[Dovewing sits in a bright grassy field while Ivypool sits in a shadowy forest with bloodstained paws]

Dovewing and Ivypool by Flowerfern

Flowerfern compares Dovewing and Ivpool.

Art by crefollet

I feel like everyone does this article, but I’m sort of running out of ideas, and It’s an interesting subject. When anybody does a Dovewing and Ivypool article, there’s them saying either “I love Dovewing and hate Ivypool” or “I hate Dovewing and love Ivypool.” Personally, I prefer Ivypool, but there is some parts about Dovewing I prefer to Ivypool. I’m going to list their pros and cons, starting with Dovewing.

She had very important kits
She helped defeat the dark forest
She stands up against cats who hated the dark forest trainees
She doesn’t sway under peer pressure
She makes use her powers by hunting x10 and solving the beaver problem
She followed her heart (By going to Shadowclan)

In her Warriors.com profile, she is described as brash. Brash means “Rude, tasteless, arrogant.” (I’m not including the full definition, but that just about sums brash up.)

She acts like “I don’t want powers. I wish I didn’t have powers.” When she finds out she has powers. When her powers are gone, she’s like “I’m Deaf! What happened to my powers!” Bit of a mixed message.

She breaks the Warrior code (Hollyleaf: Gasp!) by leaving her clan and having kits with a Shadowclan cat.

This is really minor, but in lost stars, she’s very overprotective of Shadowsight, even though he doesn’t want her protectiveness.

Dovewing and Ivypool are talking and Dovewing says “You’re just jealous because I’m better than you! You don’t like that Tigerheart like me and not you! I’ll always be a better hunter and fighter than you!” Yeah, I’m not sure what to say about this one.


She is described as brave, intelligent, and hardworking. That’s always good.
She’s the best fighter and hunter she can be.
She’s strong, both physically and mentally.
She stays with Thunderclan and Dovewing, even when she’s jealous of Dovewing.
She’s worried abut her sister when Dovewing breaks the code.
She risks her life to spy on the dark forest.
She fights against the dark forest and convinces others to do the same.

She’s too trusting of cats who say they’re Starclan. At least, she was.
She gets too jealous sometimes and snaps.
She doesn’t respect Dovewing’s choice to go to Shadowclan with Tigerstar.
She stays in the dark forest even after she learns it is the dark forest.
I can’t come up with any more cons about Ivypool. Tell me in the comments if you have any more please!

Ivypool has more accomplishments than Dovewing, but is too jealous and snappy sometimes. Dovewing is a great hunter and fighter, but hasn’t risked her life as much as Ivypool has. Also, If Ivypool had powers and Dovewing didn’t, how do you think the storyline would’ve changed? I’ll leave to to ponder that question for the rest of your life. ;D

Fan Articles


  • I actually don’t like that people always love one sister, and hate the other. Like, they both did bad and selfish things, and they both are really important main characters who helped defeating the Dark Forest. I would say i like Ivy better, but i think they’re both equal and they don’t deserve hate.

    And then there’s me who just like them both and hates Hollyleaf lmao

  • For me I’d vote for Ivypool but I don’t hate Dovewing. Dovewing is just a bit of a jerk but then so is Ivypool. Ivypool is always being down casted by her sister who never really notices. I guess Ivypool goes a bit mad with kinda like popularity attempts but who can blame either of them for their actions?

  • What do you mean that staying in the drak forest after she realized they were bad was a con? She SPIED. ANd without that information there is a high possibility that the clans would not have been able to defeat the DF.
    That should be under pros

  • I choose Dovewing. Even if Ivypool was spying, she barely really helped. She held all the information until the last second. Sure, she didn’t want her clan mates to get in trouble, but by holding that info in she’s risking the life of almost every cat. Would you rather save 2 friends, or hundreds of your clan? She’s just doesn’t really think.. Dovewing freaked out because imagine your hearing and eyesight suddenly get worse and it stays like that forever? It’s a huge change, ofc she’s gonna panic.. great blog btw!!

  • I hate the way people act like ivypool can choose to go to the dark forest like first she wasn’t even in the dark forest and got tricked into the dark forest. When she found out about the prophecy her sis was in she understood and she didn’t want to go to the dark forest anymore but she knew she didn’t have a choice so she kept SPYING on the dark forest bravely but sadly she was forced to kill cats so I don’t understand smth why ivypool is so hated for that. Anyways this is just my opinion and I like both sisters ( I just like ivypool better) Great article!