Icechill shares why they don’t want Ashfur to be the antagonist of The Broken Code. Note: this article was written before Darkness Within came out.
*This is a revised version of my old article, ‘What is up with Bramblestar’, and I go more in depth clearly*
It is no doubt at this point in the Broken Code that Ashfur is the imposter (unless the Erins were deceiving us the entire time). There are multiple hints to why, and a lot of people have already stated them so I won’t go into detail (blue eyes, Shadowsight in soot, love for Squirrelflight, etc).
However, even though Ashfur was a great character during the Power of Three, I don’t think he would be as brilliant in the new series, The Broken Code. So far, I’ve loved the concept of mystery and deception in the series, but bringing back an old character who’s story line already finished is quite annoying for me.
In the Omen of Stars (correct me if I’m wrong), Jayfeather is angry that Ashfur is in Starclan, but Bluestar calmly tells him this:
“Perhaps [Ashfur] did a lot to bring it on himself, perhaps not. It is not StarClan’s place to judge him. If he found his way here, then he must deserve to be here. That is what we all have to believe. […] How can we say that Hollyleaf deserved to be in StarClan and Ashfur didn’t, or the other way around? Things are different here. Some cats forget parts of their life that they don’t want to remember.”
—Bluestar to Jayfeather about Ashfur, The Forgotten Warrior, pages 180-181
In a later book (I forgot), Ashfur is seen in Starclan, peacefully talking with Hollyleaf. Hollyleaf says that she ‘bear no ill feeling towards him’ and she thinks he has changed. Now if Ashfur is happily in Starclan, sharing tounges with his murderer, why would he suddenly go pyscho two series later to wreak havoc on Squirrelflight? Either we’ve all be duped this whole time and Ashfur ISN’T the impostor, or plot convenience.
Now, this is getting a *little* off topic, but who WOULD be the impostor if Ashfur wasn’t him?
Maybe it’s Sootfur! You know, when Shadowsight had that visison of SOOT falling on his FUR, it mean Sootfur! I was a little curious, so I did a little research, and apparently his mother, Willowpelt, died to a badger in Firestar’s Quest, when he was only an apprentice, orphaning him because his father, Whitestorm, died in the battle of Bloodclan. Sootfur himself died in the New Prophecy, mauled to death by, you guessed it, A BADGER.
This might be stretching it a LITTLE too far, but maybe Sootfur hated Midnight because she was a badger, and was incredibly angry when the Clans listened to her and befriended her in the Great Battle, so he impersonated Bramblestar? Sootfur didn’t have to have some personal beef with Bramblestar to posses him, he could have just done it because Bramblestar was leader.
There is just one whole in my Sootfur theory, which is he has amber eyes. BUT he looks like Ashfur a lot. Anyways, take anything I say with a grain of salt, because it’s just my opinion! 😀
– Icechill (also Jayfox)
That’s a super cool theory! Plus it’d be great if a background character like Sootfur would be the impostor. Really great article!
i agree
I was thinking about who else could be the imposter, but I couldn’t come up with anyone. Then I watched a video of Moonkitti’s, and my whole perpesctive was changed. ( Here’s the video:
What if the imposter was not just one cat, but a group? The video explains it better.
I also hope its not Ashfur, because I would feel better if he had gotten a redemption. I personally like Ashfur, you can fight me if you want, but I think he would be a greater character if he had righted his wrongs. But thats just my opoinin.
It would be cool to see a background character re-emerge as a villain!
Great article!
Cool theory except DW exists.
I like your theory that a side character like Sootfur could be the impostor! There are three types of characters:
1. Side character:
* A character just mentioned in patrols
*Never mentioned in a prophecy
*If a character has to die, a side character might be that one because he/she is not that important to the story concept.
Examples: ( Whitewing, Rainwhisker, etc.)
2. Important character
*Sibling or best friend of main character
*Evil guy
*If this character dies, the main character actually feels more immense sadness
Examples: (Graystripe, Cinderpelt, etc.)
3. Main character
*Character that has been in 1-2 prophecies
*The cat that has his/her point of view in the book
*The cat that won’t really normally die when it’s POV is going on (Okay, bad reason!🐱)
Examples: (Firestar, Jay,Holly, and Lion etc.)
So yea my comment was a bit long…
Um sorry to pop your bubble.
Ashfur is in starclan, they saw him in Squirrelflight’s hope…He can’t be the imposter. The imposter sould be in the place If no stars, and Ashfur is in starclan. But what do I know? The books don’t stick to reality, so I guees If the Erin’s Come up with an explanation, I won’t be suprised.
I would recommend reading the rest of The Broken Code 😉
uhm… unrelated… but the picture is spooking me… and im not sure i want to find out why D:
I look back before TBC, and I realize that this is a good theory. Before Darkness Within came out, I thought it was Darktail for some strange reason… don’t ask me why though.
Icechill has a point… but Ashfur could of sent the vision of soot falling on Shadowsights fur and the books don’t say anything about Sootfur liking Squirrelflightand Ashfur acted like he wanted to be her mate. Great Starclan, Sootfur is barely mentioned in the books. I am not saying Icechill is wrong-I mean i could even be wrong also.
Icechill has a point… but Ashfur could of sent the vision of soot falling on Shadowsights fur and the books don’t say anything about Sootfur liking Squirrelflightand Ashfur acted like he wanted to be her mate. Great Starclan, Sootfur is barely mentioned in the books. I am not saying Icechill is wrong-I mean i could even be wrong also.