Welcome to the Gaming Discussion Page! Whether you want to talk about video games, board games, mobile games, or any other kind of game, this is the page for you 🎮
Welcome to the Gaming Discussion Page! Whether you want to talk about video games, board games, mobile games, or any other kind of game, this is the page for you 🎮
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Rosefern and Echoheart discuss Twigbranch.
Howdy folks! I hope you all are having a marvelous Monday. Regardless, here’s news worth celebrating: It’s Rainbowpaw/shine’s second clanniversary today! image description: a black cat with orange eyes...
*an elusive Bloodmoon makes a rare appearance on the Gaming Discussion Page*
I must know, has anyone else played Super Cat Tales [aka Super Cat Bros ] ?
Nope! :3
I really want to play Parappa the Rapper and Planet DOB. 😛
any spaltoon fans out here. i love the silly octopus game 🙂
Nope but it sounds so cool
you should play it if you can!! its very addictive tho ahaha
i played that all day one time, it was one of my favorite games
yess it’s so good aaa
Yes! I own Splatoon 2 Splatoon 3, 4 Splatoon amiibo, a strategy guide, and the first four manga. I’m a bit of a superfan 😅
im not alone thank goodness 😭😭 ive got splatoon 2, splatoon 3, splatoon-themed joycons, splatoon joysticks, Marina/Pearl amiibo, the Splatune CD and the Octotune CD, and the Tokaigi 2019 Live Concert DVD, as well as the entire manga haha
I have Splatoon 3 for my Switch but haven’t gotten around to playing it yet, though my dad has started playing it. 😛
Who else plays Subway Surfers?
Subway surfers was my childhood
I love Subway Surfers!! I used to play it so much when I was like seven or eight and I rediscovered it recently and have started playing it again 😛
subway surfers is literally the only mobile game i play along with piano tiles, but subway surfers is more likely to be in my hand
When i was young i used to play it all the time and watch my siblings play
AMAZING GAME. I love it.
Best Roblox game?
No clue 😛 there’s just so manyyyyy but currently I love playing Doodle World, Club Roblox, and Animal Simulator 😄
An unspecified roblox horror game
doors is really well made but i never really liked it
i really like 3008 and find the markers (the latter is just because i’m biased lol)
i, uh… mainly play wcue, unless playing with a friend or sick of serverhopping / roleplaying
Doors, or maybe slap battles.
Haha warriors roleplay or maybe flicker
does anyone here like crime games like payday 2?
No I don’t play many games apart from Subway Surfers and Roblox 😛
my brother plays it. not me 😛
Y’all I 100% completed the Miles Morales Spider-man game
Got platinum trophy too!! First one!! 😁😁
Wow! I want to play that game but I’ve been restricted of it until I’m 13
Zelda BotW and TotK… Best game ever!
Has anyone played Grounded? It’s good! And if you guys have ever watched ant man you could see some connections between Grounded and ant man
Hi Leopard! Nice to meet you! I haven’t played those games or watched Ant Man but it sounds cool!
recently i have been obsessed with cell to singularity
if you don’t know what it is it’s a clicker game where you evolve from cells and dna to humans and beyond 😀 it is super fun and also sort of educational if you take the time to read the descriptions of everything
cell to singularity is the best clicker game i have ever played so i definitely recommend it to everyone who is bored!
I looked it up and it looks awesome! My Science teacher would love it :p
Does anyone play Cat Quest 1 and/or Cat Quest 2?
I play both and I finished CQ2 at least three times but I haven’t finished CQ1 yet, mainly because I have it on my dad’s Tesla and most of the time I won’t just hop into the car and play video games 😛
You can get them on Nintendo Switch though, 10/10 would recommend!
Does anyone here play Genshin Impact?
Have any of you guys played the cat game ‘Stray’, it’s a great game, trust me. It’s about a cat that has to go through many obstacles and escape the underground and oh my I sweated so much on that game it was so stressful. But it’s based around teenagers. Soooooooo, all I can say, is it’s one of the best games I’ve played in my entire gaming career.
stray is such an awesome game, definitely recommend 👍
I’ve been wanting to play that game for ages, mostly because I love cats and Cyberpunk. 😛
It looks cooollll and I’ve watched it one YouTube and the story made me cry over that little robot… 😢
I wanna play stray but I am currently playing Bugsnax! Then after that I’m gonna play hogwarts legacy and then stray so I got a sort of list XD
has anyone played Spiritfarer? it’s probably my 2nd favorite game right now and i’m only 5 hrs through, and it’s very unique! the art style is beautiful too! i’d recommend checking it out if you haven’t already 🙂
i haven’t but it sounds cool!