Scorchflower shares their opinion on why medicine cats and female leaders can’t have mates or kits.

Scorchie McScorchington of the Mcdonald’s how may I take your order? I’m just kidding. It’s your favorite weirdo, Scorchie! Today I will be talking about exactly WHY female leaders and medics can’t have mates and kits. And why I think this is a DUMB rule.
Ok so the warrior code clearly says that medics and female leaders can’t have mates and kits. Why? Because of one simple reason: They wouldn’t be able to do their jobs! Some of you may know this some of you may not but I’m here to explain why I think they can’t have mates and kits and why I think it’s a dumb rule. Let’s call them M and K because I’m tired of typing Mates and Kits. Ok so a medic heals cats, right? If there’s a cat they love and they have kits, they would feel like they have to abandon all other patients because they care about their loved ones more. And what if a medic gets pregnant? They will be unable to help. Unless they have an apprentice to help, but don’t forget that after birth, a medic cat still wouldn’t be able to help unless some other queen helped feed the kits. What if there’s no queens and no apprentices? Think about tat for a while.
Now onto why I think it’s a DUMB rule. It’s just dumb. If there’s a cat in the clan that the medic likes, wouldn’t they just wanna help them first anyway? Kinda seems pointless. If a female medic is pregnant there are always LOTS of cats to help! Like when Brightheart helped the medics (even though she wasn’t med, med apprentice, and she had kits!) So if a medic gets pregnant or sick there are plenty of cats to help and after birth or whatever the kits can be fed by a she-cat willing to help. Why can’t female leaders have mates and kits? Sure they’d be laying down with a big round pregnant belly but this is what deputies are for! To take the place as leader in the future so why can’t they help? You think Bluestar was a lot of help after discovering Tigerstar was plotting to kill her? No! She just sat in her den all day and did nothing like she would have done if she were pregnant at the moment. Like a duck sitting on an egg. Without the egg. Just a sitting duck. Overall I think this rule is dumb and pointless and no one ever follows it! (Ex: Bluestar, Leafpool, Yellowfang, etc)
Thanksss for listening to my rant about the rule about medics and female leaders not being able to haves mates and kits. Hope you enjoy and look forward to my next article! Scorchie out! (Scorchie drops mic and gets loud feedback) MY EARS!
say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???!!! i didn’t know female leaders couldn’t have kits!
so now i know, and when i go on roblox and play a warrior cats game (warriors: ultimate edition, go play it now, bc it doesn’t cost robux anymore!) and when im leader, i CANT have kits!
” (warriors: ultimate edition, go play it now, bc it doesn’t cost robux anymore!) ”
Yeah but they had to take down forest for it. Forest was better.
I play WcUe but I didn’t know it cost robux before!?!?
welll its not exaactly forbidden to have kits if youre a female leader. leafstar did it.
LOL this is why I can’t read this anymore w/o laughing XD
You can have kits if you are a male cause your mate will be taking care of the kits
Nice article! I agree that they should be able to have kits.
There’s no rule about female leaders. Bluestar just couldn’t become deputy and stop (oh no I forgot his name…) because he’s evil. If she was stuck in the nursery she couldn’t do any deputy stuff so if she wanted to stop her sister’s mate, she couldn’t have kits.
Tam x Biana
Why can’t tom medic cats have kits. They can’t get pregnant.
Good point. I’m not sure.
Great Article
(ps I would like my order with fries)
Great job !
There’s no rule on leaders having or not having kits? Personally I think of Leafstar, in Skyclan’s Destiny, it outright states that Leafstar could have a mate and kits if she wanted because her deputy would be able to take care of the clan.
Actually, Leafsar DID have kits. Her mate was Billystorm. It’s in SkyClan and the Stranger.
Yes! <3
There is no rule, but it isn't recommended. 🙂
I agree. I think Med cat’s should be allowed to have mates but not kits until they have a fully trained apprentice. Also, the biased part doesn’t make sense because the medicine cat would still prioritize their mother, father, littermates & close friends. The perfect med cat would be a orphan, littermateless, distant but kind cat, but the odds of that is literally 0. Also, I agree with bluestar being a duck. Like, I’m not trying to attack her bc she has a mental illness, but pretty sure Bluefur at least would know something’s up with Tigerstar. Also, she’s a leader, and while she does have an illness, she needs to take care of her clan because a) many of your clanmates has a close friend/family who was affected by tigerstar and b) fireheart was like barely over a 1 year old.
I guess most cats who are warriors, with even some knowledge of herbs, like Brightheart, can’t really help in an emergency. They can sort herbs, pull thorns from paws, but if a cat is bleeding to death, they don’t have enough knowledge of herbs, or guidance of StarClan to help.
True, ThunderClan has a warrior who knows herbs, but most cats don’t. And if say a pregnant medicine cat has to care for sick cats, then she might get sick too. And then her, and her kits will die.
I don’t think medicine cats are only not allowed to have kits because they would save them instead of an elder, but it is also much more dangerous for them, because they spend lots of time with sick cats. The risk for them and their kits to die is much higher then a warriors.
But I do agree- medicine cats should have kits if there are at least two medicine cats. If another medicine cat can take over while they are pregnant, then it should be okay! <3
Great article! 🙂
Moth Flight’s Vision explains that med cats can’t have mates or kits because they would distract the medicine cat from his/her duties. For example, Moth Wing herself wasn’t able to be a medicine cat and a mother. Of course, if her mate hadn’t died, then it probably could’ve worked out, but you never know.
Your right, that is strange. Honestly I think Starclan should just swoop down in the middle of the current chaos and disband the rule. Ugh, it should totally happen.
Female leaders are allowed to have kits- think Leafstar- but I agree that medicine cats should be allowed to have kits (especially if they do have an apprentice.) Great article!
Actually leaders can have kits its just not recommended.
But ya the medicine cats cannot have kits rule is kinda stupid :/ it should be like this:
Medicine Cats can have kits as long as they have an apprentice.
And if the apprentice doesnt know which herbs to use and what they are for, they could just ask their mentor ;D