Happy Mod Appreciation Day!

By Briarpaw

It’s Mod Appreciation Day ๐ŸŽ‰ This year’s event was coordinated by our lovely members to give some appreciation to the volunteers that keep the blog running!

I can’t really write a whole bunch about how great the mods are because I am one and that would be narcissistic, so I’ll let all the art speak for itself! ๐Ÿ˜› Disclaimer that I definitely don’t have a lot of the art (plus I know some of you were waiting to post it until today), so if I don’t have yours just plop it in a comment and address it to me and I’ll throw it in the post!

If you didn’t have the energy, didn’t know, or just didn’t want to make something, don’t feel bad about it! A kind word means just as much to us as anything else ๐Ÿ’— If you have fanfiction or a poem or a message to the mods you can put it in the comment section and we’ll see it ๐Ÿ˜€

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By Kestrelpaw
By Waffleheart
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Slatepaw
By Kestrelpaw
Kat – By Moonwish
By Kestrelpaw
Sundance – By Moonwish
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw
By Kestrelpaw

Let’s take a moment to appreciate all of BlogClan’s fabulous members, without whom (whom? who? which?) there would be no comments to mod and the blog would be a very boring place ๐Ÿ˜› Whether you made art, wrote some kind words, or just spread positive vibes around the blog, the mods are incredibly thankful for what you’ve done and for brightening up our lives on the daily!

By Slatepaw

โœจ Cheetahspark โœจ



  • you are so deserving of this special day and so much more aa <33 thank you so muchh we appreciate everything you do

    On behalf of Dovepaw, Cinderpaw, Reddusk, Lillypaw and myself (wait does that work-), here’s a writing collab!

    [spoiler title=”Appreciative Writing rip”]  It was a partly cloudy day. The sky was pale and the clouds were like a breeze up in the sky. They whisped around the light blue that was spread across the horizon. The sun shone right behind them, casting its light to the meadows below. Viperfrost awoke, feeling the sun warming up the lit meadow. Her eyes narrowed, feeling as if the environment needed arson. They grabbed feir trusty flamethrower, turning it on so it would burn. Xe turned around, getting up and trotting into the clearing, the flamethrower still going. Her eyes narrowed as she searched for Blogclanโ€™s deputy, Emberdawn. When she spotted her, star got up and trotted over to her quickly. โ€œEmbix?โ€ she asked, their eyes narrowed a little. โ€œCan I go into the forest and set some random things on fire? I havenโ€™t had my daily dose of arson today,โ€ the deputy looked at xem for a moment in silence, choking back a small laugh. โ€œYeah, sure,โ€ she replied, rolling her eyes with a slight laugh. Viperfrost smiled evilly, trotting into the forest with her flamethrower.

    Goldi stepped out into the warm sunlight, ginger pelt glowing softly in the midmorning rays and leaves crunching on the soft grass. They flashed a crooked smile at the forest when they noticed the flicker of black amidst the shadows. Their whiskers twitching in amusement, they padded into the woods where they caught the bright gleam of red flames dancing in its depths. Viper looked up from where xe was torching a nearby tree. โ€œThereโ€™s my favorite smol overlord!โ€ mae greeted, their smile had a maniacal touch to it, probably brought on by the sheer amount of comments in spam at the moment. Goldi grinned, โ€œHey, Vip!โ€ they called, coming closer to the sparkling gold tongues leaping through the air overhead, โ€œI brought marshmallows!โ€ they announced, pulling a bag out from behind them. Viper grinned as embers showered down from the burning tree, as if to punctuate Goldiโ€™s words. โ€œPerfect,โ€ she mewed, to the ginger and white penguin, grabbing a nearby stick and plopping a squishy marshmallow onto the tip. Goldi quickly copied the snekโ€™s movements and turned the white blob to the flames. Crackling filled the air and sparks skittered across the grass, sending tingles underfoot. โ€œI can tell this will be a good day for chaos,โ€ Goldi murmured, a hint of a smile crossing their features.
     โ€œI just want to watch the world burn a little brighter,โ€ Viper added, feir smile mirrored Goldiโ€™s as xe looked into the glimmering flames.

    A blur of yellow fading into dark spots, a pelt with patterns mirroring those of a wild cat, dappled by strands of sunlight, illuminated by the flames licking the crisp air. Determination danced in Cheetahโ€™s eyes, blazing as bright as the withering undergrowth as her lithe frame flickered between branches, barely visible lest the smoke and ash mingling to form great, grey clouds that sprawled across a once-clear sky. Comments scattered in her wake, cringing away from her paws as Cheetahsparkโ€™s gaze shifted to the scene before her, now sat, slender tail twitching in agitation. โ€œArson! You couldโ€™ve invited me,โ€ she huffed, moments before a shriek echoed around, reverberating around their heads. The stray comments were being dragged into the jaws of a monstrous entity, disappearing into the belly of the beast. The trio of moderators could only hear the wind whistling in their ears as the landscape rapidly changed around them, barely making contact with the ground before rising again, a rhythmic run, desperation in every step. How long could they outrun the dreaded Spam Monster, Viper, Goldi and Cheetah? If this was the end, at least they werenโ€™t alone. Just then, a shadowy figure appeared on the horizon and gradually faded into view. Cakestar!

