Sunfur shares five things that Firestar did that tend to be overlooked when thinking back on his life.

Hello this is Sunfur here with my first article here that I hope you enjoy my first article on blogclan
Warning:spoliers to the fifth series 1 series and Firestar’s Quest
1. “Saving” Skyclan
If he hadn’t saved Skyclan all the clans could have been destroyed because the clans needed help when they were fighting Darktail’s kin and I also impressed with him with all the courage and bravery that took him. So you might want to think about that the next time you read firestar’s quest
2. Warning bluestar about tigerstar
This probably took a lot of coarage and effort to do and even if it didn’t even do that much information. He had a lot of bravery to stand up against tigerstar and telling bluestar because bluestar could’ve make him leave the clan off the bat and if it did work bluestar would kick him off the clan right away
3. “Saving” windclan
even though they mention this in the first series sooooo much (I mean a lot) I don’t think that people overlook it to much because the whole entire warriors series could have changed and how people think about it because the whole entire warriors series is about the four clans not the three or two clans and I would honestly probably not read warriors
4.letting Graystripe and Silverstream be mates
Things that are overlooked doesn’t mean that I can’t put bad things that are overlooked him letting Graystripe and Sliverstream be together was a terrible idea. First of all there from different clans which makes a huge point. It got Thunderclan and Riverclan almost getting into a fight, next for a lot of Fire and ice and some of the forest of secrets he was gone and it got him in trouble (i think i haven’t read the first series in a long time) and I kind of felt like that there wasn’t enough Graystripe.Finally, the warrior code gets in the way. Multiple times throughout the warriors series they say that if they didn’t have the warrior code they would be no better than rouges that was very long
5. Defeated Brokenstar
The people who read Yellowfang’s secret would definitely know what I am talking about Brokenstar was probably the second worst leader in warriors (in front is Tigerstar) his clan (which you can see in Yellowfang’s secret again) was basically a example of a clan without the warrior code which was terrible. Intill firestar came shadowclan was suffering a lot which Brokenstar thought made shadowclan stronger firestar decided that he couldn’t stand what shadowclan was doing and brought justice to shadowclan. I especially liked what he was doing because it involved a lot of bravery and couarge
So that’s it and anyone who thinks that firestar is overrated might want to think about that again my starclan light all of your paths and Sunfur is out
Firestar is okay. I think he shouldnt’ve been the fourth cat because he was basically the spotlight of EVERYTHING! But he did have “courage” and “bravery”. Please don’t get mad at me if I sounded rude. 🙂 But awesome and convincing article!!!
Well, Yellowfang really defeated Brokenstar. He came back after Firestar drove him out of Shadowclan. She killed him once durring her life with death berries, and then again when she was a ghost in Starclan.