Elections, Day 1: First Medicine Cat Hustings!

Our first day of Medicine Cat hustings! Meet candidates Dovestream and Goldenfawn!

Our first day of Medicine Cat hustings! Meet candidates Dovestream and Goldenfawn!

If you are confused about hustings, they were explained fully in the first 2021 Elections post. You can find that here!

Welcome back, BlogClanners! Today is the first day of the Medicine Cat hustings! If you want to apply to run for Medicine Cat, you can do so here. Applications will be open until 23:59 UTC on July 4th (click here to convert to your local time)!

Today our candidates answering your questions will be Dovestream and Goldenfawn! Please be kind and accepting and give your best questions to our candidates in the comments below!

Candidates may use the comments below as a space to put their campaign, and the amazing members of BlogClan can use the comments as a space to ask questions, such as: why do you want this position? What are some good qualities you have? What are your flaws? What would you want to add to BlogClan? What changes would you like to make?

I shall now hand it over to our candidates! Good luck to all!


Bubbly, Creative, Joyous

Drawn by Goldenfawn

I want to help the newest members around the blog, for one thing. A lot of them don’t know where some pages are, or what to do, and I could always give them the links/information they need! I absolutely love helping people and welcoming people, and being Medicine Cat would fulfill that!


Caring, Empathetic, Responsible

Drawn by Goldenfawn

BlogClan has changed my life in so many ways ever since I joined in 2016. I was a young kid going through quite a few hard things, and I found a community that accepted me with open arms from the very first day. I had so many role models to look up to, and I try to be someone that makes people feel welcome and loved like they made me feel. 

I have met some of my very best friends on BlogClan. People that I wouldn’t give up for the world. Any time I’ve felt alone, I knew I could go to the lovely people here. I’ve been lucky enough to see so many people mature and grow next to me for 5 ½ years now. And  I’m proud to say that I’ve also grown as a person, in ways that I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t joined BlogClan. 

I’m always trying to grow and learn, and try to sincerely listen to and recognize my flaws. Flaws are what make us human, and the most important thing to do is try to be better every day.

When I became a mod, my first goal was to give back to this amazing community more. And I sincerely hope I have done that. I’ve seen the blog go through so many changes, and I often feel nostalgia for some of the best moments of my life that were here.

I love the work I do here as a moderator. From doing the Allegiances with the amazing Viperfrost, doing the gift exchange, formerly doing Clanniversary posts, to welcoming every person I can. My BlogTeam colleagues are some of my best friends and do absolutely amazing work. I’m so lucky to work with and have them in my life.

Every single person here makes the world and my life a better place. You don’t need to make tons of contributions to be a BlogClanner, all you need to do is exist. You all belong here and I’m glad you’re here. And you will always be accepted on BlogClan.

As medicine cat, I want to continue making every single BlogClanner feel welcome and cared for. I will continue trying my best to make everyone’s day a little brighter whether it be from posting cute gifs on the Tavern, replying Hug Page comments, or welcoming people to this amazing site. Even if I don’t become medicine cat, that will still always be my goal. 

All the other candidates are absolutely beautiful and amazing people, and I know any one of them would be an amazing medicine cat. ❤️



  • Alright, so this is going to be hard, which is why I’d like to get a little more info from you two. 🙂
    Will you be making changes on the wiki? If so, what changes?
    Is there someone who inspired you to run?
    Will you be choosing an apprentice soon?

    Good luck, you’ve got this!

  • wooooo u two are both absolutely amazing lovely people!!! im honored to have yall as my friends and ur both awesome med cat candidates i wish u both the best of luck <333

    • The first round of voting will begin on July 7th! Keep your eyes out for a post that will explain the process + have the polls then. 🙂

  • May I please ask about the medicine cat apprentice? How are they chosen?
    Thank you!!! <3

  • oh no the voting is going to be so hard!
    Question for Dovers and Goldi: How long have you wanted to be BlogClan’s medicine cat? Question for Goldi: If you’ve wanted to be BlogClan’s medicine cat during other elections, did you run? If not, were there any reasons you didn’t run?
    i think maybe hopefully you guys haven’t been asked these before.

    • Ever since I knew elections were a thing! I was so happy when I heard that there were elections to be medicine cat I practically jumped out of my chair.

