Why I don’t like Jessy by Irispaw

Irispaw explains their dislike of Jessy.

Art by a thousand cats (tumblr)

Jessy is totally on my top hated list, probably only topped by Star Flower. Bramblestar’s Storm was definitely not one of my favorites, since Bramblestar was being such a jerk to Squirrelflight. I loved Minty and admired her so much, she went from a scared kittypet to a more confident young cat and I loved her loyalty to her Twolegs, and Frankie was really sweet, and I was glad he stayed, but whenever I see the word Jessy rage comes inside of me. So… here is why I don’t like Jessy:

-How people think she was so “sweet” by leaving. Jessy fans bring up this quote when saying how “courageous” Jessy is: “I know. But you already love Squirrelflight. As you should. She is the mother of your kits. I know they weren’t born to you. But you are their father, just as Squirrelflight is their mother. That is not a bond that’s easily broken. Not even washed away in a storm!” -Bramblestar’s Storm, page 462. That is the most hypocritical thing I ever heard. Jessy moved her nest next to him after knowing him for a day, attached herself to him, volunteered for all his patrols, and the whole time she knew he had a mate! All Jessy wanted to do was make Squirrelflight suffer. Jessy just had her fun in the Clan, then left with absolutely no loyalty. Though I am not going to complain about her leaving, since it’s the only thing I actually liked her. But seriously though, this is really creepy: “Bramblestar opened his eyes to see dawn light seeping into the tunnel. For a moment he felt as if he couldn’t move a muscle. Weariness from the long trek the day before, and the struggle to free Benny’s body from the drain, weighed down his limbs. He staggered to his paws and stumbled out of his nest, still half-asleep.
‘Hey, that’s my tail!’ Jessy’s voice meowed.
Bramblestar turned to see that the brown she-cat had dragged her nest next to to his, and was looking up at him with amusement in her golden eyes. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled.” Again, Poor Squirrelflight. I don’t know how she could put up with that.

-She was so obnoxious. Jessy acted so entitled. She bragged about how good she was, and how she wasn’t even a warrior, she snapped when cats told her off. The whole Clan supported her, except for Squirrelflight. She was a natural hunter, fighter, and an amazing jumper. Unlike Minty, Daisy, Millie, or Frankie who actually had to accept their new life, tried to adapt to it, and needed to learn the ways of the Clan. Jessy just was a naturally born Clan cat. She was annoyingly bratty all the time about it too.
“Bramblestar: ‘I shouldn’t have dismissed your skills. That’s a rare skill, being able to jump between trees. Firestar wanted ThunderClan cats to learn, but it doesn’t come easy to us.’
Dovewing: ‘I’ve never felt comfortable off the ground. I don’t have wings, in spite of my name.’
Jessy: ‘Maybe I should give you some lessons.’
Bramblestar: ‘Maybe you should.’
-Bramblestar’s Storm pages 276-277. Jessy did it once and suddenly she’s Dovewing’s new mentor. She made decisions and spoke for Bramblestar, she shoved herself in Clan affairs, acting like she was the deputy. She suggested that Bramblestar should attack the kittypets, and instead of listening to his Clan he listened to Jessy, a cat who isn’t even a warrior. Squirrelflight says to be careful because they don’t really know her at all. Of course, Bramblestar gets in trouble, and Jessy says she can’t believe they would be so angry. Makes sense Jessy, since you don’t even know them. She also told everyone in the Clan not to disturb Bramblestar’s sleep. Jessy acted like she was Bramblestar’s manager.

-She’s not a Squirrelflight clone. Jessy was selfish, annoying, and whined when some people didn’t agree with her. Squirrelflight was more mature, she was willing to go behind the backs of authority to do what’s right, and doesn’t care if her mate doesn’t like her for it, whereas Jessy will do anything to look attractive and special to Bramblestar. You could say that Jessy would have matured more if she stayed longer but Firestar had to fight and earn his place in ThunderClan, and throughout his life was hated for being a kittypet. Jessy was accepted almost immediately. Remember when Bramblestar was annoyed by Squirrelpaw’s attitude? Well Jessy acted much worse and yet he approved of her attitude. That doesn’t leave her any desire to mature does it? Squirrelflight was a much more interesting character. Jessy was annoying, and whined when some people didn’t agree with her. Yet Squirrelflight hardly complained, and even said to Bramblestar if Jessy meant so much to him, she could be with him.

A lot of people hate Jessy because she got in the way of their SquirrelxBramble ship, but I am definitely not a supporter of that ship. What I hate about Jessy is her snooty, selfish, pushy personality. Anyways, that was just my opinion, I hope you have a great day, and may StarClan light your path!

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  • Im glad that Jessy and Bramblestar didn’t get together, since there’s a good chance he would be abusive to her just like he was with Squirrelflight. But on the other hand he gets back together with Squirrelflight and their abusive relationship starts. Squirrellight does not deserve the abuse she gets!

  • Great article! I 100% agree! Even though there are rifts in Brambleclaw/star and Squirrelflight’s relationship, I love both of these cats and don’t want their ship to fail. GO BRAMBLE X SQUIRREL FOREVER

  • I don’t like Bramblestar he’s a terrible mate to Squirrelflight. He’s so toxic to her DIVORCE HIM SQUIRRELFLIGHT!!!!! I’m neutral on Jessy i don’t care for her. But you make good points, I think people shouldn’t hate characters because they get involved with their favorite ship.

  • Honestly , I have a different topinion from you. I do agree she was a bit stuck up, but squirrelFlight was hardly any better to me. She was snappy annoying and also in others business. Both ships are not the best along with cloudxBrighr although that’s not relevant. Jessy was only volunteering to do patrols because she was determined. You portrayed her you focused on anything that could make her look bad. But I also do reason with you and kinda glad they didn’t become mates.

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