Official art by Wayne McLoughlin, edited by unknown
[a collage of cats from the first print of covers surrounding the Warriors logo]
Official art by Wayne McLoughlin, edited by unknown
[a collage of cats from the first print of covers surrounding the Warriors logo]
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Bristleflight takes a look at the protagonists of A Starless Clan and Moonpaw of Changing Skies.
Spiritflight and Coralpaw discuss ships from the series.
Littleleaf poked his head out. “Hmm?” he mewed, sniffing. “Its redcough. That’ll need bark sap.”
“What’s the point of trying to please a bunch of dead cats if they can’t reach of kill us? Can’t we live a life without them, right, Emberstream?” she mewed, turning away from Drizzlepaw. “right?” she repeated nervously, seeing the look on the she-cat’s face.
“Ok, I want Willowpaw, Emberstream, Sapphirestorm, Littleleaf, Flareheart to come with me.”
She narrowed her eyes, her voice was now fierce and had a slight hint of anger.
“Meadowpaw, go fetch some moss for the elders.” she meowed.
“And you better think before blurting out absurd things”
“One thing you must understand is that a warrior chooses her words carefully”
“You can believe whatever you wish, no one will judge you on that, but once everyone knows then nothing good will come out of it,” she said then flicked her tail dismissively. she then turned around and walked to the leader’s den.
The she-cat caught up with her friend.
“I wonder what starclan will say” she muttered quietly.
“What Flareheart said,” she replied, flicking her tail towards the she-cat.
Hazelkit took a small bite out of the mouse, “I’m not hungry,” she mumbled, pushing it toward her sister. “Mother, why-” she stopped herself, realizing that for once she didn’t have a question.
“Oops,” she muttered and padded to the forest. She angrily stomped her paw on the ground.
“StarClan this! StarClan should see this! StarClan that! How do cats know starclan if they aren’t really there?” she flicked her tail. She tore moss from trees.
“That’s enough,” she said, dumping it on the ground.
She padded over to Meadowpaw. “StarClan is true. I was there when Icesong- Icestar at that time had 9 lives. I was deputy, Paledawn at that time. Flareheart and Sapphirestorm were there, weren’t you? They saw Icesong get revived by starclan many moons ago.” She leaped onto the IceRock. “We are going to the gathering! Meadowpaw, stay at camp and think of what I told you. Willowpaw and Emberstream, Sapphirestorm, Flareheart, Littleleaf, Drizzlepaw, come on.” she flicked her tail and the others followed. (THE DREAM/VISION (Before there is peace, pine will take over, and ice will dispel the darkness see my other comment on last page to see what I mean) STARTS STRAIGHT AFTER THE GATHERING, EVERYBODY GETS IT)
Emberstream nodded in agreement with Palestar’s words and flicked her tail. “Learn to listen,” she whispered gently to Meadowpaw. “It will do you good.” She then followed Palestar out of camp
The she-cat was wandering through the cold forest when she heard the angry muttering of Meadowpaw. she walked over.
“Tell you what” she meowed a shy smile growing on her face.
“I don’t believe in starclan either, I wait for them to send me a sign, but nothing came. to me, those up there, are just stars, not the souls of dead warriors” she meowed motioning to the sky.
“But I’ve learned that what I believe is best stayed hidden.”
“A voice is nothing if no one is willing to hear” she meowed.
“With all due respect,” she meowed.
“I think Meadowpaw should go to the Gathering” she called her voice loud and steady.
“She hasn’t gone to any gatherings yet, and I believe it’s about time she met the other clans” she looked straight into Palestar’s eyes.
She frowned. “Okay, but keep a close eye on her.”
Meadowpaw purred. “Yay! Can Brokenmoon come?” she asked. Meadowpaw had made her mind to be her friend, seeing she also doesn’t believe in starclan either.
Palestar nodded. “Sure.”
The she-cat nodded respectfully.
“Thank you Palestar.” she meowed.
“You better be at your best behavior” she warned her apprentice then followed Palestar out of camp.
The she-cat stared at Meadowpaw. then noded, following Palestar out of camp.
Drizzlepaw followed Littleleaf out of camp.
“Why can’t we go to the gathering?” Pebblekit asked Bumbleheart.
“Your kits. Now get to sleep” she said sleepily, nestling close.