    Emberdawn yawned. She felt as if it were a mistake, sending Viper out into the forest with a flamethrower. I guess I gotta remember sheโ€™s an arsonist. As she yawned, she heard the sound of the Spam Monster. Getting up, she raced over to the three moderators, who were facing the monster. Embix snarled at it, trying to keep a calm temper. 

    Cakestar prowled over the hill, turning her amber eyes towards the Spam Monster. She quickly turned towards her team that would help save the comments, Vip with her flamethrower, Goldi with their suit, Embix, her loyal deputy, Birchy, with their dark pelt bushed up in horror, Rainie, blue eyes glowing with adrenaline, Cheetah, spotted pelt a streak at the bottom of the hill and Kat, already heading her way. Cakestar let out a war cry and ran down the hill, towards the dark monster lurking at the bottom. Her team quickly fell into step beside her and they attacked. They were here to save BlogClannerโ€™s voices from being lost forever. Viper turned feir golden flames at the monster, Goldi leaping forward to whack its side with her briefcase. Rainie and Birchy worked on rescuing comments, pulling them out of the monsterโ€™s awaiting maw. Cheetah darted up its back, digging her claws into it, as she shouted insults and threatened to stamp on its tulips. The monster began to crumble but it was still fighting. It swatted Birchy away and they landed on the ground with a cry. Cakestar saw red and signaled to Embix, they leapt together heading for the monsterโ€™s throats. 
    โ€œThis is for the articles,โ€ Embix cried, latching onto it. 
    โ€œThis is for all the birthday posts!โ€ Cheetah seconded. 
    โ€œThis is for the NTAs!โ€ Rainey shouted, only to be hit to the ground too. Goldi and Viper yelled in sync,
    โ€œThis is for our Allegiances,โ€ and ducked from a blow, Viper scalding its side with the flames.
    โ€œAnd this is for the Blog!โ€ Cakestar said at last, striking the killing blow. The monster vanished in a puff of smoke and the comments were returned. Goldi magically healed Birchy and Rainie with their penguin powers and a collective cheer went up as BlogClanners poured out of the forest, showering thanks and congratulations on the moderators for all that they do. Cakestar watched with a content smile – her world was safe.


  • Happy Mod Appreciation Day!! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thank you to all the mods for your amazing work!
    You are wonderful! We’re all so grateful to you for making Blogclan a safer place by watching over it, and also for making it a brighter place with your own comments and kind words.
    You are amazing!
    I love you so much! <33333333

  • I never got the chance to draw anything for you guys :((((((((
    But I love you mods so so so much because you help run the blog and you are all around smart, funny, and talented people, all of you ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’

  • HAPPY MOD APPRECIATION DAY!!! Thank you thank you thank you mods!!!!!!!!!!

  • Happy mod appreciation day!!! ๐Ÿฅณ ๐Ÿฅณ ๐Ÿฅณ
    You are all great and amazing, keeping our Clan the safest Clan of them all! ๐Ÿ˜›
    You are the soul of BlogClan, without you mods the Clan would not be a place at all. We are so grateful for you all! (I love the art!)
    daring, dazzling
    speedy, smart!

    Have a great day mods! Best wishes, good luck, and thanks again! ๐Ÿ™‚

    if i had known sooner i would have drawn something, but for now i’m just sending hugs <33 blogclan indeed would be quite boring without you ๐Ÿ˜‰


    You all are so amazing and dedicated to BlogClan and you give up so much of your time for this Blog <3
    It's honestly incredible how you keep up with all the work and how hard you work to keep BlogClan a happy place.
    Thank you so much โ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™กโ™ก

  • Unlike me imma keep this short and sweet..
    Thank you to all the mods out there, you all have busy lives but yet you continue to put aside time for the blog. You all are the best!

  • หœโ€*ยฐโ€ข.หœโ€*ยฐโ€ข(Goldenbee) โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ.โ€ขยฐ*โ€หœ says:


    but thank you so much moddos ๐Ÿ˜€ You make the blog such a safe and wonderful place to be in <3333

  • A bit belated, but happy Mod Appreciation Day! Thank you so much for the work and happiness and peace you bring to this community; it’s very much appreciated! ๐Ÿ˜€ You are all such fantastic people and it’s a joy! <333

  • it’s mod appreciation day, let’s commemorate all of the crimes committed!

    • Embix stole Viper’s heart with her writing, and according to sources, she does not regret it (source: Viper)
    • Icy is the criminal mastermind (source: Sunny)
    • Birchy sent Viper soda in a bag (source: Viper)
    • Cheeto (source: Viper) or Viper (source: Cheeto) crushed the tulips
    • Goldie embezzled the fund from Viper’s oversea bank accounts (source: Viper)

    if you think some things are off contact the source ๐Ÿ™‚
    are there any other crimes by the other mods that haven’t been documented?

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