[from left to right: Leafpool, Crowfeather, and Feathertail sit in line with Nightcloud standing at the far right]

A look at Crowfeather’s loves: Who will he choose in StarClan? by Fallenfeather

Fallenfeather wonders who of his past mates would Crowfeather choose in StarClan.

Art by Cherivinca

Hello, everyone!! It’s Fallen, and I would like to ask you a question.
Have you ever wondered which she-cat Crowfeather would choose
when he passes? Well, I have been wondering this ever sense
I read The New Prophecy and Power of Three.
Will he choose his childhood crush Feathertail,
or will he choose his ThunderClan love who he had three kits with, even
though he never got to watch those kits grow up as his own? What about
Nightcloud?? (I think we all know the answer to that one 😛)
Okay, okay, I’ll shut up now and let you read my article! *SPOILER WARNING*

Do I really even need to say it? Crowfeather never even loved Nightcloud the
way she thought he did!! No, I worded that wrong, he never loved Nightcloud
as a MATE. He wanted WindClan to trust him again after his crazy and complicated
affair with Leafpool. He knew that if he found a mate in his clan, that would
prove that he is over his beyond border loves. So, he chose a she-cat that was
quite fond of him at the time, Nightcloud. I don’t think he ever intended for their
relationship to go so far, and for them to have a kit. He neglected their son Breezepelt,
because he was not the son of the true cat he loved. But deep down he felt
sorry about the way he treated him, and in Crowfeather’s Trial he made peace with him
and Nightcloud. Admitting that he never loved Nightcloud as a mate, and that from
now on he would be a dad to Breezepelt and treat him the way he should have been
treated all along. So that scene in Crowfeather’s Trial (which is one of the best books ever 😛) showed that, him and Nightcloud will not be mates in StarClan.

Ah, yes, Crowfeather’s first love. The she-cat that started it all. Whenever Crowfeather was feeling down, Feathertail always cheered him up. They first started to
bond when they went on the Sun-drown-place journey. Crowfeather trusted her
the most out of the group of journeying cats, he even trusted her more than
some of his clanmates!! She was also part of the tribe’s prophecy, she was the
silver cat that would save them all from the mountain lion, Sharptooth. But fulfilling the
prophecy costed her, her life. She died saving Crowfeather (paw) from the lion.
Her death hit him hard, it hit everyone hard. After that, Crowfeather gave himself the warrior suffix “feather” in her honor, and spent a lot of his time
sulking about what him and Feathertail could have been, and he
blamed himself for her death. As you can clearly see, Crowfeather obviously
cared a lot about Feathertail. But the question still remains, are his feelings
for her still lingering in his heart strong enough for him to choose her in StarClan?
Well, Crowfeather later found out that Feathertail wanted him to
move on and that she approved of his and Leafpool’s relationship,
and if I’m remembering correctly she is also in the Tribe of Endless Hunting,
which is the tribe’s ancestors. She is allowed in StarClan, but for the most part she
is in a different starry territory. So this means that, even if he did choose her in StarClan he would probably barely even see her because she would be too busy watching over her brother Stormfur, and his new tribe kin. So this basically proves that Crowfeather
will not choose Feathertail in StarClan, for she has moved on.

So that leaves Leafpool, Crowfeather and her first started to connect on
the quest to the clans new home, the lake. They decided, sense their love was
forbidden that they would leave the clans behind. But it didn’t take long for Leafpool
to realize that she needed to go home to ThunderClan. She loved Crowfeather,
but she also loved her calling as a medicine cat. So that was basically when
their relationship ended. In Crowfeather’s Trial, Crowfeather had said many times
over that he is done with love, and that he does not have romantic feelings for
Leafpool anymore. But I would contradict this because for one, Crowfeather always
seemed to have her at the back of his mind. It was like, every time ThunderClan
had an issue, he was always worried if she was okay!!
So what I’m thinking is, the whole time he was just trying to convince himself
that he doesn’t like her anymore, but he really does.
Lastly, at the end of The Last Hope, he forgave Leafpool for lying about their kits
Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf. He also told her that he didn’t regret falling in
love with her, or being the father of her kits.
It is pretty clear that Crowfeather really did have feelings for Leafpool, and
that he may still.
So, I predict that Crowfeather will choose his girl Leafpool in StarClan 😛

Well, that’s it!! Who do YOU think Crowfeather will choose when he passes? I’d like to
hear your thoughts in the comments.

Bye! ~Fallenfeather

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  • It’s very kind of you to say that because I am also a crow x leaf shipper. In Lights In The Mist, I saw the “romantic” scene of Leafpool and Crowfeather, which proved that they still loved each other deeply, and another strong reason is that many more books are talking about them two besides Night or Feather. (I think Feathertail was way too girly and “soft”. Ah, her sweet sweet voice. Blargh.)