Peachholic lists their favourite characters from the series.

I like A LOT of characters in the series. I also dislike a lot of characters. But what exactly are my favorite characters, and why? This is gonna be a top 6 btw ^-^
Respectful mentions:
DOVEWING. I really like her. She is cool and I think she’s interesting and very realistic with how she reacts to all the situations around her. I don’t dislike Ivypool, but I like Dovewing more. Dovewing is also really sweet.
HAWKFROST. Don’t come at me, i just really liked him. He is great, a big flirt and I thought it was brilliant how the Erins made such a good manipulator.
LIGHTNING TAIL. Such good energy, I love it! He was really cute with Thunder, a little bit sensitive and very brave. How he saved the kits in The First Battle made me laugh, when he made Tom really mad. He is a little bit clumsy, but i appreciate every single bit about him.
My 2th favorite medicine cat. He had a harsh life, and he was always overwhelmed with hundreds of prophecies, and I can’t blame him he got insane. He was just so young! I don’t really have to say anything about him, because you know… i just like him. There is not really a valid reason. I just like him. I can remember I totally despised him when I was reading Bluestar’s Prophecy, but when I started reading Goosefeather’s Curse he became one of my favorite characters.
I can’t help but enjoy him. He is one of my favorite villains, and for a reason. He is scary, he knows what he wants, he is smart and his death was actually far more interesting than you would think. He thought he killed Firestar, but when Firestar came back to life, Scourge was totally shocked and Firestar took the opportunity to kill him when he was in a moment of shock. If it was about strength, Scourge would’ve won, and this makes it an interesting death. I LOVE The Rise of Scourge because it gave us a different point of view. I’m not one of the Scourge fangirls, but I still love him.
I don’t understand the hate she gets. She is sweet, strong, a little bit arrogant when she was younger, a good mate, very understanding, trustworthy and willing to sacrifice everything for what she thinks is good and her family. How could you not like her? She is being called a slut for no reason, only because she broke Ashfur’s heart which was his own problem. She cared like a mother for Jayfeather, Lionblaze and Hollyleaf, risked a happy life to make sure her sister’s kits could have a good life, do I need to go on? She is fierce, but so sweet! She isn’t my absolute favorite, but she is my absolute favorite she-cat!
I am IN LOVE with that cat. He is very interesting, and even though I have not much to say about him, I think most of you can agree with me that he is really great! Do I have a valid reason to like him? No. But do I like him? HELL YEAH! If you don’t agree with me that he is great, please don’t talk to me >3
My favorite Power Of Three character. Actually one of my favorite characters ever. I love this cat. He is grumpy, has a short temper, will literally destroy you with his words. But he actually has a reason for this. Jayfeather always struggled with being blind and not being able to be a normal warrior, like his brother Lionblaze. So he was forced to switch with Hollypaw to become a medicine cat. And after that, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze were both strong warriors, a position they enjoyed, and Jayfeather was a medicine cat, something he didn’t want. It maked him bitter. And i can’t blame him. Him being rude was very enjoyable to read about. He is the best medicine cat, he had the best power, he was the best sibling, and he has the best perspective in the whole series. I can go on and on about this amazing cat.
Hate me or not, but Blackstar is my absolute favorite character in the whole series. I didn’t mind any of his crimes, and he is just so great! He made ShadowClan a respected, healthy and strong Clan after three crappy leaders (Raggedstar, Brokenstar and Tigerstar). I cannot help but appreciate his… you know… his dark sense of humor in Fading Echoes, was it? Nevermind, it was one of the first three Omen Of The Stars books. This dude could literally kill me and I would thank him. Tigerstar was impressed with his bravery in Tigerclaw’s Fury. And if you think about it, he got chosen as deputy by two of the most tyrannical leaders EVER. That is for a reason, don’t you think? I love his nostalgia in Power Of Three. I just love him!
Well, that was it I guess. Good day everyone!
ilysm blackstar <333
idk why everyone says he's uncooperative. i mean sure he is, but the clans shouldn't be building friendships. there are four, not one.
Dovewing: I just think she’s too perfect. She is nice and all, but for me that isn’t a reason to like a character.
Hawkfrost: He was a really good villain, in my opinion.
Lightning Tail: RIP!!!! (RIP Turtletail. . .)
Goosefeather: Never read the book
Scourgue: Good. I think most people who like Scourgue like the idea of him more than the actual character, which is me btw.
Squirrelflight: She isn’t my thing.
Graywing: I like Jagged Peak more.
Jayfeather: Paws down best male character
Blackstar: I prefer his look to his character, much like Scourge.
I agree JayFeather is an amazing character! I LOVE how in omen of the stars bk 1 he cares so much for his little cat mint garden. It is ADORABLE, it is so nice that he can have a sweet side even though he has had such a hard life!
I agree JayFeather is an amazing character! I LOVE how in omen of the stars bk 1 he cares so much for his little cat mint garden. It is ADORABLE, it is so nice that he can have a sweet side even though he has had such a hard life! Plus he was able to get over his own sister dying! I would never be able to get over that!
oh my god, I REALLY LOVE BLACKSTAR TOO!!!!!!! I also don’t mind his crimes and think that he is actually cute. He does the crimes because of Tigerstar and the other leaders and he thought he was doing something good at least. Remember that it is part of the warrior code to follow your leaders. I really think he was trying to be just loyal to his clan.
I so agree with 3,2,and 1. They are my tenth ninth and eighth favorites. I also really like blackstar be i mean i am blackkit(a.k.a Leader and warrior plus deputy.blackpaw blackfur blackstar,Medicine cat: Thunderkit Thunderpaw Thunderheart.)
Hawkfrost is The best! But Russetfur… She’s better