Happy Mod Appreciation Day!

By Briarpaw

It’s Mod Appreciation Day πŸŽ‰ This year’s event was coordinated by our lovely members to give some appreciation to the volunteers that keep the blog running!

I can’t really write a whole bunch about how great the mods are because I am one and that would be narcissistic, so I’ll let all the art speak for itself! πŸ˜› Disclaimer that I definitely don’t have a lot of the art (plus I know some of you were waiting to post it until today), so if I don’t have yours just plop it in a comment and address it to me and I’ll throw it in the post!

If you didn’t have the energy, didn’t know, or just didn’t want to make something, don’t feel bad about it! A kind word means just as much to us as anything else πŸ’— If you have fanfiction or a poem or a message to the mods you can put it in the comment section and we’ll see it πŸ˜€

Click Here For Art!
By Kestrelpaw
By Waffleheart
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
Kat – By Moonwish
By Kestrelpaw
Sundance – By Moonwish
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw

Let’s take a moment to appreciate all of BlogClan’s fabulous members, without whom (whom? who? which?) there would be no comments to mod and the blog would be a very boring place πŸ˜› Whether you made art, wrote some kind words, or just spread positive vibes around the blog, the mods are incredibly thankful for what you’ve done and for brightening up our lives on the daily!

By Slatepaw

✨ Cheetahspark ✨
