[Viper Edit: The image originally used for this post was found through Google search, and apparently the person who published it had edited out Apofiss’s watermark. The image has been updated to be the correct watermarked image. Apologies to Apofiss <3]
Hello hello, one and all! I’m very glad to have gotten a chance to see everybody’s lovely applications, and your interest in the project is inspiring! Let’s get down to brass tacks. 😉 As you know, the first four rebooted parts of TSGN (parts nine, ten, eleven, and twelve) are being assigned today!
PART NINE is assigned to Flowermistle (Lineart/Composition), Vanillaspark (Coloring/Background), and Dovestream (Shading/Lighting)!
PART TEN is assigned to Bramblefire!
PART ELEVEN is assigned to Blackshade!
PART TWELVE is assigned to Darkwing!
I will be contacting all of you shortly. 😊
If you didn’t get a part this time around, don’t despair! There’s lots and lots of parts to be filled. I may reach out to those who signed up personally later on to see if you’d still be interested in picking up a part, or I may open up sign-ups again! Either way, look forward to new parts and new chances. C:
And everyone else too, congrats on getting the parts! I am sure they will turn out fantastic, since everyone is amazing 😀
and dovey claims to not be an icon-
also: that art is AMAZING i have a strong feeling that the cat is icy. but who drew it?
read the italicized section below the art! 😀
Ah, good luck to everyone who got a part :D!
soo what’s this?
Ooh! So excited to see them! You guys are going to make this amazing, and I’m so happy this is being revived!
Good job to everybody who got a part! :3
I don’t remember if there was a contact thing or not, but if there was, I put I didn’t really have anything. However, I now have Discord.
When are these parts coming out?
Oops, I ended up posting two very similar comments uwu
When will these be released?
Expect to see the first one very soon 😉
Lsadfkj;salfkj in that case I’m very excited for very soon
Yay!! Good luck everyone!
how do you apply for a part in the graphic novel?