Ravenflight argues Tallstar’s last minute decision to make Onewhisker the deputy of WindClan.
Mudclaw should’ve been made leader instead of Onestar.
It’s just my opinion. I mean, look at how Onestar turned out. He became corrupted, made bad decisions, and forced out the help of other Clans. Not the best resume. He wasn’t even properly made deputy, so I don’t know how or why he was even allowed to be leader. I’m okay if the deputy ceremony is late, but if the leader is just dying on the ground and replaces Mudclaw without the actual traditions….how is that cat even deputy?
Plus, Tallstar was dying for StarClan’s sake! Do you think he was thinking completely straight? I think not. He was lying on the ground, the life draining out of him, certainly not in the best shape to make rash decisions about the future of his Clan. Also, in the field guides, it literally says that Tallstar picked Mudclaw to contrast his more peaceful leadership. He picked Mudclaw because of his aggresiveness, which is what we were lead to believe was the reason he later replaced him with Onestar.
Of course, Mudclaw was angry about that, which was totally entitled to be. He started a rebellion with Hawkfrost, unaware of the other cat’s darker motives. We know that the rebellion fails, though, and ends with Mudclaw being crushed by a tree, which becomes the bridge to the island where Gatherings are held.
It’s kind of creepy that everytime cats go to a Gathering, they’re walking over a dead body, but no one ever acknowledges it…
Anyways, Onestar is leader, he makes a bunch of terrible decisions, and is finally killed by his own son, Darktail. Oh, who’s Darktail? The son Onestar had with a rogue who developed a murderous hunger for revenge, came to the Clans, took control of ShadowClan for a while, killed a bunch of cats, and was the villian of the sixth arc. Most importantly though, pretty much all of that happened because of how Onestar dealt with the situation.
But…surely Mudclaw would have been worse? He was a terribly aggresive cat who would’ve lead WindClan into countless battles that would’ve resulted in many unneccesary deaths…right?
Tallstar couldn’t have predicted how Onestar would be like in his leadership. He thought that Onestar would be a good choice because Onestar and Firestar were friends.
Oh, good point
that is a good point, Tallstar imagined that Onestar would make peace, and Mudclaw would start battles, but Onestar started battles anyway!
It’s debatable as no one knows what would have happened if Mudclaw lived.
Gosh, I didn’t do very good writing when I wrote this did I?Hehe…
Tallstar’s decision was wrong
Tallstar should’ve made neither of them deputy in my option, crowfeathers mother would’ve been a much better choice
Mudclaw is one of my favorite characters. He was treated so unfairly!
Nice article! 😀
Lovely article!!
Mudclaw is horrible, Onestar is horrible, WindClan for some reason tends to have not that good catsCrowfeather is awesomeI don’t like Onestar or Mudclaw
Yes! I think Onestar did just about everything Mudclaw would have done! Although Mudclaw may have been a touch bit worse…I don’t know
This is litterally the only series where the rebellion is bad.
ex: Star Wars, Hunger Games, ect.