Hazelkit glanced at Pebblekit, “But-but I want to see what happens-” she was inturupted by a yawn and blinked sleepily. She pressed against Bumbleheart, closed her eyes, and purred, “I wanna see the-” she drifted off, still mumbling to herself. In a moment she was fast asleep, occasionally twitching in her sleep
“I do too!” Pebblekit said sleepily, and then fell asleep on her sister.
Hazelkit shifted slightly, keeping her eyes closed, until Pebblekit was laying beside her. She curled around her, blocking the icy wind for her sister. She sighed sleepily as the wind tried to pierce her thick fur without success
Pebblekit woke up, and it was midnight, and snowing.
Pebblekit got up not waking her sister and went outside of the den.
“Woah!” She exclaimed quietly. She stayed out there a little, staring at the sky, she didn’t know why she was fascinated by it.
Hazelkit lifted her head sleepily and looked at where Pebblekit was sleeping before. She shot up when she realized her sister wasn’t there anymore, “Pebblekit?” She hissed, trying not to wake Bumbleheart. She started sniffing around the den, “Pebblekit, where did you go?”
“Sorry…” Pebblekit muttered, “I wanted to see the sky.”
Hazelkit sighed with relief and dashed out of the den. She sat beside Pebblekit and smiled, “Why don’t you come back in? It’s cold!” She shivered as large snowflakes landed on her fur and melted
Emberstream followed the well trodden path to the gathering silently, keeping her ears pricked. It may be a gathering, but she didn’t trust the clans one bit. She turned to the cat at her side, “What excuse do you think the other clans will come up with for stealing prey?” She hissed quietly, fierce love for her clan and clanmates overwhelmed her. From the smallest kit to the oldest elder, she was willing to give her life for any and all of them.
(ignore this comment)
She blinked open one eye blearily.
“Pebblekit? Hazelkit? Where are you?”
She nudged Emberstream. “Who are those leaders on that big oak? I think one is Froststar? or Jaystar? Who’s your sister again?
Pebblekit ran back into the den, frightened by her mother’s scream.
“Sorry, mother.” Pebblekit said, “I wanted to see the night sky…”
(how about Pebblekit is obsessed with the night sky, and it drives Bumbleheart crazy, because Pebblekit may get a cold when she is always outside)
(ooo, yeah, and what if it just confuses Hazelkit but she still goes along with it cause she doesn’t want to upset her sister? But then it starts to get on her nerves and one day, she snaps?)
Okay! But not about Bumble going crazy. Your controll𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 🙂
Hazelkit jumped when she heard Bumbleheart’s voice and quickly ran into the den, trying to pretend she hadn’t been outside.
Emberstream glanced up and narrowed her eyes, “That one looks like Jaystar,” she meowed, flicking her tail at one of the leaders. She tried to ignore Willowpaw’s other question, resentment still making her fur prickle. She looked away from Willowpaw, “I’ll be right back,” she meowed. “Stay with Flareheart.” She walked away into the shadows and sat down, lost in memories. Unaware, she started ripping up the grass at her paws.
(Also, is her sister leader? I don’t quite understand your comment, but it could be I’m just tired 😜)
Flareheart turned at the sound of her name.
“Willowpaw, you and Meadowpaw can go meet the other apprentices,” she meowed “And please keep her from expressing her disbelief in starclan” she added in a hushed tone making sure only Willowpaw could hear.
the she-cat quickly located the other deputies and padded towards the all of them were larger than here, but all of them knew to respect The Iceclan deputy.
“How’s the prey running,” she asked, partly knowing the answer.
(YOu said something about having a sister? Does that help?)
she shrugged. “If you say, so, Emberstream.” she bounced over to Flareheart.
“Let the gathering begin!” a slim, blue-gray tom yowled out. “PineClan is well. Seeing there’s lots of prey.”
“Yeah, right, that;s our prey.” A voice sounded from the rows of cats,
(Feel free to make other leader speeches 🙂
“Prey from OUR clan” she yowled from the crowds.
“Starclan wouldn’t approve”
~Fawnstar (another leader~
Ignoring The iceclan deputy’s comment she meowed.
“If that’s all Needlestar, I have some news to share from my clan”
“Prey is running well, Despite the harsh leaf-bare, we do have a new Warrior, Snowmane sat his Virgil a few nights prior to the Gathering” she continued.
