Ravenflight shares their opinion of their favourite clan, ShadowClan.
My favorite Clan is ShadowClan.
Their special talents aren’t as clear as other Clans, but are commonly represented as stealthy and secretive. I don’t really agree with the secretive part, as they’re never portrayed as secretive in the books, just stealthy. Apparently, though, this makes them EVIL. Because if you’re stealthy and guarded, you must be entirely EVIL and BAD. The thing is though, they’re not. They don’t ever do anything particularly underhanded, except the time in the first arc where Clawface kills Spottedleaf and steals some kits, but that was under Brokenstar’s rule, and he was incredibly messed up, so that doesn’t count. Other than that, though, they never really do anything mean, they’re just thought of as antagonists.
This is especially clear in the first arc, where everything is exaggerated and kind of black and white. This was the first series, though, so of course it’s going to be a bit more basic. We even get a character from ShadowClan, Yellowfang, who is always grumpy and hostile. This just reinforces the idea that ShadowClan is full of cranky, harsh cats. However, later, when we get a POV from ShadowClan, the cats there are exactly the same as any other Clan. In one of the books, I forget which, we even see a ShadowClan cat telling a visiting ThunderClan cat that kits in ShadowClan are told stories of ThunderClan cats who can fly and leap out of trees.
For ShadowClan, the other Clans are the antagonists, just like any other Clan. For some reason, though, they are depicted as deceitful and corrupt. Even the Field Guides are biased! In Cats of the Clans, they illustrate Tall Shadow, first leader of ShadowClan, as an aggresive, hostile leader who died first because of the many unnessary battles she lead her Clan into. If you have read ANY of the books set in the POV of a cat from the beginning of the Clans, you will know that Tall Shadow/Shadowstar was one of the most reasonable leaders out of all the originals.
Really, the only unreasonable leader from Dawn of the Clans is Clear Sky, the first leader of SkyClan, WHO IS THE WORST CAT TO EVER STEP ON THE WARRIORS EARTH, AH AH AH AH AH I HATE HIM!!!!! We don’t know
first! great article!
I agree… Especially on Clear Sky! I just HATE him after he becomes leader. Before that tho… he was ok.
Honestly yes. I love shadowclan, its my 2nd fav clan after riverclan. and shadowclan cats aren´t bad, they´re just more private. They´re like any other clans, they´re just as wholesome to the cats in it. Tall shadow was definetely changed in the field guides, whereas in dawn of the clans, after Riverstar, she was the most clear-headed. I HATE CLEAR SKY NYAHH HE SHOULD DIE AND NEVER BE LEADER
Good article 🙂 It changed my opinion on Shadowclan. From the second to last place to the second place! Skyclan is my top, Shadowclan second, Thunderclan Third, Windclan Fourth, and Riverclan…. Bottom
Awesome article! I agree with you- Tall Shadow was one of the calmest and most reasonable cats in Dawn of the Clans… rEalLy aGgrEsSivE, indeed!
(Didn’t she die in a battle to get rid of a (dangerous) cat who had tried to kill her by shoving her onto a Thunderpath?)
no i think the two cats killed each other
I Love the clear sky quote
“You want battle? I’ll give you war”
I hate clear sky, I love thunder for standing up against him, i love tall shadow because she was proud and could bring cats into unnecessary battles, wind runner is meh, RIVER RIPPLE IS THE BEST CAT IN WARRIORS! (and then very close behind him is jaybae and them also very close behind jaybae is gray wing ) :3
ShadowClan isn’t really bad it just had some bad leaders.
clan order! 😀
(I love all the clans tho)
all tribes/clans
shadowclan is one of my favs
Whoops, I think this article was cut off…
Nice article! ShadowClan is a nice Clan. C:
MothPool Shipper
I agree. And whats with the Shadowclan symbol? Its a frowny face. All the other clan symbols are things that actually make sense. Anyway, great article.
Have you finished dawn of the clans yet i thought he was evil at first but then he became boring and not for anyone to hate