[Mapleshade lying down as she bleeds from a wound, saying "Leave me alone. I don't need anyone."]

Was Mapleshade REALLY evil or just misunderstood? by Jinx

Jinx wonders if Mapleshade truly was evil or not.

Art by Mizu-no-Akira

Okay, so I know a lot of Ravenwing fans and Appledusk fans and others will disagree with this, and that’s fine. This is my opinion on whether or not everything bad that happened in the forest (mainly in The Prophecies Begin) is mostly Ravenwing’s fault. (Also, this article will show my opinion on whether Mapleshde is misunderstood, or evil)

First, Mapleshade. Sure, Mapleshade broke the warrior code by having kits with a RiverClan cat (but c’mon sooo many people ship MaplexApple). But did Ravenwing have to go and tell everyone? And really. Did she really have to be banished? I mean, Graystripe wasn’t banished when he had kits with a RiverClan cat, he chose to leave. Anyway, if Ravenwing hadn’t told on Mapleshade, she wouldn’t have murdered him, her kits wouldn’t have drowned, Appledusk wouldn’t have disowned her, and Mapleshade technically wouldn’t have turned evil.

Next- Tigerstar. So, we all know, or at least most of us know, that Mapleshade pretty much turned Tigerstar into what he became, a murderer and traitor. So, yeah, that was her fault. But. But like I said, Mapleshade wouldn’t have even wanted revenge on ThunderClan if it weren’t for Ravenwing. So again, it can be traced back to Ravenwing.

Finally, Crookedstar. Okay, so the deaths in his life were already going to happen. Mapleshade was just being a bit rude and mean and made him think they were all his fault when they weren’t. Also, Mapleshade turned him into a great warrior through training him. And she told him not to fall in love, because she saw him as her own son, and did not want him to experience the pain she did.

So, in conclusion, Mapleshade was not evil in my opinion. She was just misunderstood. And Ravenwing, come on. Did you really have to ruin her life? Anyways, yes, I agree she did some bad things, even murderous things, but you can’t say she was truly evil. She had a hard life, and think, wouldn’t you kind of want revenge on Appledusk, Ravenwing and ThunderClan. I know I would.
Also, read this carefully, and see that technically, all things can be traced back to Ravenwing in the end.

BTW, I know she shouldn’t have killed Ravenwing, but seriously, did she actually have to be labeled EVIL and go to the Dark Forest for it? Nope, nada, goose eggs. Not in my opinion, at least.

Oki, thanks for reading! Be sure to leave your opinions in the comments below, I might feature them in my next article!

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  • I agree that Mapleshade was sorta misunderstood, but first, she tried to kill a pregnant lady which is not good at all, and Murder is a harsh subject, it shouldn’t be thrown around like it’s nothing, in my opinion no one should be murdered other for self defense

  • I kinda skimmed Mapleshade’s vengeance just because I was convinced she was evil, but your article has really changed my mind, and now I shall go and actually read Mapleshade’s Vengeance

  • “Appledusk fans”? Are there even any “Appledusk fans”? I don’t think she was misunderstood, because that would imply that she was a good person. She wasn’t. But she was mentally unstable, so it wasn’t like she was killing because she wanted to. She thought it was a mission from her kits. Good input though.

  • But really, Mapleshade is evil.
    I mean, you know, if a murderer’s mother died while giving birth to him, and his father had passed away a few days ago, and he had to live on the streets and met some bad street boys, and he broke the law and somebody told on him and the boy murdered the Somebody, street boys, and somebody, would it be Somebody’s fault that he murdered people?

    Mapleshade wasn’t justified in killing. Nobody is.
    Ravenwing was doing his duty. It’s noted he was a young medicine cat; his mentor maybe died recently. What was he supposed to do, really, keep the law-breaker’s secret when the law-breaker had nothing involved with him, except maybe she was in his village?
    He didn’t know Oakstar was going to banish her or the kits. He’s not a seer.

    Frecklewish couldn’t swim.

    Mapleshade led the kits to a flooding river. They weren’t even six moons old, and they were made to swim across a very dangerous river. Anyone could see that. One of her kits pointed it out, but Mapleshade brushed it away.

    Honestly, she was over-confident it was frustrating. It’s no reason that somebody told on you and by your mistake, you children died to murder people who wasn’t honestly involved and couldn’t stop anything. It’s also no reason to ruin somebody’s life just because “they are the descendants of somebody who cheated on” her. She manipulated Crookedstar cleverly, and with that, Crookedstar was seriously, well, he must’ve thought it was all his fault everyone died, and that won’t exactly boost somebody’s confidence.

    Nice article 🙂
    I hope this wasn’t rude

      • I disagree, Ravenwing was doing his duty to Starclan, he was sent a omen from Starclan themselves that the kits dont belong. I disagree with Oakstar for banishing her, but she had the choice to go on a killing spree, Oakstar and Ravenwing didnt force her.

    • Yes! Mapleshade absolutely deserves StarClan! 🙂
      Lost In The Woods

    • *Snort* Wondering if DF will accept a medicine cat?! Tigerstar’s totally on the ALL WARRIORS I HATE MEDICINE CATS CAUSE THEY CARE OVER THE WEAK AND SICK thingy for the DF. In Power of Three: The Sight Tigerstar expressed his distaste for Mothwing when he was persuading Jaypaw to train in the DF.

  • I still do not think Mapleshade that did a lot to influence Tigerstar Thistleclaw made him blood thirsty like he was.

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