Rainypaw wonders how many leaders Firestar is related to.
Bluestar’s sister is Snowfur, Snowfur’s kit is Whitestorm, Whitestorm’s former mate is Brindleface. Sandstorm’s mother is Brindleface, Firestar’s mates with Sandstorm
Pinestar has three kits with Leopardfoot- Tigerkit, Nightkit, and Mistkit. Nightkit and Mistkit died, but Tigerkit went on to become Tigerclaw, then Tigerstar. Tigerstar’s son is Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw’s mate is Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight’s father is Tigerstar.
Oakstar’s son is Pinestar, Pinestar has three kits with Leopardfoot- Tigerkit, Nightkit, and Mistkit. Nightkit and Mistkit died, but Tigerkit went on to become Tigerclaw, then Tigerstar. Tigerstar’s son is Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw’s mate is Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight’s father is Tigerstar.
Bramblestar’s mate is Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight’s father is Firestar
ShadowClan Leaders
Raggedstar’s brother is Scorchwind, one of Scorchwind’s kits is Rowanclaw, who is mates with Tawnypelt. Tawnypelt’s brother is Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw is mates with Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight’s father is Firestar .
Brokenstar’s father was Raggedstar. Raggedstar’s brother is Scorchwind, one of Scorchwind’s kits is Rowanclaw, who is mates with Tawnypelt. Tawnypelt’s brother is Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw is mates with Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight’s father is Firestar.
Nightstar’s brother is Clawface, Clawface’s former mate is Rowanberry, their kits are Ashheart and Stumpytail. Rowanberry’s sister is Yellowfang. Yellowfang’s mate was Raggedstar. Raggedstar brother is Scorchwind, one of Scorchwind’s kits is Rowanclaw, who is mates with Tawnypelt. Tawnypelt brother is Brambleclaw, Brambleclaw is mates with Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight’s father is Firestar .
Tigerstar has kits with Goldenflower, and those kits are Bramblekit and Tawnykit. Bramblekit becomes Bramblestar and Becomes mates with Squirrelflight.
Rowanclaw’s mate is Tawnypelt, Tawnypelt’s brother is Brambleclaw, who is mates with Squirrelflight, Firestar’s daughter
Tigerstar II
Tigerstar II’s mate is Dovewing, whose mother is Whitewing, whos father is Cloudtail, whose mother was Princess, whos brother was Firestar.
RiverClan Leaders
Crookedstar’s kit is Silverstream, Silverstream’s mate is Graystripe. Graystripe’s daughter is Blossomfall, whose mate is Thornclaw, whos father is Lionheart, whos sister is Goldenflower, whose kit is Brambleclaw, whose mate is Squirrelflight, whose father is Firestar
Hailstar’s kit is Beetlenose, whose mate is Sunfish, whose father is Cedarpelt (of Riverclan), whose sister is Fallowtail, whose kit is Willowbreeze, whose kit is Silverstream. Silverstream’s mate is Graystripe. Graystripe’s daughter is Blossomfall, whose mate is Thornclaw, whos father is Lionheart, whos sister is Goldenflower, whose kit is Brambleclaw, whose mate is Squirrelflight, whose father is Firestar
Mistystar’s mother is Bluestar. Bluestar’s sister is Snowfur, Snowfur’s kit is Whitestorm, Whitestorm’s former mate is Brindleface. Sandstorm’s mother is Brindleface, Firestar’s mates with Sandstorm
WindClan leaders
Tallstar’s mother is Palebird, who became mates with Woollytail. Wollytail’s son is Wrenflight, Wrenflight’s son is Onestar, whose daughter is Heathertail, whose mate is Breezepelt, whose father is Crowfeather, whose first mate was Leafpool. Leafpool’s father was Firestar
Onestar’s daughter is Heathertail, whose mate is Breezepelt, whose father is Crowfeather, whose first mate was Leafpool. Leafpool’s father was Firestar
SkyClan leaders
None, I think
If anything he should have went to wind clan! Tallstar would favor him!
There’s so many!
Cloudtail is Firestar’s nephew. Squirrelflight’s father isn’t Tigerstar, it’s Firestar. I see you have a lot of typos, next time check over your work.
He is related to Blackstar of ShadowClan:
Blackstar’s Father is Blizzardwing.
Blizzardwing’s other mate is Featherstorm, whose kit is Raggedstar.
Raggedstar’s brother is Scorchwind, whose mate is Darkflower.
Darkflower’s son is Rowanstar, whose mate is Tawnypelt.
Tawnypelt’s brother is Bramblestar, whose mate is Squirrelflight.
And Squirrelflight’s father is…..
Interesting. Blew my mind!
all tigerstar relation ships go tiger to leopardfoot to aderfang to redtail to sandstorm to firestar, nd also sandstorm is a direct descendant of cloudstar, beleive it or not and also graystripe and sandstorm are cousins to make riverclan connections easier