Mosskit’s Death Shouldn’t Have Happened by Dewflower

Dewflower shares why they think Mosskit shouldn’t have died.

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(Spoiler Alert!) Hello I am Dewflower and I am here to argue about Mosskit’s Death. Bottom line: It was wrong! So Bluestar had a crush on Oakheart from RiverClan and then they fell in love. I know that love is love but she should’ve thought before she jumped into her relationship. They fell in love and mated, which ended out in her becoming pregnant. She should know that if you mate, you will get pregnant. She found out and started saying that Thrushpelt was the father because he loved her a lot but she didn’t love him. He said it was okay so she did. When the kits were born and old enough she took them to go and live with their father because she had to make sure that her sister’s mate didn’t become deputy. She took them in the snow to go to their father and put them in a hole to keep warm while she went and saw if he was there. A hole! You’ve got to be kidding me! She found him and started taking them one by one. But when she went back for Mosskit he had froze to death. She could’ve waited a little longer to take them to their father so it wasn’t snowing. Maybe she could have let another queen suckle them and she went back to her warrior duties! But she didn’t. So an innocent kit died for her mistake. I was reading the field guide today and was reading his story of that moment. Snowfur his aunt ended up caring for him in StarClan. But when she went down to get his spirit he kept saying “but I want my mom. I want to stay with my mom and siblings.” See how SAD that is? He didn’t want to leave his family! It’s so sad because he died because of BLUESTARS mistake, not his! Because I am so mad at her decision I’m making a book and I’m using his name as one of the main characters that saves StarClan. Please comment below if you agree. If you don’t that’s alright too. Thanks all of you for taking the time to read about my argument!

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  • Bluestar wasn’t really good leader to be honest, she kept thinking with was right when it was really wrong. Like when she thought Windclan was stealing prey, she even offered to get into a battle with them.

  • Nice article! However, I mostly disagree.

    You see, back then the Clans were slightly more strict, so Bluefur doesn’t have the freedom of letting someone else nurse her kits. By the time they were weaned, Thistleclaw would have been deputy and had lead ThunderClan to bloodshed. You can’t really control who you love all too much, as the case with some earlier and later cats (i.e. Squirrelwhisker, Mapleshade, Leafpool, Silverstream, RC Cloudberry, Fallowtail, just to name a few) who also get into half-Clan relationships.

    There are some kind of animals who like taking advantage of the snow for its insulating properties despite how cold it is, and Bluefur was smart enough to take advantage of this as well. But to keep this a secret and such (since she broke the warrior code by getting with Oakheart), she had to do it alone. One cat can only carry one kitten at a time, they don’t have thumbs. So Mosskit freezing to death would have been inevitable due to this.

    And take a moment to think about it this way: It was StarClan who chose this path for her. If her prophecy wasn’t there and/or if Thistleclaw wasn’t the only option for deputy, she probably would have never done this in the first place. All of her kits would still be with her in the nursery, regardless of their half-Clan heritage.

    In the end I believe it’s the fault of StarClan, since they were the ones who gave that prophecy to Goosefeather in the first place. If none of this was happening, Mosskit would be alive right now.

    Oh, and Mosskit’s female!

  • Honestly think about it if mosskit haven’t had died Bluestar would be less sad in her life after being betrayed by tigerstar and after leaving her kits behind. She would at least have known that ALL of her kits were safe in riverclan with their, lemme think… DEAD father.

  • Yeah, I did kinda hate Bluestar a while because of this decision/the one not to make Swiftpaw and Brightpaw warriors in the first series (but to make FREAKING CLOUDTAIL ONE?!) that resulted in poor baby Swiftpaw’s death (HE JUST WANTED TO BE A WARRIOR, BLUESTAR! A WARRIOR!!!), oh, and naming Brightheart LOSTFACE, but at the same time, she had lost everything before she was deputy. Her mother before she was a warrior, her sister right after her sister had a kit, and then her own kits, one of them dying! But you gotta say she was a good leader. Anyway, I do totally agree Mosskit didn’t have to die, and should’ve become Mosswhisker or Mosspounce alongside Mistyfoot and Stonefur, but hey, he didn’t, and that’s that. And yeah, make that book, Dewflower! You do it!

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