Snowpaw gives out awards to different Warriors characters
Welcome back! This is my 2nd article and I just had a good idea for one, because I’ve been reading a lot of old articles….. Anyway, back to the subject! In this article, I will be giving awards to some cats in Warriors! This is just my opinion, so if you don’t agree, that’ alright with me! 🙂 Let’s dive right in! (That sounded so cheesy….)
Most Loving Couple! goes to Crookedstar and Willowbreeze! (Runner up – Leaf X Crow)
They loved each other so much, and I cried when Willowbreeze died! They are one of my favorite canon couples ever! However, I do not like Silverstream. That’s another article’s worth, though! The runner up for most loving couple is Leafpool and Crowfeather! Leafpool ran away from ThunderClan to be with her love. Crowfeather loved Leafpool, and Leafpool loved Crowfeather! Then, she had go back to ThunderClan, and things got awkward.
Worst Loving Couple! goes to Spiderleg and Daisy! (Runner up – Tie between Crow X Night and Shell X Rain)
Okay….. I- he- Daisy mated with Spiderleg for no reason! (I mean like, there were some, but) They didn’t love each other, and Spiderleg never spent any time with his kits. That is heartbreaking to me! The runner up for worst loving couple is a tie! Between Crowfeather and Nightcloud and Shellheart and Rainflower. Let’s start, shall we? Crowfeather and Nightcloud, sitting on the moor. N O T L O V I N G. *sits down* *sighs* Why, Nightcloud? WHY? Terrible couple, terrible son. Must run in the family. Next in the tie is Shellheart and Rainflower! They are so proud of their sons, and then the accident happens, and all of a sudden, Rainflower COMPLETELY ignores him. He just looks different! I am going to refrain from writing everything because we need to get on the next award. *a tear runs down my cheek* *sniffle*
Most Loyal Cat! goes to Hollyleaf! (Runner up – Lionheart)
Okay, I know. I know. Not everyone likes Hollyleaf, but we all have to agree, she is the most loyal cat (I can think of 😛 ). I haven’t read much about her lately, but I know that she is so loyal, it gives me chills. And Runner up for this is Lionheart! He is awesome! He is kind, loyal, and smart. He welcomed in RustyFirepawheartstar, and was incredibly loyal. (I totally don’t have a crush on him)
Worst Loyal Cat! goes to Pinestar! (Runner up – I can’t think of one)
Pinestar ran off to be a kittypet! He was the leader!! You- You can’t just do that. It’s against the warrior code! *scoffs* It’s sad, and kind of deceiving, because he had all that time, as a warrior, as deputy, but he HAD TO DO IT AS LEADER! Anyway, that’s all for Worst Loyal Cat!
That’s all for today! I hope you like this article! May StarClan light your path!
The worst mate in my opinion is Appledusk he cheated on Mapleshade then denied that he ever loved her AND called there relationship a mistake in front of her
I agree
Yes so true I agree fully
ngl Appledusk sucks, i mean, honestly, whats his problem??Yes he CHEATED her.
No he did not
great article!
Pinestar is dumb. And I really think that Hollyleaf iss TOO loyal. I hate her, cos she’s OBSESSED with the warrior code. She almost wouldn’t help her siblings, and they’re supposed to be the Three (which she appears to not be, and I’m happy about that, she’s such a coward).
All I can say is that your completely wrong about Hollyleaf!
I dunno. I just don’t like her. Does she ever say any sentence that isn’t “It’s against the warrior code!”?
Well, you like Ivypool right? And didn’t Ivypool spend two whole moons doing nothing but being unnecessarily jealous of Dovewing and breaking the Warrior Code?
I havne’t read Omen of the Stars. I’m starting this Christmas. School term has 2 days left in Spain.
‘unneccessarily jealous’? read the books again.
yes, here is a list:
“I want to be able to help the Clan. If I were a medicine cat I could heal my Clanmates when they were sick and I could share dreams with StarClan. As a warrior I could feed the Clan and defend it-I would die to protect the Clan if I had to-but as a warrior I would be limited to fighting with tooth and claw. As a medicine cat I could fight with all the knowledge and power of StarClan. What better way could there be to serve ThunderClan?“
“It’s okay, Leafpool. I don’t mind. I’m glad I came back to ThunderClan. I couldn’t bear to… to leave without getting to know my mother.“
“If we start ignoring the warrior code, then we are no longer warriors!“
“I’m sorry…I was only trying to do what was best. I couldn’t let Ashfur live! For all our sakes! You understand that, don’t you?“
Leafpool: “Hollyleaf. It’s all right, I forgive you.”
Hollyleaf: “What! You forgive me? You’re the one who needs forgiveness! You abandoned your kits! You let us grow up in a web of lies, and now the warrior code might be broken forever because of your stupid, selfish actions.”
Leafpool: “Do you think you need to tell me that? I can only tell you how much I love you. I’m so sorry for what I did.”
Hollyleaf: “And you expect me to forgive you? Well, I don’t. I never will. See those deathberries? You’re going to eat them – or I’ll make you!”
Leafpool: “What?”
Hollyleaf: “Eat them! You deserve to die. I’ve killed once. And I can do it again.”
Leafpool: “Hollyleaf, I have lost my kits, the one cat I loved, and my calling as a medicine cat. Which do you think would be easier for me, to die or to go on living?”