    • How long have you wanted to be BlogClan’s medicine cat? I think it’s something every young BlogClanner thinks of. So, its always been in the back of my mind. 🙂

      If you’ve wanted to be BlogClan’s medicine cat during other elections, did you run? If not, were there any reasons you didn’t run? I didn’t run at the time as I had some confidence issues and had a hard time believing I would be elected. 🙂 This time I did because even if I’m elected or not elected, it will be a fun experience to run!

    • How have each of you contributed to BlogClan so far? C: I’ve done many different projects over the years. As a mod, I’ve done Clanniversary posts for over a year, two gift exchanges, two elections, the allegiances, opening BlogChat often (which I will admit I’ve been slacking on a bit. I’m also always trying to reply to comments, answer questions, welcome people, and give hugs and advice on the Hug Page. 🙂 For both the BlogClan Gift Exchange and both elections, I made many drawings for both events, including 16 posters so far for the 2021 Elections.

      And if there were a fight on BlogChat, for example, how would you resolve it? <3 As I’ve dealt with this experience before, this will be a relatively easy question. I would give multiple warnings for both parties to stop and tell them to get off chat to cool off/stop messaging the other person and private message me. If it’s a more minor argument that warrants just telling them to be more respectful/calm to the other person, chat will stay open. If it’s more of a major situation, I will close chat. If everyone doesn’t feel safe and comfortable, it shouldn’t be open and everyone needs time to cool off. Both the people in the fight and bystanders deserve to have a fun and enjoyable experience on chat. It’ll be open around the next day or so.

  • Goldiii, you did an amazing job with the posters ❤️
    1. Do you have experience as a problem-solver?
    2. What do you feel represents you? ( ik this is a very broad question so answer it in whatever way you feel is fitting)
    3. This will not influence my vote at all but do you have any knowledge of herbs or want to be some sort of doctor?
    4. Once again, this will not influence my vote, however, do you have pets?

    • Thank you so much! 😀
      1. Do you have experience as a problem-solver?
      Yes, as a moderator I often have to think about how to solve problems that may present themselves. While I may come to a conclusion, if something is more complicated I often ask my colleagues what they think about a situation and explain to them what I concluded so we can come up with a solution together. It’s never bad to get feedback. 🙂
      2. What do you feel represents you? ( ik this is a very broad question so answer it in whatever way you feel is fitting)
      Hm, I’ve never thought about this before. I feel as if the core things behind BlogClan represent me. Kindness, acceptance, humor, and ultimately caring for everyone as best I can. 🙂
      3. This will not influence my vote at all but do you have any knowledge of herbs or want to be some sort of doctor? I did used to want to be a veterinarian, but then found out I’d have to put animals down and noped out real quick 😛
      4. Once again, this will not influence my vote, however, do you have pets? I have two dogs! Their names are Sophie and Theo. 😀

    • 1. If it was an argument in the comment section, I would hold back the argumentative/yelling comments in moderation. As I’ve done before, I would edit out certain parts of the comment and reply to the parties telling them that they need to be respectful of others opinions and that BlogClan is a safe environment where opinions should be respected. As I said to Viper if it was an argument on BlogChat, I would tell all parties to leave chat to cool off and to private message me if they have concerns. If it was a major argument, chat would be closed to protect the safety and comfort of everyone involved, including the people in the argument and bystanders.

      2. If someone is breaking the rules unentionally, on BlogChat I always kindly inform them of the rules and link to them a page with them listed. If it’s in a comment, I will either reply to it with an explanation that it’s against the rules and kindly remind them to please not do it again if it’s a minor infraction. If it is a more major one (ex: cursing), I or another BlogTeam member will put the comment on a do not mod to make sure it stays in moderation and make an edit explaining to them that it’s against the rules. I’d reassure them that they’re not in trouble, just to stop what they’re doing.

      Please remember that although I’m a moderator, other candidates do not have a responsibility to handle these situations, even as medicine cat or deputy. It is always BlogTeam’s responsibility and if you feel as if an argument or someone breaking the rules slipped through moderation or something is happening on BlogChat while we’re looking away, please immediately contact a mod. Thank you. 🙂

      • these are not all questions you’ll have to deal with, but they do relate to social skills which are very important, so being good at a thing here kinda contributes to being good at say, welcoming a new member

        sorry for the confusion 🙂