appledusk had more than mapleshade, saying that her losing kits is enough and then letting her go homeless, is not something he should’ve done. yes, oakstar exiled mapleshade, but darkstar could’ve at least let her TAKE HER KITS AND E A T. i think riverclan deserved a better leader.
4. brokentail
i just never liked him. i might change my opinion on him once i read yellowfangs secret (lol i havent), but for now, i think that he shouldnt have done anything like wut he did.
3. darkstripe
he was always weak and awful. taunting fireheart that hes a kittypet and then literally doing nothing to help the clan is disgusting. he also never had any good ideas, tigerstar always came up with them, and he always failed anyways.
1 and 2 are tied. they are………. APPLEDUSK AND SMOKY!!!!!
ill talk about smoky first.
ok so onewhisker obviously wants nothing to do with her, and she just trys to guilt trip him. i love darktail, and smoky is the REASON for all of this. making ur son evil is N O T something to be proud of, and she just lets him destroy the cat she loved and everything he loved.
now onto appledusk.
im pretty sure u guys can tell my thought on mapleshades vengeance already. i have pity for her, and i LOVE her kits SO much! their so sweet!
but appledusk………oh appledusk buddy, u just……..oh boy. u need some work.
he doesnt care about mapleshade, even after telling her he loved her, and didnt care about the kits. sometimes i wonder if appledusk would’ve been a good father.
anyways, i rlly hate both of them.
so yea, thats it. it might not have been a great start, but those are my opinions. and i know wut it feels like to get mad about opinions, so ill respect if u think my opinions suck lol. but i love and hate these characters a lot, and ill see u in the next article!
Ooo nice article!
Hope I’m first 😉
You are 😀
nice article!
wasnt she smoke?
I agree with purdy he was always so upbeat telling his tails (pun not intended) like about the time he probably fought 4 dogs alone. He was amazing and always helped the apprentices and I always wanted to know more about him like maybe a novella or even A SE.
Next I love Jayfeather his grumpy attitude and bold defiance is great “Shut up, I’m thinking”-Jayfeather I also love how halfmoon is his love and even knows he will eventually be with her I also love JayXStick because Jayfeather loved stick so much that he had to break stick RIP stick
Also I really love Alderheart (Idk I like medicine cats) I especially love when he falls in love with Velvet but decides to stay with the “Grouchy old furball” Jayfeather.
Welp that’s it FrostFeather Out
nice article 😛
Here are my opinions on all these
Needletail: She’s amazing!
Littlecloud: I also love him! He is a sweet little thing
Oakheart: I kind of hate him because he isn’t really developed, and possibly because I really like Thrushpelt
Mosskit: She’s ok
Purdy : A sweet old man, you can only love him
Yellowfang/Jayfeather: I love them both! But I hate yellowfang’s ghost, she gets annoying
Hollyleaf: I thing she’s ok, but she isn’t as interesting as her brothers
Heathertail: She does get annoying, but overall, she’s ok
Breezepelt: I love this guy! He is a great villain, I wish we got more of him. I also love him in crowfeather’s trial
Darkstar: They’re ok, I don’t know much about only what they did to mapleshade
Brokentail: I love him!! They’re a great villain.
Darkstripe: Pretty interesting guy, his story is unique
Smoky/Appledusk: Smoky is fine, but Appledusk is just so mean. I can’t help but hate him
Nice article!
Okay, here are my opinions.
Needletail- I just hate her.
First of all she was rude and disrespectful and never followed the code. (She kinda deserved to be killed) She got on my nerves the whole time I was reading.
I mean, she would have been cool if she was rebellious. But she was just mean. That’s a different subject.
And I don’t get how she was a “good friend” to Violetshine. All she did was make her life miserable.
She was just annoying.
Littlecloud- Neutral and liked a bit before he agreed that Jayfeather was a murderer.
Now I hate him.
Oakheart- Neutral and dislikes a bit.
Mosskit- Neutral. She didn’t really do anything special.
Purdy- Okay, I have to agree he’s lovable, but I’m mostly neutral.
Jayfeather and Yellowfang- I love Jayfeather and I dislike Yellowfang. Idk how many times I have to say this, to the Jayfeather haters or people that think they have the same personality.
Hollyleaf- Not a big fan or anything, but I defend and love her. Her obsession with the warrior code is so new and funny. She made the books so much more interesting.
Great first article!! Oh and by the way, Onestar’s annoying mate was named Smoke, not Smoky. Smoky was Daisy’s former mate that lived in the Horseplace. But I totally got what you meant when I finished reading it so that mistake didn’t really matter so again, GREAT ARTICLE!!!
Yeah sorry my old self didnt know what memory meant
Totally Reasonable! Agree with 90% of what you said ! Great article
agreed with all except Rowanclaw,Heathertail and Breezepelt
Rowanclaw: meh.
Heathertail: loved her after she chose Breezepelt..They so cute in Crowbae’s trial
Breezepelt: used to hate him,but he changed in Crowbae’s trial,so now i like him.
I agree to all of those except heathertail, she was a good cat but maybe not the most likeable, nice article!
(btw I totally agree with you on littlecloud, he is my joint 8th favourite cat, tied with Puddleshine)
Appledusk should have drowned not Mapleshade’s kits
My thoughts on these cats:
Needletail- I love and defend her.
Littlecloud- he’s a sweet boy.
Oakheart- he’s a wonderful brother!
Mosskit- she’s so cute!
Purdy- he’s so awesome.
Jayfeather- I reallyyyyyyyy like him.
Yellowfang- she’s my favorite medicine cat!
Hollyleaf- she is amazing, and gets too much hate!
Heathertail- she’s kinda annoying.
Breezepelt- I despise him.
Darkstar- Darkstar is horrible. (Also, she’s actually a girl. Mapleshade’s novella called her a he by mistake.)
Brokentail- he’s my least favorite cat! Well, tied with Tom.
Darkstripe- such a bad cat!
Appledusk- I realllly hate his guts.
Smoke- (Smoky was Daisy’s mate, BTW) I don’t really have an opinion on her.
I love Hawkfrost