Emberstream sat on the edge of the clearing, seemingly invisible when another brown tabby padded up to her.
“Hello, Emberstream.” The she-cat meowed calmly.
Emberstream Stood and arched her back threateningly, “Get away from me!” She hissed. “You abandoned me, so don’t act like your so innocent, that’s all you ever do!” She ran off, leaving her sister with a dismayed expression on her face. She sat down next to Flareheart, trying to control her fuming temper.
(I hope it’s ok that I added her sister in and acted for her)
“Emebrstream?” Drizzlepaw asked, “What was that about?”
She didn’t know Emberstream had any family… but if it wasn’t family, who was it?
“Focus, for starclans sake!” he hissed, giving a sharp cuff on the ear.
(is fine!)
She stayed quiet, ducking her head.
“Yeah, right, harsh leaf-bare. All you little mange-pelt’s do is steal from our fresh-kill pile!” she yowled, lashing her tail from side-to-side. “How dare you!”
– Frostystar-
“Quiet! I admit, we have been stealing ur prey.” Outraged outbursts came from the crowd of IceClan cats.
The she-cat looked at Emberstream, she didn’t seem to be alright so she avoided asking a question that irritated most cats.
“Who was that she-cat,” she asked, half knowing the answer, it seemed obvious that it was her sister – or at least someone close to her. and from what she overheard, it seemed as she was right.
“Was that your sister” she whispered.
“I’ve caught wind of a few things, I’ll make sure she won’t come close to you” she offered.
Emberstream looked away, painful memories reawoken at the sight of her sister. “Thanks, Flareheart,” she whispered back. She turned to Drizzlepaw, “I’ll tell you later,” she meowed softly. She turned her attention to Frostystar, surprise making her fur prick. “Why’d Frostystar admit to it so quickly?” She glanced at Flareheart. “You’d think a leader would try to stall, or deny… Right?” Unless something else is going on, she kept the thought to herself, but paid more attention to her surroundings.
She glanced thoughtfully up at the leader.
“These are needy times, Maybe she just thought she would be avoiding some trouble if she admitted the truth,” she whispered.
“This is the worst leaf-bare I’ve ever seen. Her actions are somewhat justified” she stared at the leader thoughts running through her mind. All the clans are weak, she just Hoped Iceclan would rise higher rather than fall lower.
Emberstream nodded thoughtfully, “True,” she reasoned. She turned her attention back to the leader, putting her sister to the back of her mind.
Drizzlepaw nodded, then went to talk with another medicine apprentice.
“Hi, Drizzlepaw!” Snowpaw (PineClan med app) exclaimed.
“Hi, Snowpaw!” Drizzlepaw said, “Hows your clan?”
“It’s good… but I don’t think we should be stealing prey…” Snowpaw whispered to Drizzlepaw.
“Yeah… my clan’s pretty good too, besides the hunger.” Drizzlepaw said, then whispered, “But one kit has RedCough…”
“Oh, NO!” Snowpaw anxiously said, “Will she be alright?”
“Shhh!” Drizzlepaw said, “We don’t want everyone knowing we share secrets about the clan! And yes, I think so… but this kit is very weak, she always has been.”
Pebblekit just couldn’t sleep, so she went out of the den to gaze at the snowy sky again, it was after midnight she thought. I don’t have a good view here… Should I go out of camp to climb on a rock to see the sky better? I think so…
Pebblekit climbed out of the camp, and climbed up a tall rock, and sat overlooking the camp and seeing the beautiful moon through a gap in the clouds.
The tom padded out of the warrior’s den, he couldn’t sleep either. He gazed around the camp.. Everything was so quiet, so peaceful.
He hadn’t heard anything this quiet since he lost Jack and Alex.
His gaze finally landed on the tall rock, and on Pebblekit.
Pebblekit noticed the warrior, and she sunk onto the rock. I still want to see the sky… maybe daddy is up there…
“Pebblekit! How dare you go out of the nursery? If your were an apprentice, i’d sentence you to endless tick duty!” she glared at the kit. “Why in starclan does this stupid kit live?”
she stomped away to Lostshadow, bumping into it. “Hey! Move out of the way!”
