[Tigerstar leads Darkstripe, Hawkfrost, and Mapleshade out of a shadowy forest]

Who Is the Most Evil Person In the First Series? by Nightpool

Nightpool wonders who is the most evil cat in the Prophecies Begin.

Art by StomaKot

Hello Blogclan! This is my first article so don’t blame me if I do something wrong. I will be trying to figure out who the most evil cat in “Prophecies Begin” is. This could have spoilers about that series.

Ok so I think that the three most evil cats in this series are Brokenstar, Tigerstar, and Scourge. I’ll start with Brokenstar, the broken leader of Shadowclan. I cut him a little slack because of his childhood. I mean, he grew up unloved and friendless and was called “Badger-Stinky” by his littermates. That’s a pretty bad childhood. But then he grows up and becomes leader so he can banish elders, make kits fight in real battles, and kills kits. This is not a good time to grow up in if you are a shadowclan kit.

Now lets look at Tigerstar. His childhood wasn’t nearly as bad as Brokenstar’s. So the first bad thing Tigerstar does is kill Redtail to become deputy. (Well, I think that it was attacking that widdle kittypet kit in Bluestar’s Prophecy but I’m not going to count that.) Well, Brokenstar killed his own father to become leader so… frankly, I don’t think that there is anything that Tigerstar did to become leader that Bronkenstar would have any moral problems doing. And when Tigerstar becomes leader he is bad, but not as bad as Brokenstar. Tigerstar is smarter, stronger, and lasts longer than Brokenstar but he is not necessarily eviler.

So now lets look a Scourge. I haven’t read rise of Scourge but I hear he had a bad childhood. I’m just going to say that his is about a bad as Brokenstar’s . So they start equal. Barley says that Scourge is mean to elders, like Brokenstar, but he is not mean to kits. Also, he is not just breaking the peace for no reason like Brokenstar. The twoleg place is a impossible for a clan to live. Bloodclan needs the forest. I think that Bloodclan does the right thing by giving the clans a chance to leave and then attacks when they say no. Unlike Brokenstar and Tigerstar, Scourge is a little honorable. So the I think that the most evil character in the first series is Brokenstar.

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  • Great analysis! I like how you analyze both how the characters were impacted by their pasts as well as their own horrible choices. Context is important, but doesn’t absolve people of their wrongdoings. I also haven’t read Rise of Scourge, so I can’t say much about him. Brokenstar forcing kits to fight and his murder of kits definitely makes him extremely bad as he is attacking defenseless cats. Tigerstar isn’t that much better with his whole “blood purity” thing and he did kill a few cats like Brindleface and Redtail, but Brokenstar did chase out a whole clan from their territory along with abusing kits, so I think his actions put him above Tigerstar in terms of evilness succeeding. If Tigerstar lasted longer in Darkest Hour, I’m sure more evil would have occurred from him. He was planning on eventually killing Featherpaw and Stormpaw just for being Half-Clan.

  • Nice article!
    I also agree that Brokenstar is the most evil.
    I wouldn’t say BloodClan is honorable, though. The Clans needed the forest too, and they’d lived in the kittypet place for a while, anyway. They clearly at the intention to drive them away.

  • Excellent article Nightpool! I agree with everything that u said here 😄

  • agreed and also spoiler ingnore this comment if you dont want spoilers The widdle kittypet was Scourge

  • Great article! I agree he is, who would kill kits and exile elders? But I’m pretty sure he was a curse from StarClan.. I think he was? Haven’t read Yellowfang’s secret, hehehehhehehehhehehehehehhehehe. qwp

  • Great article! Although I almost agree with everything, Tigerstar had an AWFUL mentor and his father left him at an early age which I believe caused some of that hatered. Still amazing article! You analyzed the characters perfectly!

  • I can’t believe this got published! I had forgotten about it! I have now read Rise of Scourge so I realize that “That widdle kittypet kit” that Tigerpaw attacked was really baby Scourge

  • Great job! I think tigerstar was the most evil in the first series

    • Darkstripe isn’t evil he was just Tigerstars followers and did bad things under tigerstar’s rule if he had left tigerstar like Longtail did he wouldn’t have landed in the dark forest.

  • I read Yellowfangs Secret and I nearly cried my heart out for Brokenstar back then he was a kit tho. The Erins need to make a super edition about Brokenstar, but I might cry if I read it…