Skyfeather shares their opinion on Dawn of the Clans.

This is my first article, it might not be the best, but here we go…
1: This might not be a real reason, but I just like seeing Clans being created. 😁
1: It takes the focus off ThunderClan.
DotC FINALLY, I repeat, FINALLY, takes the focus off ThunderClan. Sure, one of the protagonists was the founder of ThunderClan, but at least there are two others. Nice job, Erins!
3: It shows the history of the Clans.
I love seeing the history of the Clans, whether it’s in Super Editions, early books like Into the Wild, or, in this case, Dawn of the Clans. I think DotC does a great job of explaining how the Clans were formed.
4: Gray Wing.
Gray Wing was such a lovable, relatable character! He was just trying to keep the peace, but Clear Sky had to ruin it for everyone! He died with Slate and his kits (I don’t remember their names) beside him, and his legacy will live on in the Clans forever.
5: Great villains!
I love how Slash kidnapped Star Flower (I mean, I don’t love it, obviously, it just adds so much good stuff to the final book!) When Clear Sky pleaded the other leaders for help, he tried to redeem himself, but no one trusted him! 🤣 it was hilariously sad!
And now for the stuff I don’t like so much…
There isn’t much I don’t like, but I’m sure I can find five facts!
1: Clear Sky
What… a… FOX-HEART! Sorry, outburst over. I just can’t believe he had three mates. THREE! Ok, Crowfeather did too, but we’re not talking about Crowfeather. We’re talking about Clear Sky… THAT FOX— calm down, Skyfeather.
2: Clear Sky x Bright Stream.
Let’s talk about Bright Stream. Bright Stream might have been the only cat Clear Sky truly loved. He was actually sad when she died!
3: Clear Sky x Storm
Next, there was Storm. Storm was Clear Sky’s second mate, and he forced her to live with him, stay in the nursery all the time… Eventually Storm ran away and died. Clear Sky rejected his only son, Thunder, and then tried to TAKE HIM BACK! Argh, I hate Clear Sky.
4: Clear Sky x Star Flower
Clear Sky saw Star Flower, and it was like all memories of Storm were just… gone! I don’t know what else to say!
Anyway, Skyfeather out. ✌🏼
Honestly, DotC has never been my favorite but I agree with everything you said, and you make some pretty good points about the arc, so I think I might change my mind. Great article Skyfeather!
DotC was like, the first in three arcs when I wasn’t screaming my head off about dumb, useless characters who were extremely frustrating. Er, yeah.
I liked the characterization and plot, except Star Flower. Ooo, shudder.
cool article!
Great article !
Theres plenty more reasons why DotC was the worst like Gray wing died and we nver figured out how they found the Moonstone and theres many others
(and Clear Sky has plenty more reasons to be hated for)
But it was a good article I can see why there are some good parts.
There is a super edition that takes place after where Moth Flight found the Moonstone.
The moonstone was explained in Moth Flights Vision, a super edition/novella (i dont know which.)
The moonstone was explained in Moth Flights Vision, and Clear Sky was part of the plot, and I feel like the erins created him for us to hate.
Yes, it did give a lot of insight into how the clans formed. And a super edition(Moth Flight’s Hope?) explained how they found out the moonstone.
actually Moth Flights super edition was called Moth Flights Vision
Ya I have read the Super Edition.
But the Super Edition isn’t part of the Series. Its its own Stand Alone adventure
Great article! I also love DotC, but of course the only downside was Clear Sky. Love this article! <333333 😀
Gray Wing, WHYYYYYY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIEEEEEE? Also Gray Wing’s kits were Black Ear, White Tail, and Silver Stripe.
I honestly think that DoTC is the best series. I am glad that it gets recognition as a good series in this, but other than that nice article. 🙂
Have a nice dayyy!!
Great article! I disagree with Clear Sky being the reason DotC is bad.
2 of his mates died. He tried searching for something that made him have purpose. You can’t blame the guy when all he wanted was a purpose.
He was sad the first time, then hid all his emotions. He couldn’t take all the stress so he rejected his only surviving son, Thunder. He then tried to take him back, regretting what he had done. In a certain POV *SPOILER ALERT* he even admits that he was wrong to reject him.
Clear Sky was the only cat in Warriors I cried for, along with Star Flower. I honestly think he was wrong in the past, but he had changed.
Sorry if I seemed rude!
I totally agree with you to some extent. Clear Sky had a very tragic life and made a great villain in the first three books. And his redemption arc was actually reasonable and you grow to like him more. I’m not saying everything he did was right, but he gets way too much hate!
Yes! Thank You! DotC is my favorite arc, and Moth Flight’s Vision is my favorite super edition. I desperately need more prequel books.
Ugghh same I need more Dawn of the Clans
Dawn of the Clans is totally the best arc!
Agreed. Clear Sky is the worst cat ever! I hate Star Flower also. Storm deserved Gray Wing, not Clear Sky
great article!
Haha you just don’t like the Clear Sky ships 😛
Sorry Clear Sky and ThunderClan, I guess it wasn’t your chance to shine on this article
BTW I love DotC the most too!
Anyways, lovely article you got there! Loved it.