Hazelkit ran after Redstorm, “Leave her alone!” She protested defensively, “It was my idea, don’t get mad at her!” She glanced at Pebblekit, worry making her eyes sparkle. She turned back to Redstorm and hung her head, “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“No. It wasn’t her idea. I just wanted to see the sky better…” Pebblekit mumbled.
“WEll, get back in the nursery. I don’t want to see you guys out of here in my own eyes.” she snapped.
He approached the she-cat.
“Redstorm, calm down, please.”
“Okay…” Pebblekit said quietly and sadly… it was almost morning.. she was kind of cold.
Pebblekit layed down in her nest, but didn’t talk to anyone…. I just wanted to see the sky. What’s wrong with that?
Hazelkit sighed and followed her sister. She curled up next to her and started to gently groom Pebblekit’s fur, “Don’t let bossy Redstorm get to you,” she meowed between licks. “The entire clan knows she’s just an annoying worrisome furrball.” She gently nuzzled Pebblekit, trying to comfort her.
“Why should i? If everyone just does what Palestar wants us to do everything would be fine.” she glared at Pebblekit, her eyes flashing. “Instead, stupid kits are running around out from the nursery. It’s bad enough that we have to handle leaf-bare, and that means Drizzlepaw and Littleleaf have more work to do if you get sick?” She stomped off, her tail flat and her head held high defiantly.
“But, that does not mean you can get prey from our pile. It’s your fault you aren’t strong enough.”
“Let’s go, IceClan. The other clans clearly don’t know what respect means.” Just then, a vision flashed through her head. Before there is peace pine will cause darkness and something something. She noticed Sapphirestorm’s eyes darkening, and she leaned closer. “Did you get a vision?”
Drizzlepaw got it too, and she thought, before actually thinking about the vision, Let’s get that sap for the redcough first…
Emberstream glanced at Flareheart, “Did you see that?” She asked in a hushed tone
She gave a small nod in reply to Palestar then said.
“Seems you are the weak clan since you’d go as low as stealing prey from another clan’s camp” she growled then waited for Palestar to take the lead.
Her eyes grew, Pineclan COULDN’t take over. why was Icestar sending them this? Pineclan was a close ally, was the whole allyship a scheme, a ruse to try to take over Iceclan. either way, Palestar better hold a clan meeting after this.
“Did you get that weird thing, too?” she said in a hushed voice, leaning to Emberstream, her eyes wide and scared. “What’s pine? What darkness? I’m scared!” she wailed, her ears flat.
Emberstream gently licked Willowpaw’s head, “Shh, it’s ok,” she comforted. Her eyes were filled with sympathy for the young apprentice and she glanced at Flareheart. “Let get home,” she meowed to Willowpaw, standing up. She kept close to the apprentice, guiding her away from the other clans protectively.
She looked at her senior warriors. “It could mean PineClan, or it could mean somebody with the their name starting or ending with Pine. Anyone?”
“Isn’t there someone named Pinesomething in IceClan?” Drizzlepaw asked.
Paleleaf shook her head, “I don’t know,” she murmured, still staying close to Willowpaw. “But I think we should get home,” she glanced meaningfully at the spooked apprentice.
“There was someone who used to be in there. Pine… Pinethr..”
“Pinethroat,” she meowed. she remembered how clearly the fire that took her mate. and that took one of Icestar’s lives.
“Pinethroat is who you are looking for” she wanted to forget the traitor, the monster that tore her heart to shreds.
“It’s not Pineclan that’s going to take over, It’s Pinethroat”
Paleleaf gently touched Flareheart’s flank with her tail. “We need to get home and prepare, then.” She meowed confidently. She glanced at Palestar, hoping the leader would notice Willowpaw’s confusion and panic.
Hazelkit sighed and followed Pebblekit into the nest. Without a word, she started gently grooming her. “Don’t listen to Redstorm,” she meowed after a moment. “Everyone knows she’s the grumpiest cat in the clan!” She continued to groom her sister, trying to comfort her.
Pebblekit made a small smile, then she sighed and laid down, legs extended and thought, I still don’t no why I’m not allowed outside… At least Hazelkit is on my side.
“Redstorm,” she said rudely, “All kits have adventures. I can name plenty that leave the camp, a lot more than Pebblekit did. So please, take your grumpiness somewhere else.”