“I am not part of the prophecy! I killed a cat, remember? And not because I was being brave or noble. I killed Ashfur because I was angry that our birth had broken the warrior code! Ashfur died because I was so angry I stopped caring about what was right!“
and about 500+ more 🙂
Yes, I know, but what I mean is, does she say anything about other than “Squirrelflight is a horrible cat! So is Crowfeather! So is Leafpool! Oh no I broke the warrior code! Oh no I must be loyal to ThunderClan! On no I killed Ashfur! Oh no I’m half-Clan!” . Does she ever say anythign about “let’s have some fun!”? Oh no she doesn’t.
Sinceramente, es un disco rayado. Siempre dice lo mismo.
Yes, if you actually read her awesome quotes, you would see them,
“I want to be able to help the Clan. If I were a medicine cat I could heal my Clanmates when they were sick and I could share dreams with StarClan. As a warrior I could feed the Clan and defend it-I would die to protect the Clan if I had to-but as a warrior I would be limited to fighting with tooth and claw. As a medicine cat I could fight with all the knowledge and power of StarClan. What better way could there be to serve ThunderClan?“
“It’s okay, Leafpool. I don’t mind. I’m glad I came back to ThunderClan. I couldn’t bear to… to leave without getting to know my mother.“
OK I like those two, you know? I’m starting to like her a bit more. I even like her more than I like Lionblaze, and he used to be my second fav character
Thanks for the likes! :0 #HOLLYLEAFRULES! Heh that was a good burn lol.
I’m sorry but i sooo disagree, she doesn’t JUST love the warriors code, she loves her brother and Fallen Leaves, cares about her clan, and is SO FREAKIN LOYAL! I love her :DDD
first of all, we don’t allow swears on the blog, even smaller ones, and second of all, omen of the stars has been out for years and it’s very likely you’ll come across spoilers for it on the blog 🙁 I understand it’s not fun to be spoiled but being on the blog you have to understand you might come across some spoilers! and luckily just having one cat in OOTS mentioned won’t spoil you for much
i’ve told frost already, she knows cos i said it a hundred times in many comments she was active in. alsoo what are swears? i may have done something wrong without knowing it’s wrong
I understand that! this is just a general reminder 🙂 and the word I changed in your comment was a swear! I can’t list them for obvious reasons but basically anything you think might have a chance of being a bad word I’d steer clear of :p
ad words? oh sorryyy
You hate her because she was loyal to the Warrior Code? Doesn’t that seem like a petty reason to hate someone? It’s like saying you hate the sun just because it shines. Hollyleaf is her own cat, and she’s not tied to her siblings by the end of her tail. She shouldn’t have to help her siblings, especially if going along with their plans was something she felt wasn’t the best thing for her.
She’s a coward…how? You can’t just accuse someone of being something, and not explain how or why they are what you accuse them of being. Also I’d like that clarification because while Hollyleaf made mistakes, she owned up to them in the end, and to me that seems like a brave thing to do.
She appears to be really important to the story but it’s barely the only sentence she says! She ESCAPED from the ones that may look for her because they thought she killed Ashfur! She’s a coward! And if I had a friend, I’d look for a cat who wouldn’t chase me because I love a WindClan cat! She would be ok with it and support me!
Yeah, but didn’t she return and admit that she killed Ashfur??
Nice article! I love Crooked X Willow too 😀
I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood alike.
I disagree with most loving couple, I believe it should have been bramblestar and Squirrelflight. They get in a lot of fights, disagree, and bramblestar always blames poor squirrelflight. Not only that, but Jessy from Bramblestar’s Storm ruins it more.
Is it sarcasm?
Definelty sarcasm man.
Sarcasm is harder than math lol
Mhm! All I can say is, isn’t the Worst Loyal supposed to be going to actual villains, not cats lumbering off for a nicer life? Like Tigerstar? Good article!
Wouldn’t a villain be to obvious?
I feel like the worst loyal would be sleekwhisker
I think Tigerstar was mildly loyal.
I’m not sure smart and Lionblaze belong in the same sentence 😛
they meant Lionheart, not Lionblaze.
And yes, “smart” and “Lionblaze” shall not belong on the same sentence.
Ahhhhhh I see my mistake 😛 😛 😛 I read his name as Lionheart for some reason and was super confused, especially when I saw the word ”smart” 😛
Ooof. I meant, I read his name as Lionblaze not Lionheart, what is the matter with me today 😛 😛
Terrific article!
I think runner up for Worst Loyal would be Onestar, actually.
[spoiler title=”SPOILER ALERT!! Read on at your own risk.”] He completely destroyed his relationship with Firestar, then in Vision of Shadows he makes his clan retreat from the battle just because he’s scared for his own good! That shows he isn’t loyal to Firestar or the other clans! [/spoiler]
cool article~
Don’t get me wrong, I LOOVVEEEEE Hollyleaf, but I don’t think she should get most loyal, she legit killed her own clanmate, and that definitely very UNloyal, even if that cat was
One of my fav characters ;-;A not so nice cat.I am still reading the books, I am in the first apprentice
Darkstripe could be runner up, but he should win full prize ’cause Firestar litterally asked him if he had any loyaltiy and said NO!!!!!!!