Waffleheart shares why RiverClan deserves more attention in the books.

WARNING: There might be spoilers for all the books, really
Hiya BlogClan, Waffles here. It’s currently 12:00 AM and it’s not like I have school in the morning or anything… so I decided to do something I have never done before: Write a BlogClan article!
So for my first ever (at least I think:P) article here on BC, I needed to find a subject that I really cared about. I present to you my new campaign: Justice for RiverClan! Let’s get right into it.
RiverClan is the best Clan. It just is. Name one other Clan as unique and just plain cool as RiverClan! They are cats that swim! They’re literal mermaids! Not to mention, every single cat from RiverClan is described as gorgeous. Just take Silverstream, Oakheart, Leopardstar, Willowbreeze, Appledusk, the list goes on and on!
So why aren’t cats with such good genes given more attention? As of right now there are three cats in RiverClan with any sort of relevance whatsoever: Mistystar, Mothwing and Willowshine. But all of these are not relevant any more, and I think that’s a part of where the problem lies: The Erins don’t care about modern RiverClan.
There hasn’t been a RiverClan main character since The New Prophecy. I was two years old when the final book of The New Prophecy, Sunset, came out! In the original series we had several major minor characters in RiverClan, most notably Silverstream, Oakheart, Mistyfoot, Stonefur and Graystripe’s kits if you count them. In The New Prophecy, we got Feathertail and Stormfur (who were both given POVs in Moonrise) and we were introduced to Hawkfrost and Mothwing. And since that, the only other cats with the slightest bit of relevance have been Willowshine, and if you count them, Petalfur and Rippletail (spoiler alert they’re both dead). So there’s no doubt that we need more modern major characters from RiverClan. After all, it is the cOoLeSt ClAn EvEr!!1!
Let’s talk about Dawn of the Clans. No Clan founder intrigued me as much as River Ripple. But I don’t even think we were inside RiverClan camp *once* the entire series. We have had DotC POVs from SkyClan (Skystar), WindClan (Gray Wing, Moth Flight), ShadowClan (Shadowstar) and ThunderClan (Thunderstar), but nothing from RiverClan. All I have to say is WHY.
Now we’re finally getting a RiverClan point of view again, with Leopardstar in her upcoming Super Edition. And although I am super (hah) excited, I didn’t really want a classic “flashback” super edition? I loved the concept of Hawkwing’s Journey and Tigerheart’s Shadow where the plot is parallel to the main series. And since we’ve had super editions about all the deputies of the four other Clans, I was hoping we would be introduced to a new RiverClan warrior that would be deputy, like we were with Hawkwing. For example Minnowtail? I’ve always liked Minnowtail.. I have a whole head-canon about her that I can get into some other time.
In conclusion, the Erins ignore RiverClan even though it is undoubtedly the most interesting Clan and deserves much more attention, the Leopardstar super edition will be awesome, but I want a modern RiverClan cat’s perspective. (Also Reedwhisker better not become leader I will flip)
Waffle OUT.
I agree on every single one.
I love River Clan, Feathertail is my ultimate favorite, I still don’t know why no one cares about River Clan, it drives me nuts!
so agreed! they pay so much attention to thunderclan its insane. they pay alot of attention to shadowclan too. And to windclan (onestar attacks thunder camp) they r payed attention to alot aswell. ITS AN INSANE TRUCK LOAD OF ATTENTION FOR THUNDER! Riverclan in every series has mostly been placed as the “sidekick” in the first series they just joined Tigerclaw (he doesnt deserve the honor of leader name) and sat there and did what a shadowclan leader told them to do. in series 3 they joined onestar in fighting thunder. They’ve always been given the sidekick title and never had any major roles! unless you count feathertail, and Hawkfrost (almost killed firestar). RIVERCLAN NEEDS ATTENTION BOI! (river puppy whines becuz owners wont even look at them) btw first comment!
welp thunder is the main protagonist clan, but i agree river needs more attention.
So does Windclan, gosh!
I didn’t realize that RiverClan was the only Clan that didn’t get a POV in DotC! That makes me sad, because RiverClan is my favorite Clan as well. I can’t wait until Leopardstar’s Honor!
OML THATS WHAT ITS CALLED! yey. me want leopard stars honor *gremlin noises*
YESSS!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH WAFFLES!!! Finally, an article about RiverClan! Brilliant first article Waffle!
I love RinerClan too. Soo NiCe ArTiClE Waffles! 🎉
ThunderClan has to be the center of attention, for it was made the main Clan, which is needed for the story to flow.
ShadowClan is ‘the bad Clan’, which is also needed for the first story flow.
WindClan and RiverClan were sort of like Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Just… mentioned.
Yes, RiverClan wasn’t given much attention, but still, we have Crookedstar…. and we’ve been inside RiverClan camp once(once…).
We’d probably yell out: “THUNDERCLAN IS INTERESTING! GIVE US SOME POV! RIVERCLAN IS BORING!” if RiverClan was the main Clan.
RiverClan is overrated(and that’s how my favoritism for them faded), but they’re still really intriguing 🙂
Hmm that might be true, but I still love RiverClan way too much. And ShadowClan is just misunderstood. They aren’t bad, just proud.
Really? everyone now in the comments is commenting how RiverClan is great and your still saying that. hmmmmm But yeah, RiverClan is overated. (ignore my comment, now the modern RiverClan is even worse, I liked them during the first and second series. And I dont like Leopardstar either, it doesn’t cover her actions.)
This is totally true! Sometimes I even fake on the name generators, and just put Riverclan!
None of the other Clans have really been used since ThunderClan got it’s err…fire crisis.
Yeah lol-
Yessssss RiverClan is the greatest!
what is POV
POV is point-of-view, and essentially means the perspective you’re viewing a story from! If the story is following a RiverClan character, it would be a RiverClan POV. :3
yes!!! AGREEED!!! This was soooo fun to read and its an awesome first article!!!! RiverClan is always the clan that is left out, and we haven’t had a riverclan POV in sooooo long! I loved this great joB!!!!
Nice. My favorite clan is SkyClan, and that will NEVER change, but really good article!
Give Riverclan some time in the books. They are very important to the books, and maybe in the last part of this series they will star. Or maybe next series they will be important.