Ivypool vs. Dovewing by Silverpaw

Silverpaw weighs in on the debate of which sister is better.

Art by Silverpaw

Hi, everybody! Silver here!


So, letā€™s start with Ivypool! Ivypool used to be my favorite catā€¦ until Omen of the Stars ended and she just became a normal cat. (Has anyone else noticed the way important and cool cats are slowly phased out until they are just sort ofā€¦ there?)
Anyway, in Omen of the Stars, sheā€™s shown to be brave, truthful (later on), and loyal. But she does have some downsides: she can be jealous and hurtful by extension.
She keeps going back to the Dark Forest to spy for the Clans, showing that sheā€™s brave and loyal. She even tells Dovepaw, ā€œā€˜Tell Jayfeather and Lionblaze that Iā€™ll go back. Iā€™ll pretend Iā€™m still one of them, and Iā€™ll find out everything I can about their plans,ā€™ā€ on page 272 of ā€œNight Whispersā€. (English class has trained me to show my evidence, so here I am looking through the whole of ā€œOmen of the Starsā€.)
Remember the incident with the fox invading the area over the hollow because of Ivypoolā€™s idea to keep the rabbits away? (If you donā€™t, check page 67-68 of ā€œThe Forgotten Warriorā€.) Well, that shows sheā€™s truthful because she stands up and tells everyone that it was her fault that the foxes nearly ate Molepaw and Cherrypaw even though she might get in trouble.
Now, Iā€™ve told you all how awesome she is, but itā€™s time to look at her downsides.
When she tries to tell Dovepaw about Hawkfrost and Lionblaze calls her away, she gets jealous of the ā€œspecial treatmentā€ that Dovepaw is getting and decides that she doesnā€™t want to tell her sister about him and ends up making her situation worse. Dovepaw later shows that she is hurt by Ivypawā€™s decision to push her away.

Time to talk about Dovewing! Dovewing also used to be one of my favorites, but, like Ivypool, she loses her coolness in later books. I despise her! Sure, sheā€™s kind, brave, and determined to do whatā€™s right, but sheā€™s just not relatable (yes, I know sheā€™s a cat and Iā€™m not, but you know what I mean)!
Dovewing is just too perfect! Think about it! She barely ever does anything wrong and those are almost always with good intentions! The only bad thing she does is fall in love with Tigerstar, but that gave us Shadowsight!
I feel like she completely broke Bumblestripeā€™s heart! I know some people think heā€™s just a creep, but the two of them would have been really good together if she hadnā€™t had to have Tigerstar of all the cats in the forest!

So yeah, I bet you know what Iā€™m about to tell you. Ivypool is definitely the better character! Thank you for reading my article!

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  • I get mixed up with Ivytail and Ivypool. which one is the elder and which one is the med cat?

    • Um, IvyTAIL is a ShadowClan cat. She is a black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat, according to the Allegiances. She was mentored by Rowanclaw, and she later received an apprentice, Dawnpaw, who, not long after, became Dawnpelt. Ivytail soon retired to become an elder and, sadly, died. She is considered a minor character in Warriors, and she was just there toā€¦ be there.

      IvyPOOL is a ThunderClan cat. She is a silver and white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes, according to the Allegiances. She was mentored by Cinderheart, who is Lionblazeā€™s mate and also the mother of Fernsong, Sorrelstripe, Flywhisker, Snaptooth, Spotfur, and Hollytuft. Ivypool was also formerly the mentor of Twigbranch when she was in ThunderClan. She (Ivypool) is considered a major character, as she is Dovewingā€™s sister, Twigbranchā€™s mentor, and also the protagonist of Omen of the Stars. Andā€¦ Dovewing and Twigbranch are also protagonists.

      So, actually, none of them are medicine catsā€¦ both are warriors. Ivytail was an elder before she died.

      – Mistheart

  • Dovewing did NOT love Bumblestripe. They would NOT have been good together.