Cloverpaw shares their opinion on Mapleshade.

Hello! This is Cloverpaw with a SECOND article! Today I’m going to talk about Mapleshade, and why I think she’s overrated.
(LOL I haven’t even read Mapleshade’s Vengeance, but I do know a lot about her xd)
Spoilers for Mapleshade’s Vengeance and Darkness Within!
Okay, first. I never, EVER see a different opinion about Mapleshade. I respect it, but it’s always like: “Mapleshade didn’t deserve to go to the Dark Forest! She deserved StarClan!” Ok.. what I don’t get here is HOW she deserved to go to StarClan. Now, I understand that her kits drowned, and that Appledusk just watched them die. I would have been mad too if someone didn’t help MY kits while they were dying. And she was also exiled from ThunderClan and all that.
Second of all, she killed cats. Yes, I get it, she wanted revenge. I mean it IS called “Mapleshade’s Vengeance”. She killed Ravenwing, Frecklewish and Appledusk. I get Ravenwing told Thunderclan about her secret, but that means loyalty to the Clan, right? But even though, I still hated how he got her exiled, that’s just pathetic, Ravenwing, really pathetic. Appledusk let her kits drown, and cheated with her. And what did Frecklewish do again.. AH! I forgot what she did. But what I remember is that she died to poison because Mapleshade… poisoned… heeeeer? Anyway, the part I don’t get is WHY she deserved to go to StarClan if she killed three cats. These 3 cats might have had some fault, but that doesn’t mean Mapleshade had to kill them. StarClan won’t accept cats that kill for revenge.
THIRD OF ALL, I know many people compare Mapleshade with Ashfur. I always see the same words (or at least completely similar): “Mapleshade kills 3 cats, and goes to the Dark Forest, and Ashfur kills 4 cats, and goes to StarClan. That’s unfair!” Okay, let me get into this. Ashfur ATTEMPTED to kill 4 cats. (well I guess he kind of succeeds with Firestar,) and yes, he goes to StarClan. He didn’t kill 4 cats EXACTLY. (again, Firestar) he ATTEMPTED to. Mapleshade actually managed to kill 3 cats, which, see a patter here? 3 Cats killed, 4 cats ATTEMPTED to be killed.
And I go to my final reason, Mapleshade also “Loved to much”, now I get how she’s similar to Ashfur, since she pretty much almost had the same reason. Mapleshade could have gotten over her kit’s death, I know that could have been hard, but did she really have to kill cats? Ashfur did the same with Squirrelflight, similar? They BOTH could have gotten over it, but they didn’t. A reason I do agree with is that Ashfur deserved to go to the DF. I mean, he’s evil. Uh, hello? Body taker? Impostor guy? Bramblestar possibly banishing?
My point in here is, I don’t get why Mapleshade deserved to go to StarClan. Ashfur didn’t either, but why is Mapleshade different from Ashfur?
(I probably shouldn’t have written because people are probably going to scream in the comments that they don’t agree and Mapleshade isn’t evil. But please respect my opinion just like I do with yours. Also please tell me if I missed a point or I wrote a wrong part, like a death or reason. š )
This has been Cloverpaw, and I hope to see you and my next article! UwU
I really hate Mapleshade, mostly because she’s heavily overrated.
Yeah, just because Ashfur got in doesn’t mean Mapleshade should. I can fight! I’m armed with my book!
i LOVE her as a villain
and asfur should go to real hell, he deserves it its worse
Grest article! BTW, Frecklewish was bitten by an adder and that’s how she was poisoned…
Mapleshade is kind of evil. Sure, it was horrible what happened to her and her kits, but her actions since don’t justify that! Take Crookedstar, for instance! All he ever did was be descended from Appledusk!
Actually, Mapleshade is and isn’t evil. Her kits died and she was devastated, but she did kill cats. So, you know, she is and isn’t evil. But very good article šš
Well she WOULDN’T have killed more cats in StarClan, and attempted murder in as bad at success.
Honestly,I feel like Maple was so set on getting revenge/avenging her kits she would’ve pulled and Ashfur and betrayed StarClan even if she got in.
I 100% agree! Great article!
I love Mapleshade and she’s amazing, end of discussion <3
pet pfp buddies <3
Yes! Another member if the Mapleshade Haters club lol
Great article! I agree, she doesn’t deserve Starclan. I only like her as a villian!
Man I hate mapleshade,ā¦. Great article!
I agree with you Cloverpaw! Mapleshade is an EPIC villain, but a TERRIBLE cat! Great article!
I don’t agree, but I still liked this article! It had some good points. š
Honestly in my opinion Mapleshade was very bitter when she was alive and more or less in death so maybe Ashfur,while the cats were deciding if he goes to starclan he made a plan to make a way back to acted innocent sparking the “loved too much” thing. That’s just my